Summer Term Timetable

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have a very well deserved break, I can’t believe next term will be our last one of Reception!

Next term, our timetable is changing slightly.

Our Forest School day will be on Wednesdays and our PE day will be on Thursdays – please come dressed in the right clothes for both of these days.

Have a brilliant holiday and I’ll see you when you are all rested and relaxed.


Miss Roberts x

Parent WhatsApp Group

Some of the parents from Room 4 have recently set up a WhatsApp group for all the parents. Parents have had these groups before and they are a really handy way to keep up to date with what’s happening in school – especially when there’s a change of PE day or a special dress up day etc. I know parents in the past have found these really useful – and a bit of a life saver! Unfortunately at the moment it’s impossible to chat to other parents properly after school so it’s really tricky to get contact details for everyone.

If you would like to be part of the WhatsApp group, then please email me or let me know at the door, and I can pass your details on to Diane Jones who will add you to the group. There is no school involvement in this group at all, it’s just the easiest way to pass contact details on in these COVID times!


Miss Roberts

Friday 5th March

Good morning everyone – it’s the last day of home learning!!! You’ve done it!! We have got a very easy last day today, I hope you have fun.


Morning activity

Have a go at completing the colour by numbers below. There are a couple, so just choose whichever one you would like to do.

Colour By Number


Letters and Sounds

Go onto Phonics Play and have a go at any of the games to help you with the sounds that you need to get better at. Remember we have learnt up to ‘oa’ on our sound mat.

Phonics Play



Since we’ve been learning about weighing this week I thought it might be a good opportunity to do some cooking! In school we are going to make some rocky road bars using the recipe below. These are great if you have anything that needs using up in your cupboards, you can add in any extras that you like.

Rocky Road Recipe

If you don’t have the ingredients for these, then choose your own recipe to follow, or even help make your lunch or your tea for tonight. Just make sure you help your grown up do a bit of weighing!


Afternoon activity

This afternoon we are going on a school trip to Chester Zoo’s Virtual Zoo!

Choose any of the videos you would like to watch and have fun learning about the different animals.

Have an excellent day and a lovely weekend everyone, and I can’t wait to see you all on Monday!!

Miss Roberts xx



Return to School 8th March

Hi everyone,


I hope you’re all feeling excited and ready to go for our first day back to school on Monday. I am really excited to see you all and hear about all of the lovely things you have been up to!


Coming into school

Hopefully you have seen the post about the new way of coming into school. I know on the post it says about dropping children at the gate and encouraging the children to come to the classroom door independently, I just wanted to set your minds at ease about this. We will have several members of staff waiting on the playground to watch the children and help them into their classrooms so the children will not be walking across the playground by themselves. If you feel really unhappy about letting your children walk into school by themselves then that is fine! You are still very welcome to drop your children off at the classroom door by following the one way system.

If you do this a few times and feel that your child is feeling more confident about coming into school, then we would encourage you to drop them off at the playground and let the staff on the playground help them into their classroom.

Do whatever is right for your child, we are just working hard on trying to reduce the number of parents on site at the start of the school day.



Room 4 will now have PE on a Monday and Forest School on a Thursday. The rest of the week they are to wear their school uniform.


If there are any queries about anything, then please feel free to send me an email –


Miss Roberts

Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning! I hope you are all managing to work as hard as you can in this last week of home learning. You can do it!


Morning activity

I’ve got a challenge for you today – can you use some of your construction toys and see if you can build a tower that’s taller than you? If you don’t have enough to make a tower that’s taller, what is the tallest tower you can make the same height as?


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 3rd



I hope you’ve all enjoyed learning about capacity so far this week – remember that means how full something is. Today we are going to be moving on and learning about weight – that means how heavy something is.

For your activity today I would like you to sort some of your toys out into a pile of toys that are heavy and a pile of toys that are light.

CHALLENGE – can you find anything in your house that is small but heavy, and anything that is big but light?


Afternoon activity

How are you all feeling about returning to school next week? I’m really excited about seeing you all, but I can understand if some of you are feeling nervous or unsure about coming back.

Grown ups – talk to your child about returning to school and listen to some of their worries, or what they are excited about. Then get your child to draw a picture of something that they are excited for – maybe some of the friends that they have missed or some of the activities they are excited to do again like Forest School or PE.



I will be reading a story via teams at 2.30 today.

There will also be a bonus story session at 9.15 on Thursday for World Book Day. On Thursday – please get the children to pick their favourite book and bring it to the meeting for them to talk about.


Have a brilliant day everyone!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here’s what we will be doing today…


Morning activity

Have a go at one of the maths activity mats from below. There are about 15 on the document, so just choose one that you think you need to get a little bit better at! Please DO NOT do them all!!

Maths Activity Mats


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 2nd



For our capacity work today I would like you to get the tupperware containers back out please. Choose 2 or 3 that are a different size and then choose some items that you can fill them up with (Duplo, pasta, marbles, pencils etc.).

First, I want you to predict (that means guess) how many items it will take to fill up your container. Maybe write down your prediction somewhere. Then, fill your container up with the items that you selected, counting as you go.

Have another look at your prediction – were you right? At the end, which container could you fit the most items in? Which could you fit the least items in?


Afternoon activity

Today I would like you match up the pictures of the animals to their babies using the sheet below. Can you think of the name for each of the animal babies? (e.g. a baby dog is a puppy, a baby bird is a chick).

If you are feeling SUPER brainy today, you could even label each of the pictures after you have matched them. Even if you only do the first sound that you can hear for each picture – then that’s enough to get your brains working hard!

Animals and Babies Matching



I know we all love Oi Frog! Here is Oi Dog!


Have a brilliant day everyone!

Miss Roberts xx

Monday 1st March

Good morning everyone, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This is the last week of learning at home before you all come back into school next week – I am SO excited to see you all! One more week, you can do it!


Morning activity

Have a go on the activity below this morning. Please have a go on the ordering activity and then select the level that suits you best. For most people that will be either forwards 1-10 or backwards 10-1, but some of you will be able to work with numbers up to 20. Just make sure that you don’t select a level that’s too easy! 

Caterpillar Ordering

Letters and Sounds

Monday 1st March



Over the next couple of days we are going to learn about capacity, this means how full something is. Today I would like you to have a little look at all the containers that you have in your house this might be tupperware, washing up bowls, cups etc. Can you put them in order from the container that holds the most to the container that holds the least.

Have a look at your smallest container, if you filled this up with water, how many containers full would it take to fill up your biggest container? Have a go and find out!

Then can you show your grown up that you know what full means by filling a container up? Can you show them you know what half full means? And empty?

Finally – can you select the cup that you think would be best for making your favourite drink.Why have you selected that one?


Afternoon activity

It is our PE day today. Have a go at the yoga below, or get outside and get some fresh air instead.

You’ll need to skip to about 6 minutes in before the yoga activity starts.



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a brilliant day everyone!

Miss Roberts xx

Friday 26th February

It’s Friday – we made it! Well done everyone. I’ve kept things nice and easy for today because I know we are all getting very tired now! Here’s what we will be up to.


Morning activity

Have a go at the colour by phoneme sheet below. There are two pictures so just choose the one which you would like to have a go at.

Colour By Phoneme


Letters and Sounds

First, go onto the Phonics Play website and play Flashcards and Tricky Word Trucks. Then have a go at the activity on the PowerPoint below.

Friday 25th



We have been so busy with all the adding that we’ve been doing this week! I hope you are starting to feel more confident with the different strategies that we can use to work out addition problems now. To test all the skills you’ve learnt this week, have a go at this quiz on Cbeebies. Count the Numberblocks on the screen to help you.

Numberblocks Quiz

Then have a go at the sheet below. You will need to colour in the number 9 Numberblock in as many different ways as you can and complete the addition number sentences below each one. There are a few different sheets, so just print off the one you need.

Number 9 How Many Ways?


Afternoon activity

I’ve got a fun activity for you this afternoon, and I’m really looking forward to having a go at this myself with the children in school. As we have started learning about animals this week, I wondered if you might like to make an animal handprint. There are some ideas below to get you started, or you can get creative choose your own idea!

I would LOVE to make a display with all of your animal handprints, so once you’ve done yours, could you please keep it safe and bring it into school with you once we come back? Then we can put them all up on the wall and admire everyone’s art! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


Have a brilliant day everyone and I hope you all have a really restful weekend.

Miss Roberts xx