Thursday 14th January

Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a lovely week so far. Here is what we will be doing today.


Morning work

This morning I would like you to have a go at doing some rhyming. Have a look at the pictures below, each strip has different rhyming words on it but one word is trying to trick you out! Have a look at all the pictures and spot which is the odd one out for each line. There is no need to print these out, just have a look on the screen and work out the answer.



Letters and Sounds

Our Letters and Sounds PowerPoint is below. We are learning the new sound ‘w’ today, then can you watch Mr Thorne below.

Thursday 14th January



We are going to continue with some subtraction today.

First, to get you started have a go at using some of the objects you have been using to help you with your maths to solve this number sentence below…

7 – 3 =

So, start off by getting 7 pieces of Lego ready as that’s the first number. Then take away 3 of them as that’s the second number. How many are you left with? That’s the answer!

Below there is a colour by numbers for you to complete, you will need to work out the answers to each of the number sentences before you know which colour you’ll need for each part. Keep using you Lego / buttons / beads etc. to help you work out the answer! There are 3 different pictures, so pick your favourite and have a go.

Colour by number – subtraction


Afternoon activity

Today we are going to have a little think about waterproof items. If something is waterproof then it means it keeps the water out – can you think of any items that need to be waterproof? How about some of the things that we need to wear when it rains?

Have a look through the PowerPoint and discuss whether each item is waterproof or not. Think about what you would use it for to help your thinking.

Then, can you go around your house / garden and see if you can find 5 things that are waterproof. Have a think why each item needs to be waterproof, for example wellies need to be waterproof so that we can splash in puddles and our feet don’t get wet.

Waterproof or not waterproof?


I have uploaded a new story to Tapestry for you to enjoy.


Enjoy your day,

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 13th January

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a good week so far. Here is what we will be doing today.


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to complete the counting sheet below. Count the vehicles and write how many there are in the circle. Once you’ve finished you can always colour it in! If you don’t have a printer, you could just count them off the screen and then write the number on a piece of paper.

Vehicle Counting Sheet


Letters and Sounds

There is no new sound to learn today – but watch the PowerPoint and complete the activities.

Wednesday 13th January



We are going to carry on with subtraction today. Have a look at the sheet below, you will need to count the amount of animals on the sheet, then take away how many it says, the easiest way to do this is by crossing off the number that you need to take away. Then count up how many you are left with and write the answer in the circle at the end.

Subtraction from 10


Afternoon activity

We are going to do a little bit more work about Noah’s Ark today. I would like you to have a little look through your recycling as we are going to do some junk modelling. Can you use items around your house to make your own boat? Once you have made it, test whether it floats or sinks – hopefully it floats! Then, can you see if your boat can hold any passengers? If you have any at home, you can see if it can carry animals like in Noah’s Ark? Or, if you have some dolls or Duplo / Lego people, you could see if the boat will carry those instead like a lifeboat! Have fun.



Snuggle up and have a listen to this audiobook.


I hope you enjoy your day!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 12th January

Hello everyone, here is our home learning for today.


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to make a repeating pattern. A repeating pattern is one which repeats itself with two or more colours / items (e.g. red, blue, red, blue etc.  OR button, Lego, doll, button, Lego, doll etc.)

Can you use something in your house to make a repeating pattern? Or, if you would prefer – there is an online activity below.


Letters and Sounds

Go through the PowerPoint below to learn our new sound ‘v’ and then watch the Mr Thorne video. I know the audio wasn’t brilliant on the PowerPoint yesterday – it sounds a lot clearer today so fingers crossed!

Tuesday 12th January



Today we are going to learn about taking away from 10. So first, find 10 objects that you can use for your maths today and count them out to double check you have 10.

Then can you take 4 objects away. Count how many you have left and that’s the answer!

Put all 10 objects back and then repeat taking away the following numbers:

9, 2, 7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 6, 10

Remember to do lots of counting to check your answers.


Afternoon activity / Story

Today I would like you to start off by watching the story of Noah’s Ark below. This is a story from the Bible, can you remember another story from the Bible that we have learnt about? (The story of the first Christmas and how Jesus was born.)

We are going to do a little bit of work on Noah’s Ark this week and today we are going to think about the Ark – what form of transport is this? It’s a boat! How do boats stay on the water? They float.

I would like you to do a little bit of an experiment this afternoon and see what items float and what sinks. Have a look around your house for some different items that you would like to test – remember that you mustn’t put anything electronic into water! Ask your grown up what they don’t mind getting wet.

Before you start, think about whether each item will float or sink and then test it in some water. This is called a prediction! Were you right?


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Information for Key Workers

I’ve had a few parents contact me to ask about PE / Forest School days for the children coming into school.

We are lucky enough to still have the Crossbar coaches coming in, so please send children in wearing their PE kit on a Monday. The rest of the week, please send children in their school uniform. If we end up going outside at all in the week then we will just put the children in their waterproofs and wellies over their uniform.

Thank you!

Miss Roberts

Monday 11th January

Hi everyone,


I hope you had a lovely weekend, thank you to everyone who has sent me their home learning from last week – you’ve been doing a brilliant job! Here is our work for today…


Morning Work

Can you have a go at writing all your numbers to 9? I want you to concentrate on forming them all properly rather than rushing. There is a number formation sheet below to help you, if you would like to use it.

Don’t forget the rhymes that we say when we form each of our numbers – there is a video for this, but unfortunately as it’s in a password protected website, I can’t upload it onto the website for you. Hopefully you are able to remember the rhymes yourselves!

Number Formation


Letters and Sounds

Today I’m trying something new – I hope it works! I have recorded some audio over a PowerPoint for our Letters and Sounds session. Have a look through the PowerPoint to learn our new sound ‘j’.

J Sound

After giong through the PowerPoint, have a watch of the Mr Thorne video below.



This week we are going to start doing some work on subtraction and today we are going to start by finding one less than a number. Grab 10 objects to help you with this activity (Lego, counters, small toys, pieces of pasta).

Can you count out the following amount of your object, then take one away to find out what is one less than that number?

8, 2, 5, 9, 1, 6, 3, 7, 10, 4

For example, count out 8 pieces of Lego, then take one away and count up how many you have left to find out the answer. You can write down how many you have left at the end if you would like to, but you don’t need to – the purpose of this activity is to do lots of counting.


Afternoon activity

Today I would like you to have a think about emergency and rescue vehicles. Below, there are some pictures of emergency vehicles and the people who operate them. With your grown up, can you discuss the names of each of these vehicles (e.g. ambulance, lifeboat etc.) and the names of the people who operate them (paramedic, firefighter).

Have a look at the different vehicles – what do they have on them that make them different to other vehicles (e.g. a siren, bright colours). Why do you think they need these things on them?

There is no need to print these pictures off, or write anything down. Today’s activity is just to have a discussion about emergency vehicles, think about the jobs that they do and why they need to look different to other vehicles.

People And Vehicles That Help Us



I have uploaded a story on to Tapestry for you. It has been tricky to upload a new story every day, but I will make sure that there are at least two stories every week for you to enjoy at home.


Have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts


Daily Timetable

I know that some parents have inquired about our usual daily timetable in Room 4. This is how our day would usually look:

8.40-9.15 Morning activities and registration

9.15-9.45 Letters and Sounds

9.45-10.00 Break

10.00-10.20 Snack

10.20 – 11.30 Child Initiated Time

11.30-11.45 Story

11.45 – 1.00 Lunch

1.00-1.30 Maths

1.30 – 2.15 Afternoon activities

2.15 – 2.30 Break

2.30 – 2.45 Assembly

2.45 – 3.10 Getting ready for home time and a story


These timings for school will obviously be very different to your day at home. It takes a lot longer for 30 children to complete an activity than for one child – for example, maths usually takes half an hour, but at home it may only take 15 minutes. Go with the flow of your child and your day, but if our daily timetable is helpful – then please use it.


Miss Roberts

Friday 8th January

Hi everyone,
Well done for making it to Friday! Only one more day of home learning before we’ve made it to the weekend! Here’s our work for today.

Morning activity
This morning I would like you to have a go at writing your name. You might not have done it for a long time, so it’s a good idea to get back into the swing of it because once we’re back at school we have to write our name on everything! If you are already really confident with writing your name – I wonder if you could write it 5 times?

Letters and Sounds
This is another activity for you to do with your grown up. Today, I would like you to have a look at your Phase 2 sound mat, I’d like your grown up to say a picture that’s on your sound mat, then can you find the picture and write the sound that goes with the picture? We have done this in Letters and Sounds before!
For example, I would say ‘dinosaur’, you would find the picture of the dinosaur and write the sound which is ‘d’.
Can your grown up find 10 pictures on your sound mat for you to write sounds for?

It’s our last little bit of addition today and I have an online game for you!
You will need to count the animals in each box, then count how many there are altogether to find the answer. Have fun!

Afternoon activity
This afternoon I would like you to have another think about vehicles that we have been learning about – vehicles that go in the sky, on land and in the water. Can you choose your favourite vehicle and make it using any of the construction toys that you have (Lego, Duplo, stickle bricks etc.) Think about whether it needs wheels, wings or any other parts to it. Have fun! If you would like to, you could always make a label for your vehicle too.

The final story of the week is on Tapestry ready for you to enjoy.

Have a good day and a super weekend, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to!
Miss Roberts x

Thursday 7th January

Hi everyone,


I hope you had a good day of home learning yesterday! Here’s our work for today.


Morning activity

Can you cut and stick the numbers in the right order from 1-10. You can count the pictures to see how many there are if you are finding it tricky to recognise the numbers. If you have anything with numbers on at home, you could use these instead to order from 1-10.

Cut and Stick to 10


Letters and Sounds

Today I would like you to see how many tricky words you can remember. Have a look at all the Phase 2 tricky words first to remind yourself (I, the, no, go, to, into) and then get a grown up to read them out one at a time. Can you have a go at writing down the tricky words from memory? Listen to the word, what sounds can you hear? Which part is helpful, and which part is trying to trick us? We know in ‘to’, we can hear the ‘t’, so that part is helpful, but the ‘o’ is trying to trick us! Don’t worry if you can’t remember many tricky words – it doesn’t matter! Once you start looking at them every day again, it will soon get easier.



We are going to carry on with some addition today. I would like you to get 5 of your favourite bears or cuddly toys out – count them to make sure that you have the right amount.

  1. Can you give each bear something to play with? How many toys do you have out altogether now?
  2. Can you give 2 bears a book to read? How many books and bears do you have altogether?
  3. Can you give 4 bears something to wear? How many items of clothing and bears do you have altogether?
  4. Can you take 3 bears away? How many bears do you have left?
  5. Can you give each of the remaining bears a friend? How many do you have altogether now?

You can come up with as many things to do with your bears as you like, but make sure you keep counting every time. Remember when we do adding, we always use the word ‘altogether’ to find out how many we have at the end.


Afternoon activity

Thursdays are now our Forest School days, so today I have an outdoors activity for you!

As we are learning about vehicles this term, I thought it might be a good opportunity to get out for some fresh air. Why don’t you go on a walk near where you live and see how many different vehicles you see? Remember – not all vehicles drive on the road, you might want to remember to have a look up to the sky and see if you can see any flying vehicles around too. If you like, you could always take the vehicle sheet below with you and see how many you can tick off?

Vehicle Spotting Sheet



I have uploaded another story onto Tapestry for you to enjoy.


Have a lovely day! I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to.

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 6th January

Hello Room 4!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year, I’m really sad that the term has had to start this way and I can’t see you properly, but I’ve got some exciting activities planned for you to do at home. I’m going to keep our online learning as close to our normal school day as possible, which is as follows:

  • Morning activity
  • Letters and sounds
  • Maths
  • Afternoon activity
  • Story

Every day I will upload our work onto the website with links to worksheets / websites. Please remember that we totally understand how hard it is to get 4 and 5 year olds to spend a whole day working at home, when we are at school we have plenty of breaks for playing inside and outside – so please do this at home too! I do not expect every single activity to be done every single day – just do what you can, when you can. Once the work for the day has been completed, please put the pictures / videos of what you have done on Tapestry for me to see.

Here is our home learning for today.

Morning activity

I would love to know about your Christmas holidays! Please could you draw me a picture of some of the things that you did in the holidays? Or, put a few photos up on Tapestry for me to see. Talk to your grown up about what your favourite things were that you did, and your favourite present that you received.


Letters and Sounds

First of all, can you go through your Phase 2 sound mat (there’s one below if you don’t have yours at home) and see how many sounds you can remember. Then do the same with the tricky words. Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten some over the holidays!

Then, can you use your sound mat to label the pictures below? Under each picture there are 3 boxes – this is called a phoneme frame, one sound goes in each box.

CVC Words to Label

Phase 2 and 3 Sound Mat



This week we are going to start looking at adding numbers together. Last term, we looked at numbers to 10 and we were getting really confident at recognising and writing them. To start off with, can you play on the Gingerbread Man game for 5 minutes to see how well you can remember to count to 10 and recognising the numbers?

After you’ve done that, can you choose 12 of your favourite toys that you can move about. It will have to be something little like 12 pieces of Lego, or 12 beads, or even just 12 little bits of paper. You will also need a dice.

With your grown up, can you take it in turns to roll the dice and count out the right amount of the object you have chosen. Once you have both had a go, count up how many you have all together.

E.g. I roll 3 and count out 3 pieces of Lego. You roll 4 and count out 4 pieces of Lego. Then we put all the Lego together, I have 3, you have 4, together that makes 7! Have as many goes as this as you like. If you want to, you could have a go at writing out the total each time on a piece of paper to see what the biggest number is that you manage to make.


Afternoon activity

This term we are going to be learning all about vehicles. These are things that you can travel in. Have a chat with your grown up and see how many different vehicles you can think of…

After that, can you complete the worksheet below? You will need to sort the vehicles into land, sea, sky and rail – depending on where they work. Can you think of any other vehicles for each section?

If you don’t have a printer, you could always just draw a picture of a vehicle for the land, sea, sky and rail?

Vehicle Sorting Activity



I have put a video of a story on Tapestry for you to watch. You can watch this, or enjoy listening to a grown up reading a story at home.

I hope you have a lovely day, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to!

Miss Roberts x

Key Worker Care Update

Shortly we will be sending a text out to all our Key Worker families.

If you have had a text from us, please send your child/ren into school wearing their uniform as usual. School dinners will be provided on site, but you are also welcome to send in a packed lunch if you would prefer.

The school  will be open at 8.40 as usual and the school day will begin at 9.00. The children may be collected between 3.05 and 3.20.

The PE days for each bubble will be as follows:

Room 4  / Reception – Monday

Room 5 / Year 1 – Thursday

Room 3 / Year 2 – Tuesday

Room 2 / Year 3 – Wednesday

Room 6 / Year 4 – Friday

Room 8 / Year 5 – Friday

Room 7 / Year 6 – Wednesday

Before and after school provision will run as normal.

Due to the new lockdown, we expect parents to fully abide by social distancing rules and to wear a mask when dropping off and picking up children. Although the school doors open at 8.40, please remember that this is to give you enough time to drop children off and socially distance with other parents. Please do not all congregate outside classrooms while you wait to drop off / pick up your children: it is extremely important that we all act carefully and sensibly at this time to keep our community as safe as possible.