Home learning 4.3.22


Today, we were counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to find a total amount. It is easier to count amounts of things if they are put into neat rows. Don’t let yourself count in ones for this activity! Follow the instructions (of what number to count in) to find out how many in total for each of the amount of fish. All At Sea


Have a look at each of the starting words on the sheet. Can you think of two words that rhyme with this word and then write them carefully underneath? There are two different sheets here so feel free to pick the one you are most confident with. rhyming words to write two sheets differentiated


Today, we looked at ‘soft c’. This is when the letter ‘c’ makes a ‘s’ sound in words. Quite often these are words that contain a split digraph. Watch the song and join in: soft c

Ask an adult to read some of these words to you (please don’t feel like you need to do all of them!) and sort them into two groups: one where the ‘c’ makes a hard ‘c’ sound as in cat, and one where the ‘c’ makes a soft ‘c’ sound as in cell. hard and soft c sorting


Today, we were talking about sequencing instructions and how this is called programming. Enjoy playing a favourite game with an adult. What are the instructions for this game? Does it matter if things happen in the wrong order? Yes! What is the first thing you need to do? What comes next? Can you think of other things in real life where you need to follow a sequence of instructions in the right order?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Home learning 3.3.22

Today was World Book Day!

What’s your favourite book? Can you tell an adult what you like about this book? Is it a story, an information book or something else? How do you know?

Have a go at this book review using your favourite book: book review


Today we continued to think about rhyming words and highlighted them in part of a Julia Donaldson story. Remember that rhyming words are often found at the end of each line. Have a look at this part of a story. Ask an adult to read it to you, two lines at a time. Can you hear the rhyming words? Put a circle around the two words that rhyme each time, using a different colour for each rhyming pair. Julia Donaldson rhyme Monkey Puzzle

This afternoon, we walked to Pontesbury Library and were introduced to the different features of the library such as the computers and the children’s section of the library. When the children were on the computers, they had a go at this quiz. How many of these questions can you answer? book quiz

There are other fun activities on the CBeebies website for World Book Day too. World Book Day CBeebies

We haven’t done maths today but if you wanted to do some number work, you could practise your counting in twos, fives and tens.

Have a lovely day!


Year 1 visit to the libary

Afternoon, everyone,

In case you’re wondering why the Year 1s came home a little on the wet side today, we walked down to The Pavilion this afternoon to visit the library. In all the excitement, I totally forgot to give out the reading wallets today so apologies if you’re child does not have their book tonight.

Each child was given an application form to join the library but these got rather wet on our walk back up to school and most of them have turned into paper mache! I will photocopy a dry one and send them home tomorrow with reading wallets.

Wishing you all a lovely evening. Remember that tomorrow is Forest School!

Forest School tomorrow

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow’s PE session will be Forest School so please can the children come in sensible clothing suitable for the outdoors? They will need a coat and either wellies or scruffy shoes/boots etc. Forest School will continue to be every other Friday.

Here are the dates:

4/3/22: Forest School

11/3/22: Indoor PE (gym)

18/3/22: Forest School

25/3/22: Indoor PE

1/4/22: Forest School

8/4/22: Indoor PE

Home learning 1.3.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


Today, we have been counting in fives. ‘Splat’ the multiples of 5 on the 100 square and talk about the pattern you notice. Paint the Squares

Now use the pattern to help you fill in the missing numbers.


Today, we continued to look at different Julia Donaldson stories and looked specifically for rhyme. Have a look in a Julia Donaldson book (use the online stories from yesterday’s post if you do not have any of her books at home). Ask an adult to read a short extract for you. Can you hear any rhyming words? Where do these words tend to be? (At the end of a line) See what rhyming words you can find and write these down.


We have continued to look at alternative spellings of the ‘ee’ sound. Enjoy sorting the words using this online activity. Look at how many different ways to spell this sound there are! Alternative spellings for ee

User: pps1, password: apple


Today is PE with Crossbar. Go on a lovely walk with an adult or enjoy a favourite activity in the garden. You may want to take part in this yoga routine: Sonic the Hedgehog yoga

Have a lovely day. x

Home learning 28.2.22

Hi everyone. Here are the activities for today for those having to self-isolate.


Our maths today involved counting in twos. Start by ‘splatting’ the numbers you say when you count in twos: Paint the Squares

Now fill in the missing numbers in the sequences below. You may want to keep ‘Paint the Squares’ open whilst you do this so that you can see the multiples. Watch out for the sequences that go backwards!


Today, we started to look at our new unit of stories by the author Julia Donaldson. Do you know any books that she has written? Maybe you have some in your house! If not, enjoy listening to these stories: The Gruffalo  Room on the Broom

Do you notice anything that’s similar about the different Julia Donaldson stories? In class we talked about the fact that lots of her books have animals in them and woodland settings. We also noticed that Axel Scheffler’s name is on the front of many of Julia’s books. Who do you think he may be?

If you could ask Julia Donaldson three questions about her books or to find out more about her, what would you ask? See if the children in this video ask your question in this interview! After you have watched it, tell an adult two new facts that you have learnt about Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson interview


Today, we have been talking about the five different senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. The children took part in different activities which were designed to ‘test out’ each of the senses. Have a go at these:

Hearing: Listen to each of the sounds and tell an adult what you hear. Pause the video whilst you do this and then continue watching to find out what the answer is! Guess the Sound

Sight: Look at the part of the picture that is shown. What do you think each one is? Write your answer underneath. Then, have a look at the full picture to see if you were right! senses investigation what can I see

Smell: For this, you will need an adult to collect a few different things for you to smell. Remember, you only want to use your sense of smell so you may need to close your eyes if seeing the item is a major clue! In class, I used mainly essential oils and covered the labels. I used eucalyptus, mandarin, lemon as well as curry powder and hot chocolate powder. Coffee and lavender would work well too.

Touch: Ask an adult to put a few different (familiar) items in a bag (I used a PE kit style bag but even a carrier bag would do). Without looking, feel around inside the bag and describe each item in turn. Is it smooth? Rough? What shape is it? See if you can guess what each one is before pulling it out to reveal it.

Taste: This was the favourite activity! There were five different sorts of crisps which were each placed in plastic tubs numbered 1-5. The children then had to guess the flavour of the crisp by ‘sampling’ the crisps. I used similar looking crisps so that the only real difference was the flavour. You could do this with fruit very easily: cut up a small piece of a few different fruits and see if you can identify what you are eating. Do not peek!

Have a fun day everyone and see you soon. x



Home learning 17.2.22


Today, we have been looking at the differences between 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Start by watching the 2D video: 2D shapes 

How are 3D shapes different from 2D shapes? Well, a 3D shape is made up of 2D shapes! Have a watch of this clip: 3D shapes

Remember that a 2D shape is flat and a 3D shape is fat! Can you match the shape names to the correct shape? 2D and 3D shapes


We have been looking at what a glossary is today. Do you have an information book that has a glossary? See if you can find one. Have a look at how the words are arranged. What do you notice? Can you see how they are arranged alphabetically? Arrange these words into alphabetical order:







Now see if you can write a short meaning for each word to explain what each one means. You may need some adult help as a couple of these are tricky!


What can you remember about what a gurdwara is? Who goes there and what sorts of things happen there? Watch the video and then see if you can write three rules for how to behave in a gurdwara. What do you do when you first enter the gurdwara? What must you keep covered? Is it ok to sit with your feet pointed at the holy book? No!

Visiting a gurdwara


Today, we have been discussing how things move. What things in your house have a handle that you need to turn? See if you can find three things (such as a door handle or taps). Why do we need to be able to turn these handles?

You may want to print off ONE of these animals (careful – there are 8 on this document!) and attach the different body parts using split pins if you have them. Alternatively, you can attach the parts using a small piece of thread so that they still move. split pin animals

Don’t forget to read your book and listen to lots of lovely stories if you can!

See you soon.

Home learning 16.2.22


We continued looking at 3D shapes today, focusing in particular on cubes and cuboids. How many cubes are there in this picture? How many cuboids?

If you have construction materials (such as Lego or klixi), see if you can make some models of cubes and cuboids. Maybe you can find some things in your recycle box that are cubes or cuboids. How many faces are there on each? What shape are these faces?

We also took turns to have a go at this shape game, completing the pattern with the correct 2D shape: shape patterns


Today, we wrote sentences to do with the seasons and day length. Are the days longer or shorter in summer? Do you know why? This video may help you to understand more about how we have day and night: day and night

Can you write a sentence about day length and how the days get longer as the summer approaches? Here is an idea of what you could write (if an adult dictates it to you):

In winter, the days are short and in the summer the days are longer.

Remember the ‘er’ endings on ‘short’ and ‘long’. You may want to write a sentence about when the days are the longest and when they are the shortest.

Quiz time!

The whole school enjoyed a quiz in the hall today. Below are the quiz questions that I set for the Year 1s. Can you answer them?

  1. Which season comes after summer?
  2. Is a cat a reptile, amphibian or mammal?
  3. Can you name a month that is in winter?
  4. What do you call an animal that only eats plants?
  5. Name two things an animal needs to survive. (Answers: food, water, shelter)
  6. Name all four countries of the UK.
  7. In what season would you need to wrap up really warm as it is the coldest season?
  8. What does the word ‘temperature’ mean?
  9. What is a flood?
  10. Say two things that we can do to help our planet against climate change (chn may need climate change explaining as the planet getting warmer).


This afternoon was PE. As it is currently wet and windy outside, why not enjoy this yoga routine in the comfort of your own cosy living-room?! This one will also remind you of the importance of washing your hands! Cosmic Kids

Stay warm and dry. See you soon. x

Home learning 15.2.22


In maths today we have been looking at 3D shapes again and have become more confident knowing the names of them. Enjoy listening to this song to recap the names of the shapes we are learning: 3D shapes

See if you can tell an adult how many faces each of the shapes have. For example, on a cube, there are six faces and they are all squares.

Use the matching colours at the top of the sheet to colour in each shape. As you can see, all of the spheres are red. That one has been done for you.


In English, we have been writing sentences about autumn and have also written a caption for a chosen autumn photo. Do a safe search on the internet WITH AN ADULT to find a nice picture of something to do with autumn. What caption can you write for this photo? Remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop. Can you use ‘and’ in your sentence to make it longer?


In phonics, we have been looking at different spelling patterns for the ‘ee’ sound. How many different words can you find in this story that contain the ‘ee’ sound? phoneme spotter story


Today, we will be talking about hygiene. Have a chat with an adult about what this means. Why do we wash our hands? What else do you need to wash or brush every day? Why? Can you make a poster to teach people why it is so important to wash your hands or brush your teeth?

Have a lovely day and see you soon.