PE kits and afterschool clubs

I have now found out the plan for changing for clubs!

If your child does one of the afterschool sports clubs, could they please come to school in their normal uniform and bring their PE kit to change into later in the day?

Many thanks.

Fruit for tomorrow and PE days

Hi everyone,

We hope you are all excited about the start of a brand new school year. Sometimes, we don’t get fruit delivered for the first few days of the autumn term so I would advise that you send your child in with a piece of fruit tomorrow (and possibly for the rest of the week). I’m sure that by mid-morning they will be very ready for a snack!

PE this term will be every Monday and Thursday. Please can your child come to school in their PE kits on those days? Also, please remember to name all items that come into school including jumpers, cardigans, water bottles and book bags.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Ms Vincent

Thank you!

On behalf of us all in Room 5, can I say a big thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts from the children? They are very much appreciated.

We wish you all a fabulous and restful summer and will see the children around school as Year 2s!

Best wishes,

Ms Vincent, Mrs Davies, Mrs Oldham and Mrs Crane x

Bags for Year 1


The children will be bringing their books home either today or tomorrow. It would be really helpful if children could bring in a bag so that they can easily take them home. There’s no rush for the bag to come in today!

Many thanks.

Year 1 walk tomorrow

Hi everyone,

For the walk tomorrow (which we are very much assuming is going ahead!), please can children come with a sunhat, sun cream already applied and a waterproof coat? They can wear school uniform or school PE kit – as they have been doing – and comfortable shoes for walking (such as trainers).

In the event that the walk doesn’t happen, we will enjoy a picnic lunch on the school field.

Many thanks.

Year 1 walk this Wednesday

Hi everyone,

Just a heads-up that in the event of scorching hot weather on Wednesday, we may have to cancel our walk around Pontesbury. We really don’t want to have to but I took the walk myself this lunchtime to check the route; I was only out for 35 minutes and felt lightheaded upon my return and gasping for cold water! Obviously, the children’s well-being comes first so we have to make sure that it is safe to do our walk (where we will be spending 3-4 hours out in the summer sun).

For now, we will assume that the walk is going ahead so please ensure the children bring a sunhat and that they have had sun cream applied prior to coming to school. We will see what Wednesday morning brings, weather-wise, and take it from there.

Tupperware request

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow, the Year 1s will be making fruit salads as part of our learning in DT. It would be very helpful if each child could bring in a small tub or tupperware container to put their finished fruit salad in. Please don’t worry if you don’t have one as I do have a few already. If anyone has more than one suitable tub and doesn’t mind another child using it, then please bring what you have! It only needs to be small.

Many thanks for your support.