Christmas Tree Festival

This year, Reception and Year 6 have been selected to work together to make the decorations for this year’s Christmas Tree Festival at St.George’s church.

The theme for this year is silver so we would like to ask if you could help by donating any silver foil cake trays (a good excuse to get eating some mince pies!) and any silver baubles or tinsel you may no longer need? We would love to make our tree more sustainable by recycling and reusing old decorations.  We will work together next week to create some lovely decorations from the materials and help to build relationships between our youngest and oldest children.

Please send in whatever you can by Friday 2nd December.

Thank you

Mrs Hilditch and Miss Ockenden

Year 6 PE and Revision Books


This week needed to swap our session with Mr Rogers so the children will not have PE tomorrow.  I do not mind, however, if the children want to still come in PE Kit tomorrow that is fine.

I have given out maths and grammar revision books this week.  These will be used to complete homework tasks that I will set each Friday.  Please remind your child to bring these in each Friday so that we can mark the work together.

I will post on here each week which task they need to do.

Thank you for your support with this.

Mrs Hilditch

Year 6 Spellings

We have not had chance to do our spelling test today due to our Children In Need House Day.  I will therefore do our spelling test on Monday so please keep practising over the weekend.

The Year 6s were amazing this morning; they helped all of the teachers, TAs and younger children in the school with their Pudsey activities.

Thank you!

Year 6 Arthog Photos and SATs information meeting

On Monday 28th November we would like to invite you to see a selection of our photographs from our wonderful time away at Arthog.

We would also like to use this opportunity to give you more information on the Year 6 SATs tests and how you can help to support your child at home.

We will give out revision books to the children and put out some past SATs papers for you to have a look at.

The meeting will take place at 3:20 – 4:00pm.

We look forward to seeing lots of you there.

Day 2

We are surviving the Welsh weather and wrapping up warm for today.  We have been a little soggy but our layers and waterproofs are serving us well.

I’m struggling to add many photographs due to the WiFi, but they are all fine and having a great time.

Mrs Hilditch

We have arrived!


Just a few pieces of information before our visit to Arthog:

  • Children will need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle on the Monday for when we arrive.
  • Bring the completed yellow form along with any necessary medication on the Monday morning.  This must be handed to an adult (Mrs Giles) to be checked and then for safe keeping.
  • Bring between £5 -10 pounds (in coins wherever possible) for the gift shop.  Please bring in a named envelope and please write on the front how much is enclosed.  The must be handed to an adult (Mrs Hilditch) on arrival at school for safe keeping.
  • Ensure all property is clearly named.
  • Involve children in packing so they know what belongs to them.
  • Please try to collect your children on the Friday at the end of the school day, if possible, rather than attending after school clubs, as the children will be extremely tired.
  • Please collect your children from the main playground so we can take our bags into the hall on return.

I hope this all makes sense.  Please get in touch if you have any other questions. We are really looking forward to it.  Have fun packing over the holidays and get practising making those beds!

I have attached the kit list below.


Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Giles