Tuesday 23rd November

Good morning everyone,

Please can you begin today with a quick practise of your your nativity lines.

Please can you practise your spellings.

For our English today we are looking at 4 different types of sentences. Commands, exclamations, questions and statements.

Commands tell you to do something.  – Go and tidy your bedroom.

Questions ask you to do something.- Have you finished?

Exclamations begin with either ‘how’ or ‘what’ and end with a !  How clean your bedroom is!

Statements tell you you a fact or opinion. This it the cleanest bedroom I have ever seen.

Have a little look at the grid below and see if you can sort the sentences into it.

command question statement exclamation

Sentence type grid

Please can you read a book from home or a little bit of your reading book if you have time.


Use the method we practised yesterday and see if you can complete these some.  Choose the most suitable sheet.

division sums Tuesday

For our topic work today, we are going to pretend we are Samuel Pepy’s servant.  You can re-watch the video if it helps.

Magic Grandad

We are going to write a diary extract explaining what is going on and what we are doing. You could explain what you can see hear, smell. touch.  Write about what is happening around you and what you are being asked to do.  You can share your feelings about all the things you are seeing.

I hope you have a lovely day. We are all looking forward to seeing you very soon.

Mrs Pope x

Monday 22nd November

Good morning everyone, I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

This morning we are going to begin with our maths.  Last week we looked at division by sharing.  This week we are looking at division by grouping.  Please can you watch this video.

Division by grouping video

Hopefully the video has explained the strategy we be working in school this morning.  You can always practise with a few counters at home if that will help you.

Please can you complete this sheet, dividing the numbers by grouping, you will need to draw your circles on the sheet.  You can always use counters to help you here too.  Choose the sheet that suits you best.

division as grouping 1PDF

division as grouping 2PDF


Today we are looking at the features of a newspaper report. Please can you re-read the text.

Newspaper text Example

Can you cut up the features and glue them in the correct place on the example text.  Can you talk about the purpose of each of these features and how they help you to understand the text.


We are reading information about Samuel Pepys.  Choose the text that is most suitable for you and answer the questions.

Samuel Pepys 1

Samuel Pepys 2

Please can you practise your nativity words.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.  Have a go at this yoga video.

I hope you all have a lovely day today.  Let me know how you are getting on and if there is anything you need, just shout.

Mrs Pope x


Friday 19th November

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well.  Here is you work for today.

Please can you do your spelling test in your red Spellings book. Do it at the back like would at school.

Here are next weeks spellings.

Group 2

week 6.pub

Group 1

week 6

Please can you read a little more of your reading book.  If you have finished your reading book, pick one of your favourites from home.

Please can you practise your nativity words.

Have a look at these maths problems.  Can you use jottings to solve them?

Maths 19.11.21

For our English, we are going to re-read our newspaper text.

Newspaper text Example

Can you remember what those tricky words mean?  Can you explain them to someone at home.

This time as you read through you will need some coloured pens.  Can you highlight:

  • all capital letters that start a sentence
  • all capital letters that are for names – proper nouns
  • all full stops.
  • what other punctuation can you find – can you explain why it is being used?

Can you do you daily mile, you can do this by jogging around your living room or your garden.

This afternoon we have our ‘Mr Potato Head Time’.  We have all worked so hard that we have earned every bit of Mr Potato Head.  You can share this with us too. You can snuggle up and watch a movie, play with your toys, do some art. Whatever you like doing best!

Have a lovely day. Let me know how you have got on.

Mrs Pope x

Thursday 17th November

Hello everybody,

Here is your work for today.

Please can you practise your spellings for tomorrow’s test.

In maths we are continuing with our work on division.  Using the same sharing strategy as yesterday, have a go at these questions.

Wednesday Division

We have been trying hard to learn our times and division facts.  Have a go on ‘Hit the Button’.  See if you can learn you times and divide facts for the 10 and 2 times tables.


In English we are completing a reading comprehension. Choose the most suitable level for you.

The Great Fire of London reading comprehension

This afternoon we are going to find out about Samuel Pepys.  He kept a diary and wrote all about the Great Fire of London.

Watch this episode.

When Samuel Pepys was writing his diary, he wrote in code. Can you make up your own code for each letter of the alphabet? write someone a message – see if they can decode it.

We are using a grid like this to help us.

This afternoon we are going to practise our nativity. Please can you practise saying your nativity words in a big, loud, clear voice.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Mrs Pope x


Good morning to all the lovely people working at home.

I will be adding work to the website daily so that you can see what we are doing in school.


This week we are looking at division by sharing.

We have talked about the calculations and told ourselves a little story.  Here my calculations story is: ‘I have 12 apples and I need to share them with my 3 friends.  I will give each friend one until I run out of apples.  I need to check that each of my friends has the same amount of apples but I only count one set.’

Have a go at the sheet below – choose the sheet most suitable for you.  Make sure you draw the circles to share the dots into.  For each calculation, you could make up your own story.

Tuesday Division Sums

For our English today, we read a newspaper report about the Great Fire of London.  I haven’t got a copy of this online so I have taken a photo of our text.  I hope you can see it clearly enough.  We read the text through and talked about any words we were unsure of.  We discussed the job of a news paper and why they are important.

Newspaper text Example

This afternoon we are focusing on history.

Watch this video of London before the fire.  What do you notice?

Now watch this video about the fire.


Today we are going to play a little game of ‘eye-spy’.  We have been talking about how we know about things that have happened in the past.  Here are 2 pictures that were drawn near to the time of the fire.  What do you notice?   Write your ideas around the outside of the picture.

I spy pictures

I hope you are all feeling much better very soon.  If you need anything, just let me know.

Mrs Pope x

PE Changes and other things!

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely half term.

Hopefully you have all received a text to say that our PE days are changing.  They are now Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please can the children come to school wearing the PE kits.  On Wednesdays, the children will be outside with the PE coaches.  They will need warm, waterproof clothing as the weather is getting colder.

Just before half term, we sent home a spelling pack.  These are for you to keep at home and uses as you wish to support your children.  If they want to bring them into school to show us some of their amazing work, that’s great but we don’t need to see them.

Finally, just a couple of reminders. The children need to bring their red Spelling Books into school on Fridays.  This is so they can stick their new spellings into them.

Please can the children only bring water into school in their water bottles.  They may have squash for lunch in their lunchbox but only water is allowed in the classroom.

Thank you,

Mrs Pope


Information for tomorrow…

Good evening,

Just a little reminder that the children need to come in in their PE kit tomorrow.  We have PE in the afternoon.  Next week PE will return to our normal days of Monday and Friday.

As part of our work on instructions, the children will be following a recipe to make Rice Krispie cakes tomorrow.  They will bring them home to eat.  If you have any worries about this, please just drop me an email: charlotte.pope@ppce.co.uk

Have a lovely evening,

Mrs Pope

Jam Sandwiches!

Good morning,

As part of our English work this week we are following written instructions.  Today we are going to be making (and eating) jam sandwiches. If you have any concerns about this, please let me know.

Mrs Pope