Spellings and eBooks

Happy New Year!

Below are the eBooks for this week that I’ve uploaded. Spellings should have come home tonight, a few books are still in the classroom ready for Monday.

Group A: Up to the stars

Group B: Sunflowers

Thank you,

Mrs Crane

Friday update- It’s Christmas time!

Thank you! Thank you for all of the lovely gifts and cards, they are so kind of you all. I hope you have a lovely, restful Christmas break and a happy new year. The children should have come home with a little something from Mrs Pittaway, Miss Gwilliam and myself for them over the Christmas break.

There are two books for them to read as well as the eBooks below:


Group A: Stop that Popcorn

Group B & C: The Moonsnoop

Although we haven’t set any homework, we would much appreciate it if they could practise their 2, 5 and 10 times table as well as reading with you.

Looking forward to seeing the children again in the new year!

Mrs Crane


Friday update

Hi all,

What a fantastic performance from all of the children this week at the nativity. We are all so proud of how they learnt their lines and delivered them with such confidence! Well done Y2! It was also great to see them all in their Christmas jumpers yesterday for Christmas dinner day.

This week we haven’t sent home spellings, we will practise some we have taught and learnt already next week and new spellings will be ready for the first week back in January.

Ebooks for this week are:

Group A: Snails

Group B: Creepy Crawly Hunt

Have a great weekend and I’ll see the children again next week!

Mrs Crane

Weekly eBook Update

This week’s eBooks:

Group A: Turnips and Beetroots

Group B&C: The snow monster

Apologies for group B last week, I had accidentally given them the same spelling twice!

Thank you for all of your continued support. Hope you have a lovely weekend.


Friday update

Hi all,

Here are this week’s ebooks:

Group A ebook: On the Moon

Group B ebook: Easy-peasy

School code: wkxl

The children have come home today with their copy of the nativity script. We have highlighted each part for them and your help with them learning their lines would be much appreciated. If you could spare some time each day, to read through their lines with them this will help us immensely. If you could read the line before theirs first so they know what to listen out for that would be fantastic!

For example:

(Parent/carer) Sheep 1: Baaa… don’t be silly.

(Child) Sheep 2: He is faaaar too young for that.

We did notice a typo on the script, unfortunately after we had printed it (angels is spelt angles) in the interests of saving paper (and ink) we haven’t reprinted, apologies for this.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team

Hi all,

Thank you for your continued support this half term. A few things for your information before the half term break.

Spellings- Mrs Pittaway and I have changed groups slightly to A, B and C. This is the groups they will be taught and working in during class time.

Reading- ebooks have changed slightly. Group A and B will receive weekly ebooks but group C will not now have an ebook. I will post the name of the book that you should be able to access and again leave it up for a week after they are looking at it in class.

This week:

Group A: Meet Zinzan

Group B: Jane and Jay

Just a quick reminder that the weather is getting much more unreliable so it would be great if your child could bring a coat with them every day next half term.

Have a lovely half term break!

Mrs Crane


The ebook for this week is: Let’s set up the fair.

The spellings this week are a little shorter as we will be testing them on Thursday next week due to the inset day.

I’ve also sent home a blank laptop/computer keyboard. If you have time, it would be great if you could go over where the keys are that make your child’s name. We have been practising logging in at school and all of them asked for a copy of the keyboard so they could get used to where they are. There is no expectation for them to use a computer to do this, the paper copy would be great. We have shown them how to use the shift key to capitalise a letter whilst pressing the letter they need for their name. This is as the laptops they use have this as the option to capitalise. Thank you in advance!

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Crane


Reading and Harvest Festival

Sorry for the error on the spellings last week, hopefully your child will have the right sheet this week.

Again this week, I’ve assigned everyone a book on Bug Club based on the sound that we have been learning.

This week’s book is: Butterfly Pie.

Baby-sitting Barney will remain available until next Friday (14th) for anyone finishing it and then I will remove it to add the new one. I hope this makes sense, it just gives you a bit of extra time before it disappears but feel free to move onto Butterfly Pie if you have finished it.

Just a quick reminder ahead of Monday’s Harvest Festival, please could all children come with a coat for the walk.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend,

Africa Class team