Home learning 14.2.22

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are the activities for those of you self-isolating.


We have been learning about 3D shapes today. Start by watching this clip: 3D shape song How many of these shape names can you remember?

Can you find any items around your house that are the following shapes?

cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder

Why do you think the things are made from that particular shape? Is there a reason?


In English today we did an assessment (grammar). You will get the chance to do this when you return to school so don’t worry!

We have moved on to writing about autumn in our booklets. What can you remember about the season of autumn? Chat with an adult to recap what you know. See if you learn any new facts from watching this video: Autumn

Write three full sentences all about autumn. Make sure you start each one with a capital letter and end them with a full stop. Can you include the word ‘and’ in one of your sentences?


Today, we have been looking at different animal groups and sorting animals into the right groups. Learn about the 5 main groups by watching this video: Animal groups

What is you favourite animal? Do you know if this animal is a mammal, bird, reptile, fish or amphibian? What are the clues? Can you fill in the animal fact file on your favourite animal? You may need to do a bit of research to find out what it eats and where it lives. animal fact file 2022

Don’t forget to read your reading book and practise your spellings. Please see Friday’s post for the list of spellings.

Stay warm and see you soon. x

Home learning 11.2.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


We practised number bonds to 10 today. Using counters or similar to help you, can you write down all of the pairs of numbers that go together to make 10? We know that 5 and 5 make 10 but can you work out the others?! Write each one down as a number sentence (e.g. 5+5=10). You may enjoy playing this game too: Hit the Button (click on the ‘number bonds’ option and then ‘make 10’).

Forest School

In Forest School today, we looked for signs of early spring and were quite excited by all the things we found! Next time you are in the garden or on a walk, see how many of these things you can spot! spring hunt checklist


In English today, we did our spelling test. Ask an adult to say each of your spelling words and then see if you can write it without looking! We also looked ahead to next week’s spellings and the grapheme in them. These are the spellings for next week (your child will know what group they are in):

Yellows: cow, now, how, wow, bow, the, this, that

Greens: shape, amaze, blade, frame, flame, came, gaze, plate

Blues: whale, shape, shake, amaze, space, trace, surname, pancake


Computing today involved directions and programming. Can you direct someone to get from one room of the house to another using words like ‘forward’, ‘turn left’ and ‘turn right’? It’s important that we sequence instructions in the right order.

Next, have a go at this traffic light activity. Which of the pictures would come first in the sequence? Which one comes second? Stick each picture in the right order. traffic_lights

Have a lovely weekend and we hope to see you soon. x

Home learning 10.2.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


Today, we have been solving maths problems using subtraction. Answer the questions on the sheet, completing the number sentence and then circling the correct coins.


We have been writing captions today to match a spring photo. Do a safe search on the internet WITH AN ADULT or look in a magazine for a suitable photo that shows something to do with springtime. What sentence/s could you write to match this photo? Remember to start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. If your fact is fun, then you could end the sentence with an exclamation mark.

We’ve also started to think ahead to our summer sentences. Tell an adult three facts about summer. Can you remember what months are in this season?


We wrote sentences today, as dictated by the teacher, which contained our spelling words for this week. See if you can write these without looking at them!

Yellows: The dog has fur. I got hurt.

Greens: The launch is in August. Paul went to his house.

Blues: The jaunty donkey was fun! I saw a monkey in Autumn.


We are looking again at gurdwaras today and talking about why they are special places for Sikhs. Tell an adult five facts about Sikhs or gurdwaras.

What sorts of things may happen in a place of worship? Draw or write about three different special events that may happen in a church or a gurdwara. You may find it helpful to remember when we turned the classroom into a church for the afternoon!

Have a fab day. x

Home Learning 9.2.22

Here is the home learning for today.


Today, we have been doing some more adding using money. We looked again at how to add two amounts together to find a total. Then, we chose coins to pay this amount. Solve the questions on the sheet, completing the number sentences carefully by looking at the price tags of the items each time.


We have been writing sentences in our information booklets today about spring. What can you remember about the season of spring? Tell an adult three different facts. Can you write these facts as full sentences using a capital letter to start each one and a full stop at the end?


Find a favourite story at home and enjoy reading it with an adult. When you have finished reading, have a chat about the book. Here are some questions to think about:

Is the book a story or nonfiction? How do you know?

If it’s a story, who are the characters? Which character is your favourite and why?

If it’s not a story, then is it an information book? Is it a poem? What are the clues?

What is the title of the book?

What do you like about this book?


We have been talking about climate change today. Do you know what this means? Have a watch of this video: climate change What are the three words beginning with R that can help the planet? Make a poster to teach people about some of the things that they can easily do to save our planet.

Have a fun day. x


Home learning 8.2.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


Today, we have been adding prices together to find totals. It helps if you make each of the amounts first, just using 1p coins if you find money tricky. Have a go at answering the questions, completing each sentence carefully.


We looked again at captions again today. Can you find some examples of captions in newspapers and magazines? See if you can find a picture on the internet of something to do with winter. You MUST do this with an adult. What caption could you write for your picture? Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.


We are looking at an artist called Sonia King today. She designs mosaics. Check out her website: https://mosaicworks.com/

Can you see how the design is made up of small pieces in the same way that pixels make up computer images? Using small bits of coloured paper, counters, buttons or anything else that you think would be suitable, have a go at making your own picture using the mosaic technique. These pictures may provide inspiration!

Have a fun day and see you soon. x

Home learning 7.2.22

Here are some activities for those of you self-isolating at the moment.


Today, we were looking at solving problems that involved money. We looked at the problems on the sheet and discussed how they involve subtraction. If I had 6p to spend and I buy something that costs 5p, then I would have 1p left. We had a look at what this number sentence would look like: 6p – 5p = 1p.

Have a go at the questions on the sheet. You may want to solve these using real coins and pretend that you have a shop! Can you try and write the number sentence for each one too please (as explained above)?


We started to write in our information booklets today, starting on the winter section. What facts can you remember about winter? Can you write three sentences, all starting with capital letters and ending in full stops, all about winter. Here is a clip for inspiration! Winter


Have fun with this game. Choose a grapheme which you find tricky and then use the letters to spell out the word: Forest Phonics


We were learning about the words carnivore, omnivore and herbivore today. Have a chat with an adult about what these words mean. Start by watching this clip: What do animals eat? Then, sort the animals in this game by reading the facts about their diet: Feed the animals game

Have a lovely day and we hope to see you soon.

Things to remember tomorrow! (Friday)

Hi everyone,

Just a little reminder that tomorrow is indoor dance, NOT Forest School! Also, if your child’s yellow spelling folder is not at school please can they bring it in with them so new spellings can be filed in it? I have most of them already but there are a few missing from the pile.

Thank you.

Ms Vincent