English 1.3.21

This week we will continue our work on instructions.

Here is a link to the plan for the week but I will also upload the links and resources to the website each day. English 1.3.21

Today I would like you to have a go at following some instructions to do some baking. Here is a recipe for flapjacks but you may choose to make something different.  Flapjack Recipe

Please think carefully about each step you do and remember that you will have to teach others how to make it with your instructions.  You may want to ask an adult to take some photos of the steps if you want to do your instructions on the computer that’s fine, or you could print some pictures to go on your work.  You can always draw diagrams too so don’t worry if you don’t have a printer.  

Have fun making something tasty I can’t wait to see what you make.  Tomorrow we will work on the instructions. 


English Friday 26.2.21

Now we need to begin to write our actual steps.  So for this bit we need to order our steps carefully.  For this we can use numbered steps or time connectives, you may even want to use both.  Time connectives are words like First, Then, Next, After that, Now, Finally, 

They should be at the start of your step followed by a comma. 

You then need an imperative or bossy verb.  The is the thing you want your person to do 

cut, press, put, get, dry, rub, fold, scrub

These are all examples of bossy verbs. 

You will also need to include some adjectives and adverbs to help describe what your person needs and how you want them to do it. 

Adjectives – warm, dry, fluffy,

Adverbs – carefully, thoroughly, gently  

So Now I’d like you to have a go at writing your instructions.  Continuing from yesterday. 

Here’s an example of step one to get you started.

  1.  First, you need to wet your hands with warm water and get a squirt of soap. 

Read through all of your work to check it is clear and makes sense.

Advanced Warning for next week!

Next week for our English work we would like you to follow some more instructions and write your own.   We would really like you to do this with some baking.

Our cookery unit in school this term was baking flapjacks, so I will provide a recipe for that if you are able to get the ingredients for next week.  If you are unable to get the ingredients or wish to bake something else, that is fine, you will just have to adapt the instructions next week to whatever you have made.    It doesn’t have to be baking you may be able to make a sandwich for your lunch or pizzas for tea.  You will just need to do something that you can write instructions for to teach somebody else.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x

Here is the link for a simple recipe but feel free to use your own, I know some of you are super bakers!!!

Flapjack Recipe



English 25.2.21

Today and tomorrow we are going to write a detailed set of instructions for washing our hands.  So today we are going to do the title, introduction and a list of equipment.

So the title will be 

‘How to …’

Now for your introduction you will need to start with a rhetorical question.  This is a question to the reader that is just there to make them think.  Look back at the How to Wash an Elephant sheet if you need a reminder.

This could be COVID related – For example

Are you fed up of coronavirus?  Do you wish this virus would go away?  

You then need to explain that your instructions can help them to solve this problem and persuade them to have a go…

Then you can help fight those germs by washing your hands very carefully.  Follow these simple instructions to see how you can be a germ buster and keep yourself healthy. 

Now write your introduction. 

When you have finished your introduction, you need to think about what equipment the person will need.  

You can use a bullet point list like this…

You will need:

  • a sink with warm water, 

Please write your equipment list.

We will work on the steps to follow tomorrow.

English 24.2.21

Today we are going to begin to write a set of instructions.  

First of all I would like you to watch this video.  This is still so important at the minute and will be even more so when we you all return to school. 


Now I would like you to break down the washing hands part into clear steps. 

2minutes 35seconds part onwards. 

You should be able to make 8 different steps – if it says repeat on the other hand, keep that as part of the same step.  

You can do this as a list, or in a little diagram that we call a flowchart.  You can use this sheet if it helps you. 


This will be your plan to use for the rest of the week.

Reading and Spelling

Please find some time to enjoy a good book.

You do not have a spelling list for this week, but I would like you to find the Year 3 and 4 spelling list Mrs Davies gave you last week and use this to choose 8-10 words that you need to practise.  Have a go a practising these all week, you can use rainbow writing, write it big, write it small, write it without looking at all,  pyramid writing adding a letter each time, write them on little bits of paper and stick around the house as passwords – whatever helps you to remember them.

You will need to get an adult to test you on these words on Friday.