Year 6 – Week 2

I hope you’ve all had a lovely week.

This week we have completed a full set of old SATs papers.  This has helped all children to see what they are like and hopefully realise they are very similar to the tests they will have completed many times before in Year 5 and in previous years.  It also has allowed me to see what they are confident with and they areas where we need to focus on this year.  They have all worked really hard and tried their best.

This week your child has been given a set of spellings, there will also be a set in school for them to practise each day.  A spelling test will take place on a Friday each week so please encourage your child to practise their spellings at home.  Week 2 spellings

Please also encourage your child to read as often as possible – we have a wonderful selection of books in our class so if they appear reluctant, please encourage them to speak to us and we can help to recommend a better suited book.

On Tuesday next week, any children who wish to put themselves forward to be a ‘House Captain’ will be able to introduce themselves to the school in assembly.  If your child has not already completed a form or prepared their speech I have attached the form below.

House Captain Application

Finally, in science we are leaning about light and we would like to make a quick periscope next week so if you are able to send a cereal box into school for next Thursday’s science lesson that would be great.

Thank you.

Mrs Hilditch

Arthog Parents’ Meeting

Next Thursday 22nd of September at 3:30pm, we will have a parents’ meeting to discuss the visit to Arthog.

This will take place in our classroom straight after school, children are welcome but we will also go over all of the details with children in class so don’t worry if they cannot attend.  I will also post a copy of the presentation to the website if you cannot attend and please feel free to email me or Mrs Giles with any questions you may have.

It will be an opportunity for us to talk you through the week and answer any questions you may have.

Your children will be bringing home the consent form and kit list today.  Please complete and return the consent form by Wednesday 21st September at the latest.

We are really excited for our visit and hopefully children are looking forward it too.


Well done Year 6!

We’d just like to say what a wonderful week myself and Mrs Giles have had.  The children have been an absolute delight this week and have shown that they will be incredible Year 6s!  We have been very impressed by their manners, their kind and caring nature towards others and their attitude towards their work.  We are very much keeping our fingers crossed that this continues!

Next week I will be giving the children a spelling test based on the Year 3-4 and 5-6 spelling lists so they do not have a particular spelling list this week.

I have attached both lists so you can look at these at home over the year.  The children have already practised many of them with Mr Morris last year.

Year 5and 6 Word List

Year 3 and 4 Word List




Welcome Back!

I hope you have all had a lovely summer and are looking forward to coming back as our wonderful Year 6s tomorrow!

We are really excited to see you all and hear what you’ve been up to.

Please find an overview of our learning for the term ahead.

Year 6 Termly Overview

Our PE sessions will be on a Monday and Tuesday.  We will still be asking children to come to school wearing their PE kits on these days.  You can come in PE kit tomorrow (6/9/22) but please don’t worry, uniform will be fine – Mr Rogers said it’ll be a gentle session tomorrow.

Please remember – if you are planning on walking home by yourself now you are Year 6, we will need written permission to the office before I can let you go.  A quick email is fine (please also do this if you will be meeting your parents outside of the school gates somewhere).

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Hilditch 🙂

Colour Party!

I am pleased to say, I have now had everyone’s permission slips back for the colour party so it can go ahead as planned tomorrow.

Here is the plan for tomorrow:

8:45-9am arrive at school wearing PE kit for our performance at 9:30am – any parents/grandparents are welcome to attend.

10:30- 12:00 – Signing shirts and Leavers’ books – Please bring a white t-shirt/polo-shirt and pens.

1:00-2:30pm – Leaverfest! – You may bring some of your own shorts/leggings/skirt to wear with your tie-dye t-shirt.

2:30pm-3:00pm- Colour party – please bring your Crucial Crew T-shirt and some old shorts or leggings that you don’t mind getting colourful!

I will provide the children with sunglasses – If you would rather bring goggles that’s fine.

I hope they’re all excited – I know we are!

Mrs Hilditch

Year 6 Leavers’ Performance

Our leavers’ performance is fast approaching and we are busy rehearsing.  Thankfully for most children they are just playing themselves – so they don’t need any fancy costumes.  I would really like the children to wear their blue PE t-shirt and either navy/black shorts or leggings/tracksuit bottoms. (Please arrive wearing these.)

If your child is playing the part of a teacher, they will need to bring some normal (teacher style!) clothes.

Please ensure that on the evening that the children arrive at 5:50pm to get ourselves ready.  You will then be able to take your seats in the hall.

It is forecast to be very warm on Monday.  Please ensure that your child brings their water bottle to the evening performance too.

Thank you

Mrs Hilditch



Summer Fair – Friday 15th July

Thank you so much to all of those who attended the meeting tonight and to all of the people who have offered their help.  We could still do with more volunteers to help the afternoon run smoothly, so please do contact me if you are able to help at all either on the day or in preparation.

Reminder that next Friday 8th July will be a non-uniform day in return for donations of tombola prizes.

We have had a really generous response for our raffle prizes. So far we have:

  • £100 voucher for Alderford Lake
  • £50 voucher towards a stay at Eastridge Glamping
  • A voucher for a Family Photoshoot
  • A beauty treatment voucher from The Beauty Loft
  • A 1 month family membership for Rowton Castle Country Club
  • A 3 day holiday club voucher from Crossbar Coaching
  • A Family S’mores Box from The Grazing Brew Box
  • A meat pack from Smith’s Butchers

If you run a local business (or know someone who does) and are able to offer a prize, please get in touch.



Year 6 Visit Thursday 30th June


I hope that all of you who went to Mary Webb this week have had a fantastic time.  I thought I’d just message you with some information about our trip on Thursday.

Please wear old clothes you don’t mind getting grubby.

All children MUST wear long trousers and bring a WATERPROOF coat. 

Please bring a change of shoes either old trainers, walking boots or wellies – for our outdoor work – in a named carrier bag please.

Your packed lunch and plastic water bottle.

We will leave and return at normal school time.

Mrs Hilditch