Thursday 28th January

Morning activity

This morning I have got some colouring for you to do, but instead of a colour by number, it’s a colour by phoneme! So have a look at the sounds and choose the right colours.

Colour by Phoneme


Letters and Sounds

Thursday 28th



This morning can you start off by playing the game below. Helicopter Rescue Please select ‘Find a Number’ then ‘1 to 10’. If you are really confident with your numbers, then you could select ‘1 to 20’ instead.

Then, I would like you to go on a little hunt around your house today whilst doing some counting. So today, I would like you to find the following items. Make sure that you are counting carefully each time. Can you find…

  • 6 socks
  • 2 pieces of fruit
  • 8 pens or pencils
  • 5 toys
  • 7 pieces of cutlery
  • 4 shoes
  • 9 books
  • 3 bags

Have fun. And remember to make sure you put everything back afterwards too!


Afternoon activity

Today is exactly the same as yesterday, choose one or two more vehicles to write captions about. Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.



There is a story on Tapestry for today.

Wednesday 27th January

Hi everyone – halfway through the week now!

You may have seen our new Home Learning Policy on the website, on here it states that children in Reception should only be expected to work between 1 and 3 hours a day when they are at home. With that in mind, please do not feel guilty if you only manage to get 1 hour of work done each day! In school we still have plenty of time to play and we certainly aren’t working flat out all day. We quite often get all our work done in the morning and then spend the afternoon, playing, having fun and doing crafts.

So, whatever it is you manage to get done today – well done!! We are all just doing our best in very tricky times.

Morning activity

First, listen to the days of the week song. We have listened to it in school before, but that probably seems like a long time ago now, but see if you can sing along with it. It’s only short so you might want to listen to it a few times.

Then, can you have a go at cutting and sticking the days of the week in the right order?

Days of the Week


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 27th



Today I would like you to start maths by playing on the Ladybirds game.

You can choose whether you do the counting, matching or ordering game and choose your level. You should be able to have a really good go at all of the different games on here by yourself by now.

Then, I would like you to do a little bit of counting around your house today. So, can you count how many of each object you can see:

  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Coats
  • Photo frames
  • Beds
  • Toothbrushes
  • Towels
  • Cushions.

Use the sheet below to record your answers if you would like to.

How Many


Afternoon activity

Today I would like you to have a look at the pictures below and choose one or two vehicles to write some sentences about.

So for example, I might choose to write about a hot air balloon. My sentences would be:

‘It is a hot air balloon. It has a basket to carry people.’

Grown ups – remember to let the children sound out as best they can without writing the word for them to copy. Of course, if they choose to write a word which will take a lot of sounding out like ‘submarine’ then it’s fine to write it for them! Just try to let the children use their brains as best they can.

Don’t forget your finger spaces and full stops!

Tomorrow’s activity is going to be exactly the same. When we are in school we wouldn’t do too much writing in one go, but if you are feeling up to it you can always choose three or four vehicles to write about and then have the day off this activity tomorrow!


Have a little listen to this Audiobook today.

Why a Koala Has a Stumpy Tail


Have a fab day everyone and remember to just do your best!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 26th January

Hi everyone, I hope you are all still doing well at home. I’m missing you all lots! Here is our work for today.


Morning activity

Today I would like you to write your name, have a look at the letters in it. Can you think of something that begins with each letter of your name and draw a picture of it?

For example, for ‘Miss’ I might draw a picture of a mouse, an igloo, a snake and a sock. Have fun!


Letters and sounds

Tuesday 26th



You will need to get the flashcards that you made yesterday ready for todays lesson. First, can you have a look at all the numbers and say what each number is? Did you need help, or did you know it really quickly? If you needed help, they are the ones that you’ll need to keep having a go at.

Then, can you use your flashcards and put them in order to 10?

Then order them backwards.

Then get a grown up to take some numbers away, can you order them now and work out which ones are missing?

Have a go at these activities a few times so you get really familiar with recognising and ordering all the numbers to 10.


Afternoon activity

In Room 4, we LOVE children who are really independent and have a go at doing something by themselves before they ask for help.

Today I would like you to have a think about some things that you could be a bit more independent at. Maybe you could learn how to:

  • Fold your clothes
  • Make your bed
  • Lay the table for dinner
  • Put your shoes and socks on by yourself
  • Cut up your food

Have a think about something that you’d like to be a little bit more independent with and have a go at doing it today! You will be so proud of yourself when you learn to do something by yourself that you couldn’t do before!



Enjoy a bedtime story from Cbeebies today. 

Bedtime Story


I hope you all have a good day,

Miss Roberts x

Monday 25th January

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of learning ahead. Here’s what we are doing today.


Morning activity

Our morning activity is on the PowerPoint below.

CVC Words


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson for today is below. We are learning a new tricky word today!

Monday 25th



This week we are going to do lots of work with the numbers up to 10

We have a song that we sing to help us draw the numbers in school, but unfortunately it’s behind a password protected website so I can’t link it. But here is a numberblocks song that you could watch to help you remember how to draw each number instead.

Cbeebies Number Song

Today I would like you to make yourself a set of flashcards with the numbers 0-10. You can make these as exciting as you like by colouring in and decorating each number. You could even draw the right amount of pictures on each flashcard to help you, e.g. 3 bears under the number 3, or 6 smiley faces under the number 6. Have fun, and keep these safe once they are finished as you will need them for your activities later in the week.


Afternoon activity

It is our PE day in school today, so have a go at the cosmic kids yoga below. This is quite an important one at the moment – can you work out why? If the weather is looking nice, then maybe try and get outside for some fresh air and a walk. There might even still be some snow for you to go out and enjoy!



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Friday 22nd January

Hi everyone, it’s Friday – you made it to the end of another week of home schooling. Well done!


Morning activity

Can you have a go at cutting and sticking the sounds to make a word to go with each picture? You can do both sheets if you like, or just one, it’s up to you!

If you don’t have a printer, you could make your own version, or just have a go at labelling the pictures you can see.

Phonics Cut and Stick


Letters and sounds

Today we are going to be having a go at sound buttons.

Friday 22nd


Today we are going to finish learning about height and length. I would like you to have a little look through your toy-box and choose your 10 favourite toys. Can you put them in order of height from smallest to largest?

Which is your largest toy? Which is your smallest? Which ones are medium sized? Can you add any more toys to your collection?


Afternoon activity

This afternoon I thought you might like to have a nice easy afternoon and do some crafts. Sticking with our transport topic, I’d like you to use any craft materials you have at home to make a mode of transport. I’m hoping that most of you have toilet roll tubes at home, so have a go at making a vehicle out of one of those. You can be as creative as you would like, but there are some ideas below to get you started if you aren’t sure. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Today there is a story on Tapestry for you!


Enjoy your day and have a fantastic weekend. I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been doing.

Miss Roberts x

Thursday 21st January

Hello everyone, here’s what we will be doing today.


Morning activity

Today I would like you to have a go at the letter formation sheet below. This set of letters are called the ‘curly caterpillar’ letters and are the ones that we often struggle with forming correctly.

Curly Caterpillar Letter Formation


Letters and Sounds

Thursday 21st



We are going to continue learning about height today.

Start off by having a go at this online activity first.

Then, I would like you to draw a picture of your family, but can you draw everyone in height order? So the shortest member of your family first, all the way up to the tallest member of your family.

If you’d like to, you could label all the members of your family too.


Afternoon activity

We are going to learn about past and present vehicles. The past means things that happened before today, and can mean a long time ago. Have a look at all the vehicles below, can you recognise what they all are?

Think about whether this is a new vehicle (one that we would see today) or an old one (one that we might have seen a long time ago). Talk about how they are different from the vehicles that we see today and why they might have changed.

Old and New Transport Photos There is no need to print these off.

Then you might want to have a go at the sheet below to spot the difference between the old and new versions of each type of transport. If you are feeling very brainy today, you could even have a go at labelling the pictures!

Past and Present Transport Apologies this wasn’t uploaded sooner!



Apologies again, I usually record the story for Tapestry in the morning once I get to school. There were a few hiccups with getting to school today due to the floods, so I will upload a story tomorrow instead. In the mean time, today you could choose your favourite story from home for your grown up to read.


I hope you all have a brilliant day, I’m looking forward to seeing how you all get on.

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 20th January

Hi everyone, we’re halfway through the week now and I hope you are having a good one. Here’s our work for today.


Morning activity

Please complete the missing number sheet below. There are two sheets available, but please just pick which one you would like to complete. The second one is a little bit trickier as the numbers go backwards instead of forwards – have a go at this one if you want to challenge yourself!

If you don’t have a printer, then you could just read the numbers off the screen and work out which the missing ones are.

Missing Number Tracks


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 20th



Today we are moving on and learning about height. This means how tall something is. I would like you to have a little look around your house – can you find anything that is taller than you? Can you find something that is shorter than you? Can you find anything that is the same height?

Draw pictures / write the objects that you find using the sheet below, if you like.

Maths sheet


Afternoon activity

Today we are going to be writing some more sentences! Instead of your sentences starting with ‘I am…’, today they are going to start with ‘I can…’

For example you might write ‘I can run.’ ‘I can hop.’ ‘I can swim.’

Don’t forget to sound each word out properly, use a finger space in between words and remember a full stop at the end of each sentence.



Have a listen to this audiobook. You might even want to get snuggled up on the sofa, or do some drawing or colouring whilst you are listening to it.

Stone Soup


I hope you all have a brilliant day.

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 19th January

Hello everyone, here’s our learning for today.


Morning activity

Can you complete the Phonics cut and stick activity below? If you don’t have a printer, you could always read the words off the screen and then draw a matching picture for each.

There are 3 sheets here, so just pick one to print off.

I Can Read Phase 2 Set 3 Words Activity Sheet


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson and Mr Thorne videos are below.

Tuesday 19th



I hope you had fun measuring all the different items around your house yesterday! Today I would like you to cut out the pictures of the caterpillars and put them in order of length from the shortest to the longest. This is something you should be good at doing by yourself without much adult help.

If you don’t have a printer, maybe find the objects that you measured yesterday and put them in order from shortest to longest instead.

Ordering caterpillars


Afternoon activity

Today we are going to do a little bit of writing. I would like you to write some sentences about yourself that start with ‘I am’. Watch the PowerPoint below to explain how I’d like you to do this.

Writing I am sentences



Enjoy listening to ‘Oi Frog!’ This is one of my favourite stories.


Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Roberts x

Monday 18th January

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend and that you are ready for another week of home learning. Here’s your work for today.


Morning activity

Can you complete the colour by number below? If you don’t have a printer, you could always draw a picture and then add numbers in to make your own – or if you have a colouring book you could get your grown up to add numbers to it instead.

Elmer Colour By Number


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson for today is below, then watch the Mr Thorne video.

Monday 18th



This week we are going to be learning about length and height. Length means how long something is and height is how tall something is. Today we are going to be learning about length.

Today I would like you to find some building blocks that you can use to measure with, then I’d like you to use these to measure different items around your house. There is a sheet to fill out below if you would like to with all the different items that you could measure, or choose your own items to measure.

Which item that you measured is the longest? How many blocks long was it? And which item was the shortest?

Happy measuring!

Measuring sheet


Afternoon activity

Today the children in school have PE.

Have a go at the Change For Life activity below.

Or you could complete a Cosmic Kids yoga session.

Or if you like, you could always do both!



There is a story on Tapestry for you to enjoy at the end of your learning today.


Have a brilliant day!

Miss Roberts x

Friday 15th January

Hello Room 4, it’s finally Friday! Only a little bit more home learning and then you can finally enjoy your weekend.


Morning activity

Can you remember the Noah’s Ark story from Tuesday? Have another watch below if you can’t.

Can you draw some pictures of the animals that you think might have been on Noah’s Ark? Remember to draw two of each animal! Keep your drawing safe as you are going to need it for this afternoon.


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson for today is below.

Friday 15th January


Today we are going to play a game to practise all the addition and subtraction skills that you have learnt over the last few weeks. Below is the game to play – you will need some Lego, Duplo or something similar and a dice.

Have fun!

Addition and Subtraction Game


Afternoon activity

Remember the animals that you drew this morning? Well you’ll need to get that picture out again, this afternoon I would like you to label some of the animals that you have drawn. Remember to use your word builder and sound mat to help you.

Grown ups – remember that 4 and 5 year olds are not expected to write every word perfectly. They will just need to sound out the word and write the words that they hear. For example, they might write ‘giraffe’ as ‘juraf’ – that is absolutely fine! That’s what we are expecting them to do. I know it’s tricky – but don’t be tempted to write the word out for them to copy as it won’t help them in the long run. Even if they just hear the first and last sound (j f) that is alright for this time in the year too!



Enjoy a bedtime story from Cbeebies today.

We have this story at school!


Have a lovely weekend everyone, I’m very proud of how hard you are all working at home.

Miss Roberts x