Wednesday 30th June

Hello everyone,

Here is what we did at school today.

Morning activity

This morning we didn’t have any maths, instead we spent the starting to make posters about the butterfly life cycle.

To start off with, we wrote our title and then stuck pictures in the right order like this:


Then, we wrote our first sentence on our poster about the eggs. Ours looked a bit like this.

And that’s all you need to do so far, we will be finishing off our posters later in the week.


Letters and Sounds

Today we looked at ccvc words again. Can you put each of these words into a phoneme frame?






Here is an example below.


Forest School

This afternoon we had Forest School and we went out to make dens! Maybe make a den in your house or garden out of different things you can find.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 29th June

For everyone having to self-isolate, here is what we got up to in school today.


First we had a go at counting in 2s and 5s and counting up to 20 forwards and backwards. Then we continued our work with subtraction and completed the subtraction sheets below, crossing off the correct amount of minibeasts.

Minibeast Subtraction

Please select the level to suit you.


Letters and Sounds

Today we had a go at capital letters. Can you have a go at writing the capital and lowercase letters for the whole alphabet?

There is a capital letter sheet below to help you.

Capital Letters



Today we learnt about the life cycle of a frog. Do you remember the frogspawn that we borrowed from Mrs Pope’s class a little while ago? Here is a reminder of each stage of the life cycle of a frog.

Have a look at the pictures below and put them in the right order for the frog life cycle – or you could just draw your own!

Frog Life Cycle


Afternoon activities

This afternoon we had a story, and then we spent the afternoon playing – so I suggest you do the same!


Have a good day everyone.

Miss Roberts x

Monday 28th June

Hello everyone!


I hope you all managed to have some fun whilst you were stuck at home over the weekend. Only one day of home learning and then we will all be back at school tomorrow. Here is what we are doing today…



This week we are learning about taking away. Sometimes we call this taking away and sometimes we call it subtraction – it’s up to you what you choose to call it because you will hear both ways as you go through school.

To start off with, can you have a go at counting in 5s up to 50 and counting in 2s up to 20 like we do each morning?

Today I would like you to have a go at working out the number sentences below. Please use something that you can move around like counters, such as Lego, beads, pasta etc.

To start off with, look at the first number and get that many counters. Then look at the second number and take that many counters away. How many are you left with? That’s your answer! You can print off the sheet and write the answers down, or just work practically by reading the number sentences off the screen. Up to you!

Monday Maths


Letters and Sounds

First, can you have a look at your sound mat and see if you can say all of your Phase 2 and 3 sounds and tricky words just by looking at them?

Phase 2 Sound Mat

Phase 3 Sound Mat

Today we are going to look at ccvc words. Can you read the word below?


Can you write this word down, but turn it into the word ‘spot’? What do you need to add to turn it into this word? Where do you need to add it?

Then, have a go at changing the rest of the words below.

Write ‘top’ – change to ‘stop

Write ‘kip’ – change to ‘skip

Write ‘rip’ – change to ‘trip

Write ‘rom’ – change to ‘from

Write ‘lan’ – change to ‘plan’.



We have got some animals in our class that are busy going through a few changes, can I remember what they are? They’re caterpillars! Today we are going to learn all about their life cycle.

Watch the video below to help you understand a little bit more about each of the stages.

Then, I would like you to use the sheet below to order the stages of the butterfly life cycle. You can use the sheet to cut and stick the pictures, or just draw your own version of the butterfly life cycle.

Butterfly Life Cycle

Once you have done this, please can you label each stage of the life cycle using the words egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly. Remember to use your word builder and sound mat to help you sound out each word.


Story time!



I thought you might like to have a go at some butterfly crafts today. There are a few pictures below with some ideas on, you could pick one of these or come up with your own idea. Totally up to you!


I hope you all have a lovely day. Just so you are all aware, I won’t be in the classroom tomorrow, but I will be in school throughout the day. So don’t worry when I’m not there in the morning!


Miss Roberts x

Wet socks!

Apologies for all the wet socks and tights coming home with the children today. Once the (very heavy!) rain had eased a little bit after lunchtime, we took the opportunity to do some puddle jumping. We did put on wellies and waterproofs, but even so – every single child managed to get their socks or tights completely sodden!

On the plus side – the children were very happy splashing through the deep puddles that had formed throughout lunchtime!

Help please!



The week after next we will be doing a craft activity which involves empty yogurt pots. If you eat yogurts at home, please would you send your empty (and clean!) yogurt pots our way? We will need 1-2 pots per child. Just the little snap pots or something similar will be perfect for our activity.

Thank you in advance!

1,084 BEST Empty Yoghurt Pot IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock

Miss Roberts