PE 10.2.21

Please try to get some exercise today.  You may get out for a walk or you could try some of these activities I posted last week.  Each has a little sheet to explain how to do a certain exercise.  You might choose 5 or 6 to do in a little circuit.

Youth Sports Trust have created a whole range of activity cards that you can try at home.

They also have a range of 60 Second Challenges to try out.


English Wednesday 10.2.21

Now we’re on to the next part of our story.  We’ve told our characters not to go to the dangerous place and we’ve described what the place looked like.  Now for the third paragraph.  

That afternoon, a storm raged. It had been brewing all morning. The trees were like crazed zombies thrashing wildly. Rain lashed down, drumming on the metal roof. Inside the caravan it felt safe, almost cosy really. We shoved newspaper into any cracks to keep out the wind. I’d found a bit of old carpet and Connor had brought along some cushions that his Mum had thrown out. He’d also found a candle and in the semi-gloom its flame flickered with a cheerful glow. Outside dusk shadowed the bushes. Soon the streetlights would come on, casting orange pools of light.

This is the third paragraph from the caravan story.  You will need to create more suspense in your story by describing the setting a little more.  Describing a storm, wind, thunder and lightning, rain and darkness all help to make your story more dramatic.  Think about your characters going inside the dangerous place and to a place to seek shelter from the storm.

Try to use a fronted adverbial in this paragraph to tell me where or when something happened eg

In the distance,

Above their heads,

In the doorway,

As soon as they arrived,

As they crept inside,


Please complete the third paragraph of your story today and add another picture if you wish.

Computing Tuesday 9.2.21

This week I’d like you to try Activity 3 from the ilearn2 website    Enter Activity Code 878A

Scroll down to Activity 3 – use the Isle of Tune website or App

Please watch the explanation video and have a go at creating your own tune.  If you have any problems accessing the website, go back over the Music Lab or Incredibox work.

English Tuesday 9.2.21

Today I’d like you to continue your warning story. Please read the caravan story again and look at the second paragraph.  In this section, you need to describe the dangerous place.  Think about making it sound old and scary. Use:

2 adjective sentences

A simile

A relative clause using ,which …

A short 3 word sentence

So today I’d like you to write the second paragraph of your story.  You may add illustrations to your story too.

The pylon she was talking about stood at the end of Muggie Moss Road. Red and brown rust fluttered from its lean body and it made odd creaking sounds when the wind blew. It was there we found the caravan. It had been empty for years. If you go past, you’ll just see a small patch of overgrown land under the pylon, a mess of brambles and nettles that smothered the van. It was damp inside and the windows were smeared with green grime. Moss clung to its wheels. It was a place of dead spiders and dust but it was our special place. Most days after school we went straight there. Just to muck about.

Shang Dynasty

As this is the last week of the half term, we really need to try to fit lesson 5 and 6 from the booklet.  We’ll do one today and the other tomorrow.

Booklet  Please read through the lesson 5 information and have a look at the slides.

Shang Slides – L5.171579731

Shang Slides – L5 PDF

You can also watch this BBC Video Who was Fu Hao?

These are the questions from the booklet.

Shang Lesson 5

English 8.2.21

English Plan for the week English 8.2.21

Before we begin to write our story, we need a little more practise on grammar skills.  This time we need to look at how to punctuate speech as you will need to include this in your story.  

Please watch and listen to the Powerpoint to see what you need to know about speech.

Punctuating simple speech

Now I’d like you to write paragraph one of your story from your plan and storyboard last week.  We will do a section or two each day so by Friday you should have your whole story finished.  Please break it down into a section each day so you stay focussed on what you need to include and you don’t rush off and cram everything into one paragraph – I know what you lot are like!!!

Start with your warning – remember speech punctuation rules

“______ ” around words spoken out loud.

CL at start of speech

, ? ! at end of speech but before the ” when followed by a reporting clause – eg

“Don’t go near the old park on your way home today Sam,” called my Mum from the kitchen.

So today your task is to write paragraph one of the story.  Use the example story to help you write your own.

“Now Mitch, don’t go playing up by the pylon,” my Mum had warned me often enough. “It’s dangerous. You’ll get yourself electrocuted.” Did I listen? Of course I didn’t. Most days after school that was exactly where I went. Daft really, but she actually thought that I was doing my homework with Connor. Mum worries too much. I’ve still not forgotten how she used to tell me not to play under Hanger Bridge by the railway in case the troll snatched me. Of course, I was younger then.

Friday 5.2.21

Today I’d like you to make your story plan into a storyboard.  This is a bit like a comic strip – a simple version of your story that you will use to help you write your own. 

I’ve attached a storyboard sheet below, you will need two sheets to do all of the sections.  If you don’t have a printer, you can easily fold plain paper into 4 and use a ruler and pencil to add the boxes and lines. 

I think there are seven sections to the story and eight boxes so you could design a front cover in the first box.

Friday 5.2.21

Express Yourself! Thursday 4th February

Hi Everyone,

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the national theme for this year is Express Yourself.

It is all about being creative and exploring and embracing your personality, individuality and what makes you you!

A really common way people show their personality and express themselves is through their choice of clothing.  So today we’d like you to be creative with your outfit choice and choose something that expresses who you are and how you feel.  Sometimes our choice of clothes makes us feel quite different.  It can make us feel cosy and warm, bright and colourful and happy, energetic and ready for action.  We’d love to see photos of your chosen outfits.

There are so many opportunities to express yourself through the Arts, so with that in mind today we are taking a break away from our usual timetable and we are going to post activities so that you can have a wonderful day being creative and finding out about or working on subjects that you really love and enjoy.

We are NOT suggesting that you work through every activity, but instead you choose subjects that interest you.  There will be a selection of video masterclasses or ideas from wonderfully talented people in these areas, who will hopefully inspire you to be creative and have a go either at versions of their work or at creating your own masterpieces.

We hope you have a fun day and that you can revisit these materials to explore throughout lockdown, you never know some of you may discover a new talent or passion.

The aim of the day is to focus on your mental health and wellbeing.  Have a day doing the things you love with the people you love.

Have fun everyone and take care x

Please be aware, I have found all of the pages below and they are aimed at primary aged children, however I have not been able to watch every video on every link and some may take you to further external sites, so please monitor your child.  

You could start the day with a Virtual Assembly hosted by Blue Peter’s Lindsey Russell, and CBBC Presenter and Place2Be Champion Rhys Stephenson,


For more information see Place2Be

Art and Craft



Author Masterclasses


Creative Writing




General Health and Wellbeing