Welcome back!!

Hello to all the lovely Year 2s!

I hope you have had a great summer holiday and are ready for all the exciting things we have planned. We are all really excited to see you back in school on Monday.

Here is a little bit of information just to help you get started:

  •   Our PE days will be on a Monday and a Friday.  Please can you come to school wearing your school PE kit on those days.  ( We will not  do PE on Monday 6th but we will do it on Friday 10th)
  • We will try very hard to give everyone a reading book in the first couple of days back. Please can you read to an adult at home every night.  When you have finished your book, please bring it back into school so we can give you a new one to read.
  • Spellings will be given out on a Friday.  You will have a Spelling Book to glue them into in school and then take them home to practise.  Please can you bring your  Spelling Book back into school every Friday so that we can do your spelling test in it and glue in new spellings.  People at home will be able to see your amazing spelling scores as we do the test in the back of the book each week.
  • Every Tuesday afternoon we will try to do a little bit of gardening in our veggie patch. You don’t need to bring anything in for that except a coat if it looks like rain.
  • On Monday morning give your adult a huge, big hug and come in through our garden gate.  Pop your coat or bag on your peg (look out for your name) and we’ll show you where lunch boxes go.  You can sit where you like and have a quiet chat with your friends until we have done the register.  There will some activities to do on the tables so you can get started with those until we are ready to begin.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to ask me a question. My email is charlotte.pope@ppce.co.uk

Mrs Pope x

Next Week

Hi everyone, I thought I’d just give you a little information ready for next week.

Please can you have a good hunt at home for any school reading books.  Can the children return all books to school on Monday.  We will not be giving reading books out next week.

The children will be bringing their used books home on Monday, they will need a strong plastic bag to carry them home in.  Our current English and Maths books will go on with the children into Year 3 but all other books will be sent home.  I will choose 3 children’s books to keep in school , if your child’s books are chosen, you will get them back next year.

We have got our school picnic on Wednesday  to look forward to and hopefully a few more feathered friends will be joining ‘Sunny’ the duckling.

If I don’t get to see you before the end of term, have a wonderful summer, I have loved teaching your fabulous children this year, they are amazing!

Mrs Pope


Work for Room 6

Hello to all the lovely Year 4s.

Here are some ideas for work that you could be doing whilst you are isolating at home.  You can pick and choose the order you do them in, what and when, just make sure you have fun while you are learning.

Mrs Glover will also be posting English and Maths activities for you so watch this space!


We know you have been finding out about the Vikings,  here is the BBC bitesize link.

BBC Bitesize Viking topic

Alongside this, here is a PowerPoint, it have some thought provoking information.

Vikings intro

Here is the book to be done alongside the PowerPoint.

lesson 1 – timeline worksheet

lesson 2 – Vikings fact file

lesson 3 – family life worksheet

Now perhaps you can design your own Viking flag.

For your art work, you were going to draw and paint the monsters carved on the front of Viking boats.  Here are a few pictures to give you some ideas.  Have a good look at these and then design your own.


Watch this video.

Can you:

  • write a diary of the boy’s day.
  • Turn the story of the song into a written narrative.
  • write a newspaper report about the events.
  • write the prequel

Have a little look at this lovely short film.

Can you:

  • write a character description of the DreamGiver.
  • re-write the story as a narrative.
  • write your own narrative of a dream.
  • describe the setting

Here is a biography of Charles Dickens.

Can you:

  • write a biography about Charles Dickens.
  • find out about the books he wrote, some of them you may of heard of before – maybe you could watch Oliver Twist.
  • Write your own story set in the past.

Your D&T is making Carrot and Coriander Soup.

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Here is a recipe for you to follow,  I hope it tastes good.  You could always make some bread rolls to go with your delicious soup.

For your Maths, you are going to be looking at division.  Here are your sheets.

Maths Lesson 1

Maths Lesson 2

Maths Lesson 3

Maths Lesson 4

Maths Lesson 5

Here is your ICT.


You will need the code 1J77 to access it.

For your PE, as you can’t go out of your garden, you might want to make an obstacle course, have a game of hide and seek, practise your football, tennis or bike riding skills.  Or you could have a little go at one of the videos below.





Exciting things for next week.

Hello, I hope you are all well.

Next week we are completing our D&T topic.  We are going to be making marble run roller coasters.  If you have any old newspaper, toilet or kitchen roll tubes or cardboard we would really appreciate it if you could bring it in on Monday or Tuesday.

We will keep you posted on the new arrivals, the eggs are due to hatch next week so watch this space!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope x

Spellings for week beginning 28.6.21

A few little changes…

Welcome back everyone, I hope you have had a wonderful half term.

Here are a couple of updates for you:

Our PE will now be on a Thursday because Mr Farlow will be coming in to teach us some amazing art skills on Wednesday afternoons.

We are now  returning changing reading books everyday, hooray!! Just bring your reading book into school in the morning and put it in the Red Box whenever it needs changing.

Please can you make sure you bring your red Spelling Book into school every Friday for your spelling test and new spellings.

This weeks spellings will be coming home tonight.

I hope you all have a lovely week. Any problems, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Pope


A little request…

Good evening,

As part of our Design and Technology work this term we are going to be working in small groups to make toy cars and investigate how far the different car designs will roll.  To help with this we need a few things you may have at home.  If you have any plastic bottles, large or small, or any cardboard kitchen roll tubes, we would really love to use them.  Please could you send them into school for Monday 26th so we can begin making.

Thank you for your help, pictures of our designs to follow!

Mrs Pope

Just a few things…

Good evening everybody, I hope you are all well. I thought I’d send a short post with some useful information.

Our PE this term is going to be on a Wednesday.  Please can all children come to school wearing appropriate PE clothing. If they have pieced ears, can they be taped and can long hair be tied up.  The children will be outside all afternoon so they will need a water bottle and a cap or sun hat as the water gets warmer.

we are going to continue to do a little gardening on a Tuesday, but no special clothing is needed for this.

Spellings went home today for our test on Friday, normally they will go home every Friday ready to learn at home for the following Friday.  Please can all children bring their red Spellling Books in to school every Friday so that they can glue in their next set of spellings and you can see how they do in their tests.

For the moment, we are continuing to change reading books every Monday and Thursday. Please can you send reading books in to be changed on those days.  We have got books in school for the children to read so these are just their home reading books.  If you find any of our books at home, we are missing quite a few in school. Please send any read books back as soon as possible so that other children can take them home.

We will do ‘Show and Tell’ on Fridays. If the children want to share a picture of something they are really proud of, please can you email it to me by 12 pm on Friday.

I will keep you posted about up and coming Forest School dates. We are hoping to get back to our outside learning pretty soon. Watch this space.

Have a lovely week everyone.

Mrs Pope

Our art for next week and some other things!!

Hello everyone,

All the children have been absolutely amazing this week.  It has been so nice having everybody in school.

If you find any of our reading books tucked away anywhere at home, please can we have them back.  Most people took 2 books home before Christmas and we haven’t had all of them back.  It means we are running a little short in school at the moment.

Our art next week is going to be based on our topic of Amazing Africa.  We are going to design, make and decorate African masks.  If you have any cardboard boxes (large or small) or news papers at home, we would really appreciate it if we could have and use them in school.

We are also going to be continuing our gardening on Tuesday.  If you have any old plastic pots, bags of soil, flower or vegetable seeds you aren’t going to use, we will certainly make use of them in school.

Have a really lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope