This afternoon!

Good afternoon!

This afternoon we are beginning to look at the story of the Nativity.   Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Nativity powerpoint

Today I’d like you to break the story down into 8 parts.  Choose the most significant.  Then I’d like you to retell the story on the sheet below.  The big space is to add a picture and colour it.

Nativity Grid

Have a lovely afternoon.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Tuesday 10th November

Good Morning.

Today, in maths, we are continuing our work on multiplication.  We are looking at arrays again. Today I would like you to have a look at the arrays on the sheet and write both multiplication sums for it…just like this:

You should notice something about the answer to both number sentences.

Tuesday worksheet

In English, we are doing some research into how the Great fire of London began.  Use books and the internet to find out:

What happened?

Where it happened?

Who did it happen to?

Why did it happen?

When did it take place?

Remember, you are only thinking about how the fire began, not what happened next.  Please make sure that all the searches you do online have ‘for kids’ after your key words.

Please read your reading book and practise your spellings.  I will post our RE for this afternoon later.

Have a great morning.

Love from Mrs Pope x


Monday 9th November

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Today in Maths we are looking at how we can show multiplication as an array or groups.  We have talked about them in school but it was a little while ago.

Have a look at this and see if it jogs your memory.

We have been calling the x sign ‘lots of ‘ in school so 3 x 2 = or 3 lots of 2 looks like this:

Have a go at drawing arrays to answer these questions.

Monday arrays sums

In English we are looking at a new genre of writing this week.  We are looking at newspaper reports.  Have a read of the newspaper report below, you may have to zoom in a little to read.

Newspaper Report Monday

Now cut out these features and see if you can find them on the report.

Newspaper Report features

Please can you practise your new spellings.

This afternoon we are going to read this…

Londons Burning

Choose the section that is best for you and answer the questions for that section.

Using the information you have read, have a look at this PowerPoint and then have a go at writing a diary extract.


Imagine you live on Pudding Lane, what can you hear and see?

You can always email your work to me at:

It would be lovely to hear how you are getting on.

Love from Mrs Pope x


Spellings for next week.



Friday 6th November

Good morning everyone at home.  We are all missing you.

Today we will be starting the day with our Morning Maths.  You have about 20 minutes, how far can you get? Remember to use your fingers to help you work out the multiplication sums.

Ultimate times table challenge

Today we are continuing to match arrays, multiplication and repeated addition. This means that 2 x 5= is the same as 5 + 5=  is the same as   

it also the same as 5×2 and

Have a look at this sheet and work through it.

Friday maths

Today it is also Spelling Test day so please can you do your spelling test in your Spelling Book.   Your new spellings for next week will be posted later.



In RE today we are looking at belonging.  Can you think about what groups you belong to.  Make a list.  Then can you think about how it feels to belong to a group.  How does belonging make us feel supported and cared for.   We are going to make a poster in school using plenty of bright colours to write down the emotions we feel when we are part of a caring group.

Please can you read your reading book.

I hope you are having a lovely day and you have a good weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope x


Thursday 5th November

Good morning,

For those of you that are at home today, this morning we are practising our times tables.  We are using our fingers to help us count in 1,2,3,5,and 10s when answering times table questions.  To help us practise this skill, we are all playing ‘Hit the Button’  The link is below.

In our English work, we are writing descriptions of Tudor London. Yesterday we thought about what was above us, below us, near us and in the distance.  We are going to use these fronted adverbials to help us start sentences.  Watch the video below again.  Think about what you can see, hear, touch and smell.  Think about what is above you, below you, next to you and what you can see in the distance.

Can you write a description of London, using plenty of adjectives and expanded noun phrases ( adjective, adjective noun eg dark, damp houses or  brown, wooden building)

Our reading comprehension for today is ‘Amazing Antarctic Animals’

Complete the one that is best suited to you.

Amazing Antarctic animals.

This afternoon, as it Bonfire night, we are looking at the history of today and why we celebrate it.


We are going to draw our own firework pictures based on this.   Have a look at this web search for some ideas and choose your favourite.

Have a lovely day,

Love from Mrs Pope x

The Great Fire of London.

We have all been really busy this week finding out what Tudor London looked like.  We started by watching this video. We all loved spotting lots of differences.

We have been thinking of adjectives to describe the city and using them to make our work more interesting to read.

We also had a little look at this game, so I thought I’d put it on the website for you to have a go at.

I hope you enjoy looking at these.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Parents’ Challenge!!!


We have been learning about the continents and oceans of the World and the children wanted to give you a quick challenge!

Can you name all continents and 3 oceans in less than a minute? – No Googling first!!

Have a  lovely evening,

Mrs Pope x


Show and Tell!!

In Room 3 we have been wondering how we can share the amazing things that the children make or do at home, without having to bring things to and from school.  The best way we can think of, is that we do the ‘Tell’ part in school with the children and if there is a ‘Show’ element, you email pictures to me and we can share them within the classroom.  After they have been shown, I will delete the photos so nothing is stored in school.  We will have our ‘Show and Tell’ time on a Thursday afternoon, so if I could have any emails by 12 pm on Thursdays, that would be great.

My email address is:

Hopefully this gives us a lovely opportunity to share things that the children are proud of.

Mrs Pope


Thank you!!

I just writing a little post to say a huge thank you to everyone in Room 3, parents I am including you in this too!

You have been the most amazing class of year 2’s.  You worked so hard when we were in school and you have worked even harder at home.  Your attitude to learning and trying your very best is amazing and I know you will be a brilliant bunch of year 3’s!   I couldn’t have done my job without your support and patience and I am so proud of you all.

Thank you so much for my amazing gifts and cards, they really blew me away.  Lizzie and Harriet have many plans for the voucher but I am going to sneak away, one day soon and have a shopping spree of my own!!

It will be lovely to see you all back in September. Stay safe and well and have a lovely summer break. You deserve it.

Lots of love and hugs,

Mrs Pope xx