Wednesday 6th January 2021

Good morning my lovelies,

Well, I have to say this is not how I wanted to begin the new year and I’m sure it’s not how you wanted to either. I’m sure it wont be too long before I see all you all again.

Before you begin your maths today, you may want to print out a 100 square to help you when you are counting.  Once you have printed it out, you can keep it in a safe place for another day.

100 square

Here is today’s PowerPoint.  Please bear with me as we all get used to this way of working again.  As you play the PowerPoint, you will hear me asking you questions. As I recorded it, I imagined all your fabulous faces in front of me so I didn’t feel too silly.

Wednesday Maths PP

Wednesday counting in 3 cards

If you are feeling super confident, have a go at ‘Hit the Button’.  We have played this before in school. Today choose the 3 x table.


Have a read and a listen to this PowerPoint.  Today I thought it would be nice to write a letter to someone. You could say thank you for some thoughtful presents or just tell them what you have been doing and how much you miss them.  I know you will remember a capital letter to begin each sentence and a full stop to end them.  If you listen very carefully, you can probably hear me nagging!!!

Writing an informal letter PowerPoint

After lunch, we usually do our reading lesson. Here is a comprehension about penguins for you to have a look at, choose the one that you feel most confident with.

Comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Penguins Comprehension 1

Penguins Comprehension 2

Penguins Comprehension 3

On Wednesdays we would be having Mr Farlow for art, I know he will be very keen to work with you as soon as we are all back together again.  This term our topic for art is linked to our science topic of ‘Animals and their Habitats’.

This week, I would like you to practise some sketching. I know some of you are amazing artists and will enjoy this.  You can sketch your favourite animal from a book or your pet in real life.  Whichever you wish to have a go at. Remember, art is never perfect because it’s not a photograph so don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t go to plan.

Keep me posted on how you are getting on.  If you have time, you can email me and show me some of your work or just let me know how you are getting on. It will be lovely to hear from you.

Miss you all,

Love from Mrs Pope x


Thank you!

To all the lovely children and parents of Room 3,

Thank you so much for all of our lovely cards and gifts.

We hope you have a restful, exciting and wonderful Christmas.

We are really looking forward to seeing you all safe and sound in 2021.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Love from Mrs Keyland, Miss Claydon and Mrs Pope x

Party Time in Room 3!

Room 3’s Christmas party will be on Friday 18th December. It will begin at 1pm. Please can the children bring their party clothes (no shoes please) in their school bags. They will not need reading books etc on that day, we have too much partying to do!

Looking forward to all the festive fun!

Mrs Pope x

Room 3’s Christmassy costumes!

As part of our Christmas celebrations in school, Room 3 have chosen whether they wish to be angels, shepherds or sheep.  Many of the children who are angels or shepherds have already been given costumes from ones we have in school. A few lovely angels are bringing their costumes from home, which just leaves the sheep!

If your child is a sheep, please can they bring in a light, plain top in a labelled bag? We have got some sheep masks ready in school so that is really all they need.

Please can all costumes from home be brought into school on Monday 30th of November.

If you have any questions, just email:

Thank you very much,

Mrs Pope

Monday 16th November

Good morning,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

This week we are looking at division.  Please can you work your way through this Powerpoint introducing division by sharing equally. Let me know how you get on.

Division Powerpoint

In English we are reading a story about the Great Fire of London.  We are watching this video and re-capping the facts.

This afternoon we will be thinking about money. We will discuss what we like to spend our money on and how this is different for grown ups.  Have a little look at this presentation.

money presentation

Draw all the ways you would like to spend some money and ask grown-ups at home how they spend their money.  Is their any differences?

Have a lovely day today.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Friday 13th November

Good Morning,

Today is Free Write Friday!

Choose one of the pictures below and write anything you like.  You could write a story, a poem, some information whatever takes your fancy!

free write pics

In Maths we are practising using our fingers to work out times tables facts for the 2,3,5,10 times tables.  Have a go at this game, we love it!

Please can you do your spelling test.   Let me know how you got on!

This afternoon is our reward time for winning all the pieces of Mr Potato Head. We are watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory because we have just finished reading the book. So, snuggle up somewhere cosy and watch your favourite film.

Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope x


Thursday 12th November

Good Morning,

This morning we are looking as how we solve written multiplication problems.  We will be working through this sheet.  Please feel free to draw your jottings on the sheet or to draw arrays, whatever helps you to answer the questions.


Please can you practise your spellings.

In English we are continuing to write our newspaper report.  Yesterday you wrote the introduction.  Today I would like you to use the headings: ‘Why did the fire spread so quickly?’ and ‘How was the fire put out?’ and write a paragraph about each.

After lunch we will begin by reading and answering the questions about Samuel Pepys and his diary.  Choose the most appropriate level for you.

The Diary of Samuel Pepys

Samuel Pepys wrote his diary in code.


Today, I’d like you to invent your own code picture for each letter of the alphabet and write a short diary extract imagining you are Samuel Pepys.  Write your diary in code, just like he did.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Wednesday 11th November

Good morning,

This morning in maths we are going to be playing a little game.  You will need 2 dice and a piece of paper.  Roll the dice and look at your numbers.  If you get a 4 and a 2,

turn that into your multiplication sum so 4 x 2=

Draw an array to answer it.  Keep going and see how many different sums you can make.

As it is Armistice Day, it would be lovely if you could pause what you are doing and spare a thought for those who have given up so much in war and conflicts around the world. We will be observing the 2 minute silence at 11am in school.

Please can you practise your spellings and read your reading book.

In English we are looking again at the Great Fire of London and ‘who, what, where, when, why’ (or 5 Ws).  Today we are going to write the introduction to our newspaper report.  We will be using all of the 5Ws in the introduction so that the reader knows exactly what is happening.  Your introduction should only be 5 or 6 sentences long and is the first part of the newspaper that we will be continuing tomorrow.  Choose your favourite newspaper page layout from the selection below.

t-t-13459-newspaper-writing-template-_ver_2 (1)

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.  You could make up a dance to your favourite song or set up an assault course in the garden. If the weather is unpleasant, you could always have a go at the yoga below.

Have a lovely day,

Love from Mrs Pope x