Friday 15th January

It’s Friday!

Well done everyone, you have done an amazing job this week.  Thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing the lovely things you have been doing.

Here is your maths.

I have put a link to the ‘Funky Mummy’ game because I know how much you love it.  You can practise your number bonds or your times tables.

Here is your maths PowerPoint. Today we are continuing with adding and subtracting multiples of 10 but you are going to have to do both today.  Remember to keep your 100 square near by to double check your answers or to help you as you work.

Maths PowerPoint

100 square

Subtracting 10 maze

adding and subtracting 10 race game


extra challenge

As it is Friday, please can you do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on and I will keep a record so we can add your stickers to the class chart.

For English, we are going to do a ‘Free Write Friday’. Today you can use one of the pictures, or a picture you love from home and write anything you like.  You could write a story, an information booklet or poster, a poem or song, a diary a letter…whatever inspires you most. You can hand write your work or you could do it on the computer if it is available.

Here are some pictures for you to have a look at.

Let me know how you get on, I am looking forward to seeing what you creative lot come up with.

Here is a story for you to relax with.

As you have done your spelling test, here is a copy of your spellings for next week.


Week 2


Week 2


week 2

This afternoon we will be doing RE and Computing.


I’m really please you enjoyed the work on programming last week.  This week, we are going to continue with this skill and do lesson 2.

You will need the activity code Y654.  We are looking at lesson 2.  There is a short video to watch and then get practising!!

For our RE this week, I would like you to listen to the PowerPoint of the Prodigal Son.  I would like you to think about forgiveness.

The prodigal son

Have you ever had to say sorry for doing something silly? I know I have.  What was it? Have a chat with someone at home about saying sorry, how you show you are sorry and what it means to forgive someone when they do something silly.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Love from Mrs Pope x





Something very interesting!!

We seem to have had a bit of an underwater theme going this week and a few people have shared this with me.

It looks amazing.  I know how much you lovely lot love animals and so why not have a little look, there’s lots on offer.

Something we love in our house is the ‘animal cams’ where you can watch wild animals around the world.  If you have a spare minute, take a look…

Have fun.


Thursday 14th January

Good morning,

I cannot believe it is Thursday already!

Let’s get started with our maths shall we.

Here is a place value maths game for you to have a go at.

Place Value Basketball

Here is today’s PowerPoint.

Thursday Maths PowerPoint

Here are your sheets to go with the PowerPoint.  Sheet 3 is the most challenging.

Sheet 1

sheet 2

sheet 3

To begin with, for your your English today, I would like you to play the board game you made yesterday.  Make sure you are really clear about all of the rules for how you play your game.  Have a look at what equipment you need. How many players can play the game?  Explain to someone at home how you play your game.  Perhaps they could ask you a question or two about it to make you think carefully.

Here is the PowerPoint

Instructions PowerPoint

Here is a template for writing your instructions if you wish to use it.

Instructions template

Please can you practise your spellings.

Find somewhere quiet and spend a few minutes reading your reading book.

Here is a little brain break for you!

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.

This is really popular in our house!!!  Have a go!

Keeping with oceans themes this week,  why not try a little yoga?

Perhaps you can also get out and about for a walk or bike ride?  Play in the garden, make up a dance.  Have fun and be safe whatever you do.

Have a lovely day everyone and let me knowhow you are doing.

Love from Mrs Pope x


Wednesday 13th January

Good morning my lovelies, I hope you are all ok.

Today would have been our PE afternoon but, so that everyone gets some PE time in school, we have swapped it to a Thursday instead.

We really enjoyed jumping around, dancing and counting in school, so if you fancy having another go, here it is.

Super Movers counting

We will begin with our maths. Today we are going to be adding multiples of 10 to 2 digit numbers.  Have a look at the PowerPoint and then have a go at the sheet that suits you best.

Wednesday PowerPoint

Here is the 100 square, you may need it for today’s work.

100 square

Here are today’s sheets. As always, sheet 3 is the most tricky.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

For English today I would like you to make your own board game. Yes you heard me right! It can be about anything you like, animals, times tables, Disney characters, cars, snakes, anything!  Have a look at your board games at home for inspiration, look at how they are set out and what the aim of the game is.  You can design your board and questions in any way you like. You can write the questions on the board itself or you could make question cards for people to answer. It’s up to you.  Below are some board game templates if you need them but feel free to come up with your own design.

blank 1 with question cards

blank 2

blank 3

Once you have designed and made your game, play it.  Make sure you are really clear about the rules. Explain them to someone at home and show them how to play it.  Tomorrow we are going to write instructions for how to play the game.

Continuing our oceans theme this week, have a little read about the amazing dolphin.

Comprehension 1

Comprehension 2

Comprehension 3

Here is a little more information about these amazing mammals if you want it.

This afternoon is now our science afternoon.

Have a look at this PowerPoint about how people grow and change throughout their lifetime.

In the PowerPoint, I have asked you to investigate whether people get faster as they get older.  You could do this with younger or older brothers or sister, or the grown-ups you have at home, if they have time.  You could even create a grid to record your result.

Science for Wednesday

We often end the day with a story, have a little listen to these. Find somewhere warm and cosy.  You could even ask a grown-up to make you a warm drink.  Be careful though, it’s really hard to sit still and listen to Pete the cat.

Have a lovely day, let me know how you are getting on.

Love from Mrs Pope x




Tuesday 12th January

Good morning everybody,

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Did you manage to follow a recipe?  Our classroom was a little  bit floury after we had finished making flatbreads in school! In fact, some of us went home a little floury too.

Let’s start the day with a little maths warm up.  Have fun, do some dancing and wiggling and get your brains working.

Super Movers counting

Today in maths we are looking at taking away or subtracting 1 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers.   Have a look at the PowerPoint. Hopefully the sound will work, if not I have typed up the questions too

100 square

Tuesday PowerPoint

Tuesday maths


In English today we are going to write instructions for making flat breads, or whatever lovely, delicious delights you made at home. Have a look at the PowerPoint and then include all the features in your own set of instructions for how to make your recipe.

Tuesday PowerPoint

Here is a sheet to help you lay your work out, if you need it.

Instructions grid

Please can you practise your spellings.  When you have done this, have a go on phonics play.

Here are the log in details.

Please can you play these games first.

Have a quick run through of ‘Flash Cards’ this will keep all of the sounds we have learned fresh in your minds.  Once you have had one go, see if you can beat your score.

Choose either phase 4 or 5 to suit you.

Then you can play a quick game of ‘Buried Treasure’ to practise your blending skills.

Again, choose phase 4 or 5, whichever is best for you.

Here is today’s story. Sit yourself somewhere comfy, snuggle up and have a relax and a listen.

Have a few minutes relaxing and reading a book.

This afternoon we have art and PSHE.

So for your art today, just using a pencil and paper, I’d like you to go and find something in your house or garden that has texture. Something like a tree or clean shoe.  Put the paper over it and lightly rub the pencil over the paper so you can see the texture on the paper.  You could do this for more than one object if you wish.

Have a look at what happens if you press the pencil lightly or heavily and how does it change the picture.  Creating texture is one of the hardest things an artist can do.

For your art work, I’d like you to take a close look at these pictures.

Tuesday Art

Choose one to copy.  Can you create texture in your art work by pressing the pencil down hard or soft, using lines, marks and dots. Draw a small sketch showing what you can do.


Last week we thought about kindness, this week I’d like us to think about challenges.  Have a chat with someone at home about what you are good at.  What you would like to get better at and what challenges you could set yourself.

You, and your family if they wish, could set yourself a challenge or two. It could be a physical one, like throwing and catching a ball 100 times every day or it could be a different type of challenge,  perhaps keeping your bedroom tidy for a week or learning to tie your shoe laces.

Let me know how you get on.

Have a lovely day,

Love from Mrs Pope x

Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to relax a little.  Here is your work for today.  We will begin with maths.

Monday PowerPoint

Monday sheet


In our English work, we are continuing to look at instructions.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint.

Monday English PowerPoint


For your reading today I would like you have a look at one of these comprehensions. I find this fascinating.  The creatures that live in the deepest part of the oceans are absolutely amazing. Choose the comprehension that is best for you, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Oceans Comprehension 1

Oceans Comprehension 2

Oceans Comprehension 3

Those creatures of the deep that we do know about, are unlike anything you will have seen before!!  If you have time, when you have finished the comprehension, you could have a little look at this short video.

Animals of the Deep

We share books everyday in school so here is a story to share today.

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

Can you now practise your spellings, you can find them on Friday’s post.  You could try pyramid writing them in bright colours if you like.

This afternoon is our topic afternoon.  We are beginning a new topic about all about farming through history.

Just like in science, when we begin a new topic, we make a spider diagram to show what we know already.  So, tell me what you know about farming.

I’d like you to think about how farming began.  Farming began during the stone age when people who hunted and gathered their food began to spend time in one spot and keep cows, sheep, goats, pigs and dogs.  They began planting crops rather than collecting them.

Have a look at this picture. Play a game of eye-spy, what do you see?

Stoneage farming

If you wish to, you could cut out the pictures of foods that stone age people gathered, hid them around your house or garden and pretend to he a stone age gatherer, collecting your food.

Hunter gatherer foods

Here is a website that tells you a little about the stone age.

I hope you all have a lovely day, let me know how you get on and if you need anything.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Friday 8th January

Good morning everyone,

Well, we have made it to Friday.  I hope you are all wide awake and ready for today.

Here is your maths PowerPoint.  Today we are continuing to think about the value of numbers. This time, by estimating where they would be on a number line.  Have a look, work through the PowerPoint and one of the sheets.   Remember, the PowerPoint will get more challenging as you work through it so stop when you have gone as far as you can.  Sheet 2 is the trickiest. Any problems, let me know.

Friday Maths PowerPoint

Maths sheet 1

Maths sheet 2


In English we are continuing to look at instructions. Please watch these instructions from Mister Maker.  How many verbs can you hear as he explains what you must do?  You can jot them down on some paper if you wish.

Have a go at following these instructions to make your own cardboard bee. If you don’t have the things you need for these instructions, you could always follow some different Mister Maker instructions – or any others for that matter.

Does he tell you what you need to get?

Think about how he explains what you need to do, can you spot any time words? First, next, then…

Does he choose bossy ( or imperative) verbs when he’s telling you what to do?

Right, now you have made your bee, can you explain to someone else how you made it.  Remember to use time language: first, then, next…

Remember to use bossy verbs telling people what they need to do.

On Friday afternoons we are doing RE and computing.

For your RE this week, I don’t want you to record or write anything down. I want you to have a chat with someone at home about what you think kindness is.  I think it is really important that we are showing a little kindness to each other particularly at the moment.  Can you list the ways you show kindness? Then I’d like you to do something kind for somebody at home.

For our computing this week we are beginning our unit on programming. Click on the link below to go to the ‘i learn 2’ site.

Once you are there, type in the activity code: Y654

Please can you do activity 1 today.  You need to programme the car to drive to the house, now I know I’m not the brightest, but it took me a while to work out that the house included the red square too!

See if you can complete all the levels for this activity.

As it is Friday, I am giving you your spellings for next week.

week 1 Blue Group

Week 1 Green Group

Week 1 Yellow Group

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and get chance for a bit of relaxation and fun.

Speak to you all next week, and remember if you have time and would like to, I’d love to see what you are up to or perhaps just send me an email telling me how you are doing.

Love from Mrs Pope x



Thursday 7th January

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and raring to go today.  I was so strange not to see you all in school yesterday.

Here is our weekly timetable so you know what subjects will be taught on what days.  Please remember that the timings are for a whole class and a teacher that talks far too much, I would never expect children to write for an hour.  20 minutes writing or focused on maths is perfect. 

Make sure you have lots of breaks and time to play and relax.  We are doing this in school too.

Most importantly, do what you can and don’t worry about what can’t be done.  Please don’t feel you need to stick rigidly to every lesson every day. We know how hard home schooling is and how hard you are working.  If you need anything at all, just ask.

Weekly Timetable

For maths today I would like you to practise counting in 2s,3s,5s and 10s again, get your brains all warmed up and ready to go.

There is a 100 square on the PowerPoint, but here is the link if you need to print it out again.

100 square

Here is your PowerPoint for today.  We are looking at they symbols for greater than, less than and equals to.  There are several pages to look at and they get increasingly more tricky, you don’t need to work through each page, choose the one or two that are most suitable for you.

Thursday maths PowerPoint

Here are your maths sheets.  Sheet 2 is really mean, you have been warned!!

Maths sheet 1

Maths sheet 2

In English we are going to be beginning to look at instructions.   Have a look at the PowerPoint below.

Instructions PowerPoint

Please can you find some time to read a bit of your reading book.

Have a little relax and watch this…

This afternoon is our Science afternoon.

We are beginning our new topic.  It is all about animals and their habitats.

The first thing I would like you to do is to write down what you know about animals and the habitats that they live in.  You can do it as a spider diagram or as a list, it is up to you.

Have a look at this, this is your topic overview and knowledge organiser  Look particularly at the vocabulary section.  Can you use some of these words in a sentence?


Now have a think about this PowerPoint.

Animal Babies Lesson Thursday

Here are the sheets to go with the lesson PowerPoint.

Animals and Their Young Matching Cards Images

Animals and Their Young Matching Cards

I hope you have a lovely day, let me know how you get on and if there is anything you need.

Big hugs to you all,

Love from Mrs Pope x