PE days for Year 1

PE for Year 1 will continue to happen on a Tuesday with Crossbar. The second session will be on a Friday.

Please can children come to school wearing their PE kit on these days? Thanks.

Library books

There are a few Year 1 children who have had the same library book for quite a few weeks now. Please could they have a search at home for the book and bring it back in so they can take out a different one?

Many thanks.

No spellings this week

There will be no spellings for the Year 1 children to practise at home this week as I was ill for most of last week and no spellings were sent home on Friday. As a result, the children would have had less time to learn any new words for a test on Friday if spellings had been given out today.

Instead, we will be revising Year 1 key words at school over the course of this week. If you would like to know what these are or would like to have a look at home with your child, this is the list: Year-1-Common-Exception-Words

PE days for Year 1

Hi everyone and welcome to the summer term!

I hope you all had a super Easter break and made the most of the sunshine.

PE with Crossbar will continue to be on a Tuesday afternoon. In addition, the children will be receiving cricket coaching every Thursday morning. They will need to come to school wearing their PE kits on these days.

Please remember sun hats and water bottles as the weather gets warmer!

Home learning 7.4.22


Today, we have started our DT project of ‘Moving Pictures’. We are designing and making Easter cards with a moving part.

In preparation for this, have a look around your house and see if you have any books with moving parts. These may be pop-up books, ‘lift the flap’ books or they may use sliders and pivots. If you do not have any, don’t worry! Find things around your house that move in some way and discuss with an adult how they are moving. Do you need to push something? Turn something?

Have a go at this simple activity which uses a slider. A strip of card or paper will do the job instead of a lolly stick. Activity Sheet Gingerbread Man Slider – Black and White

If you want to, you can start to think of your own ideas for an Easter card that has moving parts and draw your ideas. If you come to school tomorrow, bring these with you!


Practise telling the time to the hour (o’clock). Then, use this interactive clock to look at half past. teaching clock

Practise making some half past times using the interactive clock.

Watch this short video and have a go at the activity too: BBC Bitesize KS1 telling the time


At school, the children have been making Tudor houses using cardboard boxes. If you have a recycling box, see if you can see two boxes – one of which needs to be bigger than the other. This will be your top box. Remember that in Tudor times, the bottom floor is smaller than the upper as people had to pay a lot of money for the ground that they bought. Create a jetty by sticking these boxes together. Make sure you have a picture of a Tudor house to copy! You may find this information helpful: model Tudor house

Have a great day.

Home learning 5.4.22


Today in maths, we have been learning to tell the time to the hour, reading o’clock times. Discuss with an adult how, when the long/big hand points to the 12 on an analogue clock, it is always ‘something’ o’clock. Can you write the times underneath each of the clocks? Some of the questions are asking you to draw the hands on the clock, pointing at the right numbers. Try to get into the habit of drawing the long hand so it covers the 12. It helps if it is noticeably longer than the short hand!


We looked again at Do the Animal Bop and continued to learn one of the animal verses off by heart, reading with expression. We also talked about where the rhyming words are in the verses and hunted for alliteration and onomatopoeia. Use the poem to finish the verses. The first page contains more verses, so complete this one if you want a challenge! Do the Animal Bop complete


Today, the class were talking about the differences between people and how differences are good! Can you think of 3 things that are the same or similar about you and your friends? And 3 things that may be different? For example, you all belong to Pontesbury Primary School but maybe you have different coloured hair from one another!

Have a super day.

Home learning 4.4.22


Today, we have been ordering the days of the week and months of the year. We started by listening – and joining in with – the days of the week song: Days of the Week

Can you write the days of the week in order on the sheet, using your neatest writing and remembering to use a capital letter for each?

Before you do the months of the year, have a watch of this animation and join in!


In English, we recapped examples of rhyme and alliteration. Do you remember what alliteration is? What about onomatopoeia?! We then watched, and joined in with, ‘Doing the Animal Bop’. Can you find any rhyme in this poem? Is there any alliteration or onomatopoeia? Choose a favourite animal and see if you can learn the verse for it so you know it off by heart. You may want to put actions with it too! Do the Animal Bop


In Science, we were thinking about suitable clothing to wear in each type of weather. Dress up the animals in the right clothing, according to the season. Dress for the season 


Spend time practising your spellings and put each one into a sentence, starting with a capital letter and ending in a full stop. Maybe you could challenge yourself to think of at least one sentence that would use an exclamation mark and one which would use a question mark.

We did an assessment today which you will have chance to do when you return to school.

Have a super day.