Thursday 25th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you’re all ready for another day of learning!


Morning activity

Can you complete the missing number activity sheet below to get your brains warmed up and ready for the day?

Missing Numbers


Letters and Sounds

Thursday 25th



We are going to continue with our addition, but it’s going to get a little bit trickier today!

To start off with, have a little go at playing on this addition game.

Addition Game I know I put it on the website to play earlier in the year, so you should be familiar in it.

Then I would like you to have a go at completing the number sentences using a number line today. I have done a small PowerPoint below to explain how to do this.

Adding Using a Number Line

Addition to 10 Number Line


Afternoon activity

I hope you all enjoyed finding the different materials around your house yesterday – I hope you put them back nice and tidily too!

Today we are going to learn about something called adjectives, these are describing words. All of the different materials that you had to find yesterday were described by adjectives such as fluffy, squidgy, scratchy etc.

For this activity I would like you to choose your favourite toy or teddy from your toybox and think of some adjectives to describe it. Think about what it looks and feels like to help you.

If I was going to describe this tractor I might use the following adjectives:

Hard, red, shiny, fast.

Whereas if I was going to describe this teddy bear, I might use these adjectives instead:

 Fluffy, soft, brown, cuddly.

So, choose your favourite toy and have a think of some adjectives to describe it!



I have put another story on Tapestry for you to enjoy.


Have a brilliant day everyone, I’m missing you all lots and can’t wait to see you soon!

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 24th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all having a lovely week so far. Wednesday means we’re halfway through the week, so keep up that amazing work – you can do it!


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to have a go at the shape cutting and sorting activity below to get your brains warmed up and ready for the day!

Shape Sorting


Letters and sounds

Wednesday 24th



Today we are going to continue learning about addition, this time we are going to use a tens frame. A tens frame looks like this.

Can you work out why it is called a tens frame?

Today we are going to fill our tens frame in to complete our addition number sentences. For this activity you will need two coloured pens or pencils. So, look at the first number in your number sentence use your first colour to draw that many circles in your tens frame. Then look at the second number and draw that many circles using your second colour. Then count up how many squares you have coloured in altogether to find your answer. There is an example of how to do this below.

Have a go at completing the number sentences below using this strategy. There are tens frames under each number sentence to complete to work out the answer. If you aren’t able to print the sheet, then maybe draw one tens frame out and use two different coloured objects to work out the answers to the questions instead.

Tens Frame Worksheet


Afternoon activity

We are going to be thinking about different materials today. A material is what something is made of, have a look around you and see if you can name what any of the objects are made of, what do they feel like? What do they look like?

Today I would like you to have a look around your house for some of the following materials. Can you find something:

  • Fluffy
  • Shiny
  • Hard
  • Soft
  • See through (transparent)
  • Scratchy
  • Smooth
  • Bumpy
  • Wrinkly
  • Stretchy 

Have you managed to find all of the items on the list? Was there anything that was particularly tricky to find? And was there anything that fit into two of the categories? For example was there anything that was see through AND smooth? Or something that is bumpy AND shiny?

Don’t forget to put away everything you’ve find once you’ve finished!



I will be reading a story on Teams for you at 2.30 today!

Tuesday 23rd February

Good morning everyone, how are you all today? I hope you all settled back into your home learning yesterday! Here is what we are doing today.


Morning activity

This morning I have a challenge for you… I want you to write your name in as many different ways as you can. So you could write it big, small, normal size, backwards, down the page, rainbow writing, bubble writing etc. How many different ways can you think of to write your name?


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 23rd



I hope you all managed to get to grips with writing number sentences for adding on one more yesterday.

Today we are going to be adding slightly bigger numbers. You will need some blocks, beads, pasta or something that you can easily move around to work out the answers.  If we were doing this in school, then we would do it the following way.

For example, 5 + 4 =

What is the first number? 5 Get 5 counters out and put to one side.

What is the second number? 4 Get 4 counters and put them in another pile away from the first lot.

Then we need to see how many we have altogether, so put all the counters together and count up how many you have.

We now have 9 counters – that’s your answer! Write it after the equals sign.

There is a list of number sentences for you to work the answer out for below. If you don’t have a printer then you could just read these on the screen and work out the answer. The most important thing for today is to look carefully at the number sentence and make sure that you are adding up the correct numbers using your resources.

Addition to 10


Afternoon activity

This half term we are going to start learning about animals! My favourite animal is a red panda – what is your favourite animal and have you ever seen one?

Last half term when we were learning about vehicles, we sorted them out into vehicles that went in the water, on land and in the sky. Well today we are going to do the same with animals! So, I would like you to sort animals into groups according to whether they can walk, fly or swim. You can either print off the picture cards below (there are lots, so maybe don’t print all of them! And please ignore the first page with the animal descriptions on.) or if you have any toy animals at home you could sort those out instead.

At the end you should end up with 3 groups of animals – ones that fly, ones that walk, slither or hop etc. and ones that swim. Some of the animals might fit into more than one category too!

Animal Groups Sorting Cards



Enjoy this story by Oliver Jeffers – he is one of our house authors!


Have a brilliant day everyone, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to.


Miss Roberts x

Story Time

I will be doing another story via Teams on Wednesday 24th at 2.30pm.

Invitations should have already been sent to the children’s email addresses, please let me know by Wednesday lunchtime if you aren’t able to see the invitation and I will resend it.

This week I thought it might be nice to give the children the choice of what they would like to listen to. There are two options.

Option 1 is Jack and the Flumflum Tree by Julia Donaldson.

Set sail with Jack and his crew of two for an exciting adventure on the high seas. Can they reach the Isle of Blowyernose and get the flumflum fruit they need to cure Granny’s moozles? The ocean is dangerous and disaster always at hand – but maybe the patchwork sack Granny gave Jack will help…


Option 2 is When You’re Not Looking by Lynne Chapman

Did you know that pigs are actually quite chic? Did you know that worms wear false teeth? Have you ever seen a cow cooking up a feast? Or gerbils eating what they love the most – marmalade on toast! These animals do the craziest things – but only when you’re not looking!


I thought that maybe you could show your child the book covers and read them the blurb and then ask which one they would like to listen to. If you could email me, or let me know when you put things on Tapestry then I will read the story with the most votes!


Miss Roberts

Monday 22nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a lovely half term holiday and you all enjoyed a week off learning at home. Wasn’t it nice that it wasn’t so cold!? We’ll be starting off nice and easy today to ease you back into the swing of things.


Morning Activity

This morning I would like you to have a go at the ‘I Spy and Read’ activity below. There are two to choose from, if you are feeling confident with your reading then go for the Phase 3 version. If you feel like you need a bit of an easier one today then go for Phase 2. You could even do both if you are up for it!

Phase 2

Phase 3


Letters and Sounds

Today we are going to be recapping the ch, sh, th and ng sounds that we learnt at the end of the last half term. You might want to get your sound mat ready for today!

Monday 22nd



Last half term, we started looking at addition and we are going to do a little bit more work on it this week. When we are adding numbers together, the answer gets bigger and we end up with more than we had to start off with. Today, we are going to start off the week by adding on one more to a number.

When we add numbers together, we write a number sentence.If I had 8 blocks and put one more on, then my number sentence would look like this:


Today, I want you to find one more than a number and to have a go at writing the number sentence. To do this how we would in school, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1

What number is it? Make a tower with that many blocks and write the number down. 8

Step 2

Add one more on to your tower. Then write the add symbol. 8+

How many blocks have you added? 1! So write that number next. 8+1

Step 3

Now we need to write an equals sign in our number sentence. That is the sign we put before the answer, it’s just two lines on top of each other! 8+1=

Step 4

Now we need to find out how many blocks we have altogether to find out what the answer is. Count up how many blocks you have now and write the answer. 8+1=9


Have a go at finding one more and writing the number sentences for the following numbers:

3, 7, 2, 5, 6, 4, 9


Grown ups – this might seem like it takes a long time at first, but keep at it! It’s the first time we have done this, so take your time and the more confident they become, the quicker they will get!


Afternoon activity

Today it is PE! Have a go at either the Cosmic Kids or PE session below. Or get out and do your own form of exercise – walking, running, biking, scooting… Whatever you fancy!

PE Activity



There is a story on Tapestry for you to enjoy at the end of your learning today.


Have a brilliant first day back to home learning everyone!

Miss Roberts x

Friday 12th February

Good morning everyone, it’s the last day before half term! And it’s a special day today as it is Chinese New Year, we’re going to do lots of fun learning about this today. There are lots of different activities to choose from to try today. Please watch the first video to help you understand the story of Chinese New Year and then pick and choose from any of the other activities for the rest of the day.



Activity 1

Watch the videos below to help you understand a little bit more about Chinese New Year.


Activity 2

Can you put the animals in the order that they finish the race in the story? Use the sheet below, or maybe see if you have any toy animals that appear in the story around your house?

Chinese New Year Animals


Activity 3

Can you use playdough to make the animals that appeared in the story?


Activity 4

Work out what your Chinese Zodiac sign is! Maybe you could draw a picture of the animal? I was born in the year of the Monkey – how about you?

Chinese Zodiac Calculator


Activity 5

Do some crafts! You could make and decorate a paper lantern, or a Chinese dragon. This year is the year of the Ox, there’s a colour by numbers to have a go at completing too.

Colour By Number

Make A Chinese Dragon

Make A Paper Lantern


Activity 6

Have you ever had a Chinese takeaway? What is your favourite food from there?

Have a look at the menu below and see if you know what some of the different foods are. Would you like to try them? You could plan what you would like to eat if you were going to have a Chinese takeaway. Maybe write out a list of dishes you would like to eat.


Activity 7

One of the ways Chinese New Year is celebrated is by having fireworks at night. Could you make a firework picture? Maybe use paints, or chalks or pencil crayons, or glitter. The choice is yours!


Activity 8

In China, one of the languages they speak is called Mandarin. Their letters and numbers look different to ours! Have a look at the PowerPoint and maybe have a go at writing the numbers up to 10 in Mandarin. How did you find it?

Number Formation


Activity 9

Have a go on the maths game below. You will need to order the numbers to make up a Chinese dragon!

Dragon Number Ordering


Activity 10

Relax!!! You have made it to half term and have completed 6 weeks of learning at home. Well done everyone (children and parents included). Have a lovely week off!


Miss Roberts x

Thursday 11th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing alright! Here is our work for today…


Morning activity

Have a go at the ‘I Spy and Count to 10’ activity below!


I Spy and Count



Letters and Sounds

Thursday 11th



I hope you all managed to work out how to do a pictogram yesterday – I told you it wasn’t as complicated as it seems!

First, have a go at playing one of these games to make some pictograms.


Then, have a look at the Zoo Block Diagram sheet below and have a go at turning it into a pictogram using the skills you learnt yesterday. It says to colour each block in, but you could always draw each animal in, or cut and stick them into each square instead. The choice is yours!

Zoo Pictogram

Then answer the following questions:

  • Which animal was there the most of?
  • Which animal was there the least of?
  • Was there the same amount of any animals?


Afternoon activity

We’re going to do a little bit more music today. I hope you all enjoyed experimenting on Chrome Music Lab last week – we loved it in school! Today I’ve got something a little bit funkier for you.


This website seems to work best on laptops or computers. If you open it on your phone or tablet then it asks you to download the app, which I think is free.

So, this afternoon you are going to be DJs! Have a play around on the website, if you drag the pictures onto the people then it makes music. Once all the people are filled up then you’ve made a song! Have a play around and see how many different combinations you can come up with – we’ve been doing a little bit of this in school already and we LOVE it! There’s a lot of cool dancing going on.



There is a story on Tapestry for you to enjoy today.


Have a brilliant day everyone – only one more to go!

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 10th February

Good morning everyone. We’re halfway through the week now, keep up all the hard work – you’re doing great!


Morning activity

We are going to do some more thinking about rhyming words again today.

I want you to think of as many words as you can that rhyme with the following words. There’s no need to write them down, just see how many you can think of…

  • Cat
  • Sun
  • Frog
  • Sing


Letters and Sounds

For letters and sounds today, I would like you to have a go on the Phonics Play website again.

Phonics Play

Remember that the website is free at the moment with the username jan21 and the password home. If you were struggling with the rhyming activity this morning, then you may want to play ‘Cake Bake’ on the Phase 1 games as this game is all about rhyming words.



Today we are going to be learning about pictograms. This is where you collect data and put it into a grid with pictures to find out the most or least popular thing. It sounds complicated, but I promise it isn’t!

Here is a pictogram based on people’s favourite fruit…

So, have a look at the picture and answer these questions:

  • Which fruit is the most popular?
  • Which fruit is the least popular?
  • Which fruit/s did 6 people like?
  • Which fruit did 5 people like?


Today, I would like you to make your own pictogram. Have a look at the fruit and / or vegetables in your house. Can you make a pictogram based on how much you have of each fruit or vegetable? Choose up to 4 types of fruit or vegetable to put in your pictogram, then draw that fruit in each box for how many you have.

So, if you had 4 oranges, you would fill in 4 boxes with a picture of an orange in each box. There is a template below for you to fill out.

Pictogram Template


Once you have filled out your pictogram. Have a think:

  • Which fruit / vegetable did you have the most of?
  • Which did you have the least of?
  • How can you tell?
  • Did you have the same amount of anything?


Afternoon activity

Yesterday I asked you to think about what was special about you. I hope you all managed to come up with some good ideas, because I know you are all very special!

Today I would like you to think about who or what is important to you. It might be a member of your family, pets, a friend or a special cuddly toy.

Can you draw or write all the people and things that are important to you?



I am doing a story over Teams for you today, I hope you can join in!


Have a fab day!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 9th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you’re ready for another day of home learning!


Morning activity

Yesterday you had a go at your number formation, today it’s letters. Remember how important it is to always start your letters in the correct place, this really helps you when you’re older and you start to learn to join your handwriting.

Letter Formation


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 9th


First of all, watch the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ as you are watching it, can you count how many people and animals are in the house each time?

Now, I have a problem for you to solve. There are 6 characters in the book altogether, and I want you to find different combinations of 3 characters in the house, and 3 characters outside.

So, for example, I might have the Old Lady, the Wise Old Man and the hen inside and the pig, cow and horse outside.

Then I might have the Wise Old Man, pig and cow inside and the Old Lady, hen and horse outside.

How many different combinations can you come up with?

There are some pictures below for you to cut out and move around and help you to solve the problem.

A Squash And A Squeeze Characters


Afternoon activity

In Room 4 we are all very, very special! There are so many interesting and important things about each of us. Have a think – what is special about you?

Draw a picture of yourself, and then either draw or write the things that you make you special.

It might be something you’re good at, the way that you look or a special skill you  have.

Here’s mine!


Enjoy our story from Maths as your story today!


Have a fab day,

Miss Roberts x

Teams Meeting

I have scheduled in another Teams meeting for Wednesday 10th at 2.30. This week we will be having a story time. Please check your emails and let me know if you don’t have the invite by 12.00 on Wednesday so that I have chance to try and sort it out beforehand. The invitation should already have been emailed out to you.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible there!

Miss Roberts x