Friday 5th March

Good morning everybody. Welcome come to your last day of home learning.  We are all so excited to see you in school on Monday.  I hope you are feeling excited too.

This morning, for maths, I’d like you to warm your brains up with of our favourite games!  Funky Mummy.  Today I’d like you to practise your 2,3,5,10 times tables.  You can choose to practise one at a time or all of them at once.

Now I’d like you to have a look at this PowerPoint about bar charts.

Please can you choose and complete either sheet 1 or sheet 2.  Sheet 2 is a little more tricky.

Friday Maths PowerPoint

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

After World Book Day yesterday, today we are having Free Write Friday.  You can choose a picture from the gallery below or one from your favourite book and write, well, whatever you fancy.

  • story
  • information
  • explanation
  • instructions
  • poem
  • song
  • letter
  • postcard
  • diary
  • comic

The choice is yours.

Please can you do you’re spelling test.  I will give you your new spellings on Monday so please can you bring in your red Spelling Books.

Perhaps you can make a reading den and read your favourite book.  Somewhere comfy and cosy.

Have a brain break – we were talking about this book in school yesterday!

This afternoon, I would like you to have a little think about what your lock down memories are.  Did you discover a new walk or read a book you loved?  Have you made a delicious recipe or did something funny, new or sad happen?

I would like you to draw your lock down memories in this jar.  Have chat at home about all the things that have happened over the last few weeks.

Lockdown Memories Jar

Now I’d like you to have a little think about Monday.  How are you feeling about coming back to school?  Are you excited or nervous or both?  If you have any questions, you could always email them to me and I will try my best to answer them or you can join our Teams meeting at 2.30. We’ll be finishing our book then there’ll be plenty of time for a chat.

Perhaps, this afternoon, you could spend a little time getting yourself ready to come back to school.  You won’t need a bag or pencil case- brand new pencils and glues are waiting for you in school- but you will need your water bottle and perhaps a lunch box.  Have you got any reading books that need finding…in my house they always disappear!  Do you know where your red Spelling Book is?  Most importantly, does your uniform still fit? I bet some of you have grown so much things may not fit like they did!

Some things you may want to know ready for Monday.

Until Easter, we are going to be having our lunchtime playtime first then our lunch at 12.30 so make sure you have a big breakfast.  There will be fruit snacks in school for break times so you don’t get too hungry or you can bring in your own healthy snack from home.

We will be changing reading books on a Monday and Thursday so please make sure you have read them and they are in school to be changed.  You can take your reading book home at night to read to someone at home and we will be doing lots of reading in school.

Our PE day is now Thursday.  The fantastic Mr Boffey will be taking you outside for PE so come to school in your PE kit and make sure you have warm coats and hats until the weather is a little milder.

On Fridays, we will be using the Forest School area and be outside for some of the day.  Please can you come to school in trousers, a long sleeved top and can you bring a warm, waterproof coat and your wellies.  We will be getting grubby so no party clothes please!

Here is a copy of our timetable for the next few weeks.  We have lots of lovely things planned – beginning with an art project that I think you will enjoy.

Weekly Timetable Spring 21

I hope you are looking forward to seeing each other again as much as Miss Claydon, Mrs Keyland and I are looking forward to seeing you.  Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope x







Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning everyone.

I hope you had a good day yesterday, it was nice to see a little sunshine in the afternoon.

Let’s warm up our brains. Practise your mental maths and money skills with a little shopping!  Choose ‘Mixed Coins’ to make your brain work even harder!

The Toy Shop Game

Today, in our maths, we are looking at pictograms.  They are a special type of chart where pictures show you the information.  Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Wednesday PowerPoint

Pictogram Sheet

Please can you practise your spellings.  You could take a pot of water and a paintbrush into the garden and write your spellings in water on the path or wall.  They you can watch as they disappear again!

Brain Break time!


For our English today, we are going to play a matching game.  I have looked and looked but there isn’t a fun game to learn about contractions, so enjoy this song instead!



So now you know what a contraction is, have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Contraction PowerPoint

Cut out the words and match the contractions to the whole phrase eg match she will to she’ll.  You may want to match all of the words or, perhaps choose a few to look at first and save the others for another time.

Contraction Match Game

Have a little look at this poem.  It’s called ‘The Sound Keeper’.

The Sound Keeper Poem

Choose questions 1,2, or 3 to answer about the poem.  The Question 3 sheet is the most challenging.

Questions 1

Questions 2

Questions 3

This afternoon is our Science afternoon.  Today we are looking at our local habitats so you might want to get your wellies on!

Local Habitats PowerPoint Wednesday

Wednesday Science Sheet

Have a lovely day today everyone.  Remember, if you are free we will have ‘Show and Tell’ at 2.30, so bring something you’d like to share.

Mrs Pope x



Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning everyone, how did you get on with your work yesterday?  I hope you are all ready for another day of learning at home. Not many days left now!

Let’s wake those marvellous brains up with a little game. This is practising your skills with Carroll diagrams.  Today you are sorting shapes.  Start on level 1 to begin with.

Carroll Diagram game

Today we are going to continue to look at charts but we will be looking at Tally charts.   These are particularly useful when you are collecting information and you have all used them in our Science work last year.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint and then complete one of the sheets.  Sheet 2 is more tricky.

Tuesday Maths PowerPoint

Tally Chart 1

Tally Chart 2

Have a little brain break.

Please can you practise your spellings. Can you either read a little of your reading book or finish your comprehension from yesterday.

For your English today, we are going to look at 4 different types of sentences.

  • questions
  • statements
  • commands
  • exclamations

You will need a pencil and paper as you will need to write a little as you work through the PowerPoint.

Tuesday PowerPoint

Next week we are going to begin making traditional African masks out of paper Mache.  If you have an newspaper at home, bring it in on Monday so we can store it for a few days before using it.

I thought it would be nice to make some African inspired jewellery today.  This is based on the colourful jewellery that the Maasai people wear in Kenya.  Here are your instructions.  You will need pasta, paint, glue,  string and a paper plate or some cardboard.

Traditional African jewellery Instructions

In our PSHE work this afternoon, I’d like you to have a little think about how it’s going to feel when we all come back to school.  Are you feeling excited, nervous, anxious or all of them?  It’s important to think about how we are feeling and to talk about why we may be feeling a certain way.  To help you to do this I’d like you to draw around one of your hands on a piece of paper.


Inside your hand, I want you to write all the things you can control.  How you talk to people, manners, how kind you are, getting up on time, getting dressed etc

Around the outside, I would like you to write all of the things you cannot control.  How others behave, how other people feel, what other people do, what is going on around the world…

It may be good to have a chat about this with someone at home, they could even have a go too.

Then have a little look.  All the things that are inside your hand picture are things you can control and can change.  All the things outside of your hand you cannot control and so do not need to worry about.  It’s a good way of thinking about the things that may be worrying you and to make sure you are only worried about the things you can change.

I hope you have a wonderful day today.

Mrs Pope x



Monday 1st March

Good morning everyone, welcome to the last week of learning at home.  I cannot wait to see you all next Monday.

Let’s warm our brains up with a little game.  Can you spot the odd and even numbers?  Remember, odd numbers end with 1,3,5,7,9 and even numbers end with 0,2,4,6,8.

Odd or Even Numbers Game

Today, in our maths, we are going to be looking at Carroll diagrams.  We will be sorting information into them.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint and hopefully it should explain all.

Monday Maths PowerPoint

Carroll diagram 1

Carroll diagram 2

Please can you practise your spellings.

I think you all deserve a little break.

Your English work today is all about the the ‘soft c’ sound that you have in your spellings this week.  Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Monday Soft ‘c’ PowerPoint

Here is the sorting activity.

Soft c sorting game

Have you ever tried drawing a SHARK?

Here is some of your spellings as handwriting.

Handwriting 1.3.21

Handwriting paper

Please can you choose a reading comprehension and have a go.  You might want to do some of it today and some tomorrow as there is quite a lot of thinking needed.  As usual, comprehension 3 is the most challenging.

Comprehension 1

Comprehension 2

Comprehension 3


This afternoon, we are going to continue our topic work on Africa.  Today I would like you to find out a little ore about the amazing country of Kenya.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Information about Kenya PowerPoint

The was one thing I didn’t show you, can you guess what it is?  The Kenyan flag.  I would like you to research what the Kenyan flag looks like and draw it yourself.    If you have time, you could find out what the colours and pictures mean.  Remember to always use a safe search and type ‘for kids’ when you research.  That way you get the information that is right for you.


I hope you have a wonderful day, let me know how you are getting on,

Mrs Pope x



Friday 26th February

Good morning everyone,  today I am going to try very hard to get the date right…all day!!

This morning we are going to begin by ordering a selection of numbers.  You can choose how big the numbers are – to 100, 200, 1000 whatever is going to challenge you.

Range Arranger

Today for your maths, I would like you to practise your addition skills.  On your sheet you have some delicious fruit.

Each of those fruit has been weighed.  I would like you to add different combinations of the fruit and work out the totals.

Remember to use number bonds you know to help you.  You could always get some counters if it helps.  Sheet 3 is the most tricky.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3


Please can you do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on.

I think you definitely deserve a little break now.


To have a little fun learning and practising our new vocabulary, I have made you a little

crossword for your English today.

Crossword 1 has the clues and crossword 2 has the clues and the vocabulary so it is a little less of a challenge.

Crossword 1

Crossword 2

This afternoon is our computing afternoon.  Today we are going to be continuing our programming work but we are using a new programme.  Scratch Jr.  If you click on the link below, it will take you to the ilearn2 website.


Pop in access code  4A49

Watch video 1 and away you go.

If you don’t have Scratch Jr on your computer or tablet, it is free to use and download.

Scratch Jr Home page

For our RE this week, we are thinking about things that matter to us.  If we were in school this would be a chat on the carpet, with everyone adding their ideas and talking about them.

I’d like you to have a little chat with someone at home about the things that matter to you.    Things that you think are really important and why.

It may be people or things you enjoy doing are really important.  You may think how we treat each other and kindness matters or being healthy and happy matters.  Do objects matter?  Do all people matter? Does it matter if we find things tricky? Have a little chat and see where it leads you.

Here are your spellings for next week.   We are looking at the soft c sound.  We will be looking at this more next week.

Blue spellings 1.3.21

Green Group 1.3.21

Yellow Group 1.3.21

As we only have a week left of home schooling left, I have decided I will save writing the explanation all about the lifecycle of a frog until we get back into school.  That way we can watch it happen with some frogspawn in the classroom.  Our English next week, is going to focus on phonics and spelling, sentence writing and reading.

It will be lovely to see you at 2.30 for ‘Show and Tell’ if you are available.

Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope






Thursday 25th February

Good morning my lovelies, I cannot believe it is Thursday already.

Remember we are meeting at 11.30 am today, if you can, for the next chapter of The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.

It is always good to revisit things we have learned and today, to warm our brains up, we are going to be revisiting time.

Telling the time game

For your maths today, I would like you to follow your favourite recipe and make something delicious to share with your family.  The reason I would like you to do this is because I would like you to use your maths skills to weigh out  ingredients carefully and make sure you are using the scales correctly.  We are going to make Rice Krispie cakes in school. Here is our recipe.  You can make whatever you wish to at home but I like this recipe as it is simple to follow and the weights you need to measure are quite simple.  I know we always begin the day with maths, but you may do your maths tonight when you are making your tea. Have a crazy day!  Make sure you have someone to help you and it may be a good time to offer to do the washing up too!

Rice Krispie Cake Recipe

For our English today, we are going to be organising a jumbled up explanation.  You are all experts in the life cycle of a frog.  Can you have a look at this muddled up explanation and put it back in the right order?

Have a look at this PowerPoint to get you started.

Thursday PowerPoint

Here is the muddled up explanation.

Frog life cycle explanation to reorder

Have a little brain break.  Your wrinkly brains deserve it!

Tiddalik the Frog Part 1

Tiddalik the Frog Part 2


Please can you practise your spellings and read some of your reading book.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon. So if you are able to, have a bike ride, go for a walk or play a game of football in the garden, have a dance, do something active and make the most of the sunshine.

I hope you have a lovely day, let me know how you get on or if you need anything.

Remember, ‘Show and Tell’ is at 2.30 tomorrow, if you have something you are really proud of, it would be lovely to see you.

Love from Mrs Pope



Wednesday 24th February

Good morning everyone.

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.  Let’s get a little more home learning started…warm up those amazing brains with a little multiplication.

Times table Mash up!

Today, for your maths I’d like you to do some estimating and weighing.   I’d like you to choose 10 items from around your house.  Then I’d like you to estimate (or make a clever guess) how much you think each of them weigh.  Remember to write the grams (g) when you are writing a weight.

Next, get your kitchen scales. Look very carefully at how they work.  Do they have a dial or face like a clock?  If so, what are they counting in?  How do you work out how much something weighs?  If you have digital scales, how do they work? Are they measuring in grams or kilograms? Remember, both types of scales have to be set to 0 before you begin weighing, how do you do this?

Once you have estimated how much your items might weigh, and have written it in the chart below, get weighing.  Remember to write g or kg when you write your weight down.  Here is the sheet for you to use if you want to but you could easily draw this chart on paper at home and save some printing ink.

Wednesday mass chart

Here is a little brain break, following on from the aliens story yesterday!


For your English today, I would like you to have a look at this PowerPoint. You will need some colouring pencils and a piece of paper.

Life Cycle PowerPoint

Please can you practise your spellings.

You could try ‘ghost’ writing them.  Write your spellings in white crayon, then colour over the top in felt tip pen.

Please can you have a little read, here is a comprehension all about a very famous scientist called Marie Curie.  See if you can find out why her discoveries were so important.  As always, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Marie Curie Comprehension 1

Marie Curie Comprehension 2

Marie Curie Comprehension 3

This afternoon is our science afternoon.  Please can you share this PowerPoint with someone at home.  Have a think about what all living things can do.

Wednesday Science PowerPoint

Now I would like you to sort these cards into 3 groups.

Living                           Dead                         Never been alive

Living, Dead or Never Alive Sorting Cards

Our ‘Show and Tell’ is going to be at 2.30 on Friday this week.  I have sent an initiation to your school email address. I hope you can make it.

I hope you all have a really lovely day today.

Let me know how you het on or if there is anything you need.

Mrs Pope x



Tuesday 23rd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a brilliant day yesterday.  Hopefully it won’t be long until we are all back in school now.  It will be so lovely to see you all, we really miss you all.

Let’s warm our maths brains up a little…

Make your own fruit smoothie with your maths skills!  practise your number bonds for 10, 20 and 100 using addition and subtraction.  You can choose which you need to practise most.

Smoothie Maths

For our maths today, we are going to focus on reading scales.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint then choose the sheet that suits you best.

Maths PowerPoint

Reading scales sheet 1

Reading Scales sheet 2

Reading Scales sheet 3


Brain Break time!

For our English today, we are going to continue to look at the special vocabulary or technical language we need to write an explanation about the life cycle of a frog. Have a little look at the PowerPoint and see if you can sort out the mess I have made!!

Tuesday PowerPoint

Vocabulary matching sheet

Have a little watch of this amazing metamorphosis.

Please can you practise your spellings.

You could practise them while practising your handwriting at the same time.

Blue and Green Handwriting

Yellow Handwriting

Handwriting paper

This afternoon we are going to continue with our new topic based on Amazing Africa.

Have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Introduction to Africa PowerPoint

Today I would like you to make a puzzle.

Print out the picture of the continent of Africa below. Cut around the continent then cut it up into 10 or so largish pieces.  Don’t cut tiny pieces, it makes the puzzle very tricky indeed. Muddle up the pieces of your Africa jigsaw and then see if you can put them back together again.  As you are doing this, look closely at the names of the African countries.  Are there any you recognise?  Can you beat your parents at doing this?


I have sent out another invitation to the next chapter of The Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark to your school email address.  Hopefully we will see you at 2.30.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Pope x



Monday 22nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a really lovely half term and you are ready to do a little more fantastic learning!

Our maths this week is all measuring.  We are going to be measuring the weight or mass of objects and hopefully have a little bit of time to do some cooking too later in the week.

To get our brains warmed up, I’d like you to have a little look at this popular game.  Today I’d like you to practise your number bonds for 10 and 20, if you are very confident, try 13 or 14.  Just match the pairs of numbers and as long as the paths between them has no more than 2 turns, they will match.

Number Bonds Matching Game


What I would like you to do now, is have a little look at your kitchen scales.  Lots of us have digital scales at home but the scales we are going to read are on a dial, a bit like a clock.  Work through this PowerPoint, there is lots of facts to remember today.

Monday PowerPoint

More or less than 1kg chart


Have a little brain break!


For our English, we are going to begin a new topic.  For the next few weeks we are going to be focusing on explanations.  Explanation texts explain how something works or how something happens.

To begin with, we are going to be thinking about the life cycle of a frog.  Today, I would like you to read this explanation all about the process of a frog’s egg becoming a fully grown frog.  This is called metamorphosis. This is a really big scientific word which means change,  a creature that begins it’s life as one thing, then changes into another.

Today our work is all about vocabulary and getting to know new words.  In my explanation there are lots of new words.  Words you may not yet know.  I would like you to read the text, if you need a little help sounding out some of the words, ask someone at home to give you a hand when they have a minute.  I have included a dictionary to help explain some of the more difficult words.  Use the dictionary to help you understand those tricky words.    It is really important that you learn and use some of these new words because they will help you to explain the life cycle scientifically.

When you have read and understood the life cycle, see if you can explain it to someone at home using some of the scientific vocabulary.

Life Cycle of a Frog


Here are your spellings for this week.

Blue spellings 22.2.21

Green spellings 22.2.21

Yellow spellings 22.2.21

Please can you practise your reading skills.  This information is all about famous author and comedian David Walliams.  Comprehension 3 is the most challenging.

David Walliams Reading Comprehension 1

David Walliams Reading Comprehension 2

David Walliams Reading Comprehension 3

This afternoon we are beginning are new topic for this half term.  We are going to be finding out all about the amazing continent of Africa.

I would like to you begin by writing down a list of things you already know about Africa.

  • Do you know where it is on a globe?
  • Can you name any African countries?
  • What food comes from Africa?
  • What animals live in Africa?
  • What is the climate like there?

You may know lots about Africa or you may not know very much yet, but writing down what you know is a good place to begin.

At 2.30 I am going to read the next chapter of The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.  It’s called Dark is kind.  I’ve sent an invitation to your school email addresses.  I hope you can come and have a listen.

Have a lovely Monday everyone.

Let me know how you are doing.

Mrs Pope x



Friday 11th February

Well we have made it to the end of the half term, and you lot have been absolutely amazing!  Thank you for all your hard work and perseverance.  You have done a fantastic job.  We are all really proud of you.  Today, I have tried to find some fun activities, where you still get to use all your skills and learning but in a different way.

For your maths today you are going to become detectives.  There are 2 maths mystery games below, you can choose whichever one you like the look of most.   For both mysteries, you will need to use all of your maths skills to solve the puzzle.  I hope you have lots of fun solving  one of these puzzles!


The mystery of the aquarium maths game              The Mystery of the Missing Football  Maths Game  

Please can you do your spelling test.

Have a lovely brain break!



For your English today, it’s Free Write Friday.  I have recorded a story for you to watch.  It is one from our reading area and I know you like this book.

As I mentioned in the video, you can choose any of these pictures to base your own writing on and you can write what ever you fancy writing.  It could be a story, poem or information but you might also like to write a spell for the wizards fighting under your bed or design and label your own planet for the super heroes to race to.  The choice is yours.  I have made a gallery below, just click on the picture you choose and you can make it nice and big.


I think you deserve another brain break!

Please can you read a little from your reading book.

I’m not going to give you your new spellings until the first week back.

I think you have all worked so hard that you have earned all the pieces of Mr Potato Head.

If we were all in school, we would decide what we wanted to do this afternoon.  We might watch a film, play with the games we have in the classroom, have an extra long playtime outside, do some art,  there are so many choices.   So you can do the same at home.  Choose something that you would love to do and do it.

I hope you all have a lovely half term holiday.

See you all, bright and refreshed on Monday 22nd February.

Love and virtual hugs from Mrs Pope xx