Things to ask me this week. 31.1.22

Here are some things to ask the children about their learning this week.

Things to ask me

Week beginning 31.1.22

This week we have been writing about our walk around Pontesbury.

  • What was the best bit of our walk?
  • Can you remember what different vehicles we saw? (cars, vans, a lorry, a tractor some of us saw a bus, a bike and a motorbike)
  • Can you remember the name of the chart we made back in school? (pictogram)

  • Can you tell someone at home what this pictogram shows? Which vehicle did we see most?
  • Which vehicle did we see least?
  • Did we see the same number of?
  • Can you remember what the primary colours are? (red, blue, yellow)
  • What happens when you mix them?
  • Can you think of any words with the digraphs ch, sh, th, ng in? Remember, ng is usually at the end of a word such as wing, sing, strong.
Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 sh, ch, th, ng no, go, no, I


Things to ask me week 5

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Pope


We are so sorry!

To all who were hoping to attend the Colomendy Meeting tonight, we are so sorry that we didn’t meet. There is a meeting on February 7th at 3.30 in Room 3.

Please do not worry if you cannot attend this, we will send home paper copies of all we discuss with every child.

A copy of the kit list will be sent home this week so you can begin preparations.

Thank you for being so understanding.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope

Things to ask me…

Things to ask me

Week beginning 24.1.22

From next week I will be putting this on the website for you to access, if you’d like a paper copy, just let me know.

This week we have been sharing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in our English work.

  • can you re-tell the story of Jack and the beanstalk to someone at home?
  • why was Jack’s mum cross with him?(he sold the cow for magic beans)
  • what did Jack take from the giant?(a hen that laid golden eggs and a harp)
  • what special words did the giant say when he thought Jack was near by? (Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman)
  • what happened to the giant at the end of the story? (He fell out of the beanstalk and was never seen again)
  • what happened to Jack and his mum at the end of the story? (They had the hen that laid golden eggs and the harp and became rich)
  • can you think of any words that start with sh
  • how many words can you think of beginning with ch

We have been making up silly sentences using ch and sh, for example: chickens chomp chocolate. or sharks wear shirts made from shells.

  • can you make up a silly sentence of your own for the ch and sh sound?


  • can you remember how to make a paper aeroplane? We used this video to help us.

How to make a paper plane | Craft for kids – CBBC – BBC

  • how could you measure how far it flies? (measure the length using any objects or non-standard units such as toy bricks, teddy bears or footsteps)
  • can you find 5 things that are taller than you.
  • can you find 5 things that are shorter than you.
  • can you order some objects from shortest to tallest, shortest to longest.
Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 sh, ch he, she,we


Room 4 Walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know, our topic this half term is all about vehicles. As part of this, we would really like the children to have a walk around Pontesbury, looking at all the different vehicles we can spot and collecting data for our maths work. We will be going for our walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February.

On the way back through Pontesbury, we are going to call in at Hignetts Bakery and the children can collect an iced bun.  There will be a small charge of £1.10 for their cake.  We would like the children to have the experience of paying for the cake themselves, so please can the children bring £1.10 in a sealed envelope with their name on it.  We will collect the envelopes up before we go and hand them out in the shop so that the children can pay for their cake themselves.

We will be leaving school on Tuesday around 9.30 and be back in school no later than 11am.  The children will not need a packed lunch as we will be back in school in plenty of time for a hot lunch.  They will need a warm coat and hat and sensible shoes for walking. I know it is usually our PE day, but please can the children wear their school uniform on this occasion.

If you are free to help us walk around Pontesbury, we would really appreciate it.  If you are available, please could you let me know by Friday afternoon.


Thank you,

Charlotte Pope

Friday 26th November

Good morning everyone,

This morning we are going to do a little bit of number investigating. Please can you work your way through these challenges.  You will need to make some digit cards for 0-10 and a ÷ ,x, = and  to help you.

Maths for Friday

There are some extra challenges included on the printable sheet.  You don’t need to complete them all but you can if you wish.

For our English today we are going to continue with our newspaper report.  Yesterday we wrote the introduction. Today we are writing a paragraph about how the fire spread so quickly. This video may help you to remember some facts.

You will need to think about:

  • what the building were made of
  • how close the jetties were to each other
  • it had been a long, hot summer and there hadn’t been any rain for months
  • the strong wind blowing the flames and embers
  • that there was no fire brigade to put out the fires

Write a paragraph explaining only how and why the fire spread so quickly.  We will write the final paragraph about how they put it out on Monday.  Keep this paragraph safe, we will need it again next week.

For our RE today we are going to be thinking about the first Christmas.  Just to remind yourself…

This should be pretty familiar as we are practising our nativity in school.

Please can you re-tell the story.  In school we are using a large piece of A3 paper, divided into 8.- Here is an A4 copy or you can make your own version.  You can add pictures and text.  Make it really bright and colourful.

Nativity Grid

Please can you do your spelling test – I will post your new spellings for next week.

Please can you practise your nativity lines.

Please can you read some of your book.

Please can you have a lovely weekend!!!!

Keep me posted on how you are getting on and if there is anything you need, just let me me know..

Mrs Pope x




Thursday 25th November

Good morning everyone,  I hope you are all feeling well.

Today we are continuing with our work on division.  Have a little look at the sheet below.  You are going to need some different coloured felt tip pens to help you to group the strawberries and answer the division sums.

Thursday Maths

Please can you have a play on this game to practise finding multiples of 2,3,5,10.

Coconut multiples

For your English work today, I would like you to write the introduction to a news paper report about the Great Fire of London.

Re-read the newspaper report we looked at earlier in the week.

Newspaper text Example

Your introduction must contain the 5Ws.

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?

If you want to,  when you re-read our text, underline the 5Ws and use them to help you write your own introduction to a  newspaper report.  Make sure you start your sentences with a capital letter and end each one with a full stop.

Please can you practise your nativity words and your spellings.

Please can you read.  Here is a reading comprehension for you to look at.  Choose the one most suitable for you.


Butterfly Comprehension 1

Butterfly Comprehension 2

Butterfly Comprehension 3

This afternoon is our science afternoon.

We have talked about transparent, translucent and opaque in class, can you remember what those words mean?  Tell someone at home and explain this scientific vocabulary.

Can you have a look around your house for as many transparent, translucent and opaque objects as you can.  Can you sort them and draw them into this chart.

Science Chart

I hope you have a great day.

Mrs Pope

Wednesday 24th November

Hello everyone!

Please can you practise your spellings and your nativity words.

For our maths today, we are continuing with division and subtraction.  Please can you practise your dividing and multiplying by 10.  We are getting pretty confident with this.

Use hit the button to help you become super speedy with these maths facts.  Make sure you choose times tables- and select x10 and division facts and choose divided by 10 to get the sums you need.

If you are feeling super confident, move on to the 2,3,5 times tables but to begin with stick with the 10 times table.

Hit the Button

This morning we a going to go into the hall to practise our nativity.

For our RE lesson today we are going to be thinking about how we prepare for Christmas.  Have a chat at home about all of the things you do to prepare for Christmas in your house.  Do you have special decorations you get out? Advent calendars? Do you go the church or sing carols? Put up lights?  Do you put a Christmas wreath on your front door?  What do you do? Draw and write about how you prepare for Christmas in your home.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.  You could wrap up warm and play a game in your garden, do some dancing…



or have a go at this yoga video.



If you have time you could have a look at this reading comprehension all about penguins. Choose the most suitable for you.

Penguins Comprehension 1

Penguins Comprehension 2

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope.