Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week, it is Children’s Mental Health Week.  We would like to show our support for this by joining in with their ‘Dress to Express’ day next Friday 10th February.  The children can come to school in their own clothes to express their personality.

If your child/children has PE on this day then they can either bring their PE kit to get changed, bring some trainers or do PE in their own clothes if they are already suitable (i.e. trainers and tracksuit bottoms).

The week is run by a charity called Place 2 Be.  We are joining in with the activities and Dress to Express day to raise awareness of children’s mental health, however, if you would like to make a donation to the Place 2 Be Charity you can do so through their website directly.

Year 6 STEAM session from Mary Webb

This afternoon Mrs Lee, and some wonderful ex-pupils, came in to deliver a science workshop.  Today, we investigated and dissected some owl pellets to discover what they had eaten.  We dissected a pellet, removed the bones and used an identification key to work out what the bones were from and therefore what they had eaten.

Visitors in Year 6 this week

This week in Year 6, we have some visitors coming to help us with our learning.

On Wednesday afternoon, we will have Mrs Lee from Mary Webb coming to deliver a science workshop for the afternoon.  She may be supported by some Year 10 pupils if she can convince them to come too!

On Thursday we will have a session delivered by our Police Community Support Officers.  Please see the message below from Mr Lowrie-Herz.

On Thursday, our local PCSOs will be delivering a session to our Year 5/6 classes which will include safety in the community, internet safety, drug and medicine safety (including county lines) and knife safety (including knife crime).
This is also an opportunity to meet the PCSOs and build links that will form part of the transition across to secondary schools.
This session has been delivered to other local primary schools with great success and we’re sure it will be the same at Pontesbury.
Many thanks for your support,
Mr L-H

Year 6 Homework 13.1.23

This term we will slightly change the way we do our homework to give the children more opportunity to practise SATs style questions.

Therefore, I will now give the children a little folder to keep their sheets in.

I will use past SATs papers to select questions based on what we have been learning in class that week.  So this week the children have a sheet of old SATs questions on percentages in their folder.  Please use the percentages page of the revision book to help explain how to work them out.

I will also send a reading comprehension which can be completed on the sheet. I will try to balance it so there is not too much work to do.  So some weeks it may be grammar instead of reading.

We will also be running a homework club every Wednesday lunchtime for any children who either need some support or would just rather a quiet place to do it in school.  Please ensure your child has their folder in school that day if they would like to attend.

Please bring the homework each Friday so that we can go through the answers together and give out the new sheets.

Thank you so much for your support with this.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Giles.


Year 6 Homework 6.1.23


This week we have been learning about converting fractions to decimals.

Please find the page on Fractions and decimal equivalents (page 27 or 24 for some)

Punctuation and Grammar 

Please read page 53 and complete the questions on the sheet.

Spellings – please practise on your sheet. Week 2 cial and tial

Reading – please read regularly and record it in your reading record.

Please find attached our termly overview of the topics we will be covering this term.

Termly overview for website Spring

Merry Christmas!

As an end of term treat, we will be watching a Christmas film tomorrow in class.  We will be providing hot chocolate, biscuits and popcorn.  Some of the children have asked (begged!) if they can bring sweets or chocolate – I have agreed so long as they are a sensible size or amount.  Please don’t go out and buy anything special, we will have plenty here.

I have also said the children can bring a blanket, onesie, oodie or something to snuggle up with.

Thank you so much for the Christmas cards and gifts.  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Mrs Hilditch x

Year 6 Homework 9.12.22


This week we have practising our dividing skills.  Please read and try pages 20 and 21 (Page 17 if your book is slightly different).  Please show an adult at home our trick for how you work out multiples of 2 digit numbers.


Please read the information on page 50 and complete the questions on page 51.

There is no spelling list this week as we will be doing our end of term general spelling test. Please try your best to memorise the last few words from the Year 5/6 spelling list.  Can anyone win a prize next week by remembering all 100 words? (Don’t worry too much about their spelling at the minute)



Christmas Parties and Post


Next week we will be holding our Christmas Parties on the following days.

Monday 12th December – Years 5 and 6

Tuesday 13th December – Years 3 and 4

Wednesday 14th December – EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Please remember to bring your party clothes in a named carrier bag for the afternoon and a contribution of £1 towards sweets and prizes would be most appreciated.  Payments can be made via school money.


The children may also use the school post boxes to post their Christmas cards for delivery by our Year 6 elves!   The post boxes are in the area by the office.

Please remember to include the name and class name or year group on the envelope.

Last day for posting will be Thursday 15th December.

Year 6 Homework 2.12.22

This week we have been learning about length in maths.

Please look at the length section (page 36) of the maths revision book and then try the questions at the bottom and the table.  Remember to convert centimetres to metres, divide by 100.  To convert centimetres to millimetres, times by 10

In English, we have been looking at writing our stories in present and then past tense.  Please have a look at Page 34 in your Grammar book and complete the questions on page 35.  You can do this directly into your book.

Please bring your books in next Friday 9th December, to look at these pages together.  If you are unsure at all, please bring your books in and ask me or Mrs Giles before Friday and we can help you.

Please continue to read regularly and make a note of this in your reading record.  Please practise your spellings too.