English Tuesday 23rd February

Have a go at following the set of instructions to draw a bird.  As you follow the instructions can you spot the features we looked for yesterday?  How are they helpful?  What are the most helpful features?  Diagrams? Numbered steps? Clear steps? 


When you have finished I’d like you to label as many features of information texts as you can remember.  Then look back at the checklist from yesterday- how many did you remember?

success criteria instructions

Computing Tuesday 23.2.21

This half term we will be learning about 3D computer design – or Computer Aided Design.  This is used in so many different industries and really helps many people to plan and try out different designs before things are made or built.  It is a great computing skill but is also good for your spacial awareness and being able to visualise models.

Please go to the ilearn2 website again ilearn2

Please use pupil code 92A9

Please look at Activity 1 – watch the short video and then have a go at the little building game.  Each level will unlock the next one as you complete it.  Can anyone get to level 15?

Have fun! – You may be able to send me a screenshot of the last level you get to.

Apology for the Geography lesson!!!!

Hello everyone – I’m so sorry but I’ve just realised my explanation for the geography lesson wasn’t very clear at all!

Please just try to label the continents and oceans – not every single country – that would be really mean of me!!!  I’m so sorry if anyone has tried to label lots of countries – well done if you gave managed any, but I just had visions of children trying to label every country in Africa!

Sorry again 🙁

Mrs Hilditch x

Reading Comprehension

You may have seen at the end of last week, the Perseverance rover landing on Mars.  This is a very exciting project that hopes to discover if there was ever simple life forms on Mars.

With that in mind I’ve chosen some comprehensions this week about past explorations.

This one is about when astronauts landed on the Moon back in the 60s and the other is about women of the skies.

Facts About The Moon Stage 2 Comp – Comprehension Pack

Amelia Earhart Stage 3 Comp – Comprehension Pack

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone!

We hope you’ve managed to have a good half term and have found some fun things to do to keep you busy.

Hopefully we’ll find out today more about plans to get you all back into school and hopefully we wont be in this situation too much longer.

Don’t forget this week we’ve got reading of our story live everyday at 10:30am and keep an eye on your emails for any links to any maths introductions on Teams.

We hope you have a good week – we can do this!!!!


Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking at writing detailed sets of instructions.

You find instructions in lots of places – how many examples can you think of?

Today I would like you to look at this set of instructions and the list of language and layout features that are usually found in instructions.  I would like you to colour in each box to make a key and then underline each feature in the text.

Have a look at the example to help you. How to Wash Elephant Example

Now have a go at highlighting all of the features you can find.

success criteria instructions– Features to find

How to Wash Elephant – Text to annotate


This half term we are starting a new unit on geography.  This unit is all about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, so it should hopefully be a good, exciting topic to get stuck in to.

For lesson 1, its going to be a lot of talking and discussion, so hopefully you can find an adult to help you.

The first thing I’d like you to do is look at the world map.  Spend time exploring the map, can you find and name all of the 7 continents and the 5 main oceans?  Have a good look at some country names.  Can you remember any densely populated countries we talked before Christmas? Can you remember any sparsely populated countries? Can you find really large countries?  Can you find any really small countries?  Which countries do you think are hot? Cold?


Map to print Colour –World Map  Black and White – au-t-2663-world-map-labelling-sheet-_ver_2

Now please print off this map and add all the labels as best as you can from memory.  Then check with the original map.

T-G-174-Blank-World-Map_ver_1 (1)

You may also like to have a go at this World Map Jigsaw – cut out the continents and labels and see if you can put the world together – from memory!!



English Friday 12.2.21

English today is the resolution and ending to the story where the characters manage to escape.

Luckily, the door had flown open when the pylon had struck. We slipped out onto the muddy ground and lay there with the thunder grumbling above us and the rain beating down. Then Connor started to laugh. He curled up into a ball and laughed so much that I thought he was crying. I couldn’t help myself. The next thing I knew, I was laughing too. Inside, I just felt relief. On the outside, I was laughing crazily. Then we ran, through the brambles and out onto Muggie Moss Road.

How do they escape? How do they feel? Are they muddy, dusty, exhausted?

For your last bit you need to get your characters back home for a telling off!!!

Of course, Mum was furious. “I’m not made of money,” she said, eyeing the state of my school clothes. “Still, maybe a good wash will sort them out.” She glared at me suspiciously. “So, a tree nearly hit you?” I nodded, avoiding her icy stare. “You could have been killed,” she said. Shamefaced, I nodded. She was right. She’d been right from the start.

When you have finished your story, you could come up with a good title for your story and design a cover for it if you wish. 

English Thursday 11.2.21

Today I’d like you to continue your story. 

We were arguing over whether the last goal in the Man United game was the best yet when we heard it: a clap of thunder so close that it sounded like an explosion. Connor wiped the condensation from the window and we peered out. At that very moment, there was another tremendous crack, and lightning struck the pylon. Sparks flew, the pylon shuddered and, as if in slow motion, it crashed down towards the caravan roof.

Instinctively, we both ducked down fast. There was an enormous crash and the caravan roof crumpled. The air prickled with electricity and rain lashed through the opening in the roof. For a moment, I was certain that I was about to be fried alive. In the half-light, I could see Connor’s face. His eyes were wide with fright and he gulped like a fish. “Come on,” he hissed. We slithered like snakes across the floor with the rusted pylon creaking dangerously above us.

This is the most exciting part of the story – something needs to go wrong and trap your characters.  It could be a tree falls down, a door slams shut and locks, something falls over and blocks the exit – it depends on the setting of your story.

Write the climax of your story today.

Remember to use exciting vocabulary – crashed, slammed, dived, dashed etc.

Use short sentences to make it dramatic.   You can add another illustration too.

History 10.2.21

For our last bit of work on the Shang Dynasty – I don’t think we’ll use the booklet.  It gives quite a lot of detail on just how cruel the last Emperor was, so instead please just read the information below and then watch the clip from BBC Bitesize.

The Shang Dynasty was hugely successful.  It lasted for over 500 years and the role of emperor was passed down through 17 generations.  In 1075, Wu Deng became emperor.  He began to fight battles with other states to gain more land.  But soon he became very powerful, greedy and unkind.  He stopped looking after he people and began to tax them heavily so that he could become more rich and powerful.

He and his wife began to be really unkind to the people of the state and made cruel punishments for people who didn’t do as they said.   The leaders of the other states became angry with Wu Deng’s behaviour.  One night they looked at the sky and saw that 5 of the planets were all in a line.  This only happens every 512 years.  They decided that this was a sign from the Gods to try to overthrow Wu Deng (also known as Di Xin).  This means they would remove him from his role as emperor.

The neighbouring states sent their armies to the Shang Capital.  Many of the Shang people, surrendered (that means they gave in) and many joined the other army to fight against their emperor.  When Wu Deng realised he was going to lose the battle and that the Shang Dynasty would come to an end, he collected all of his treasures in his palace and burned it to the ground so that nobody could steal his treasures.  This was the end of the Shang Dynasty.

Shang Dynasty

Then try this quiz…
