Friday 19th November

Hello to all of you self-isolating at home!

Here is what we have been up to in school today.



Today we started off by counting up to different numbers and back down to zero again. Can you do this with numbers 7, 11, 20, 15, 9?

Then we had a look at a number track. Have a look at the one below, what numbers can you see?

Then we had our own number tracks with different numbers missing. Can you complete the sheet below with the missing numbers? If we weren’t sure what number was missing, we started at 1 and counted up until we got to the missing number. Don’t forget our number rhymes to help you form each number!

Missing Numbers


Forest School Diaries

Yesterday in Forest School we went on a hunt for different words around the school grounds and we wrote them down next to the correct picture once we found them. When we completed our Forest School diaries today, we drew some of the places that we found the words and had a go at using our word builder and sound mat to write a few of the words down. Can you have a go at writing some of the following words down using your word builder or sound mat?

cat, dog, pen, net, mop, peg, sun, map

Or you could even set up a word hunt in your own house!



This afternoon we had PE with our crossbar coaches. You might want to do some yoga, or have a go at playing our traffic light game. Remember the words for the different actions:

Red = stop

Amber = walk on the spot

Green = walk / jog / run (depending on space)

Windscreen wipers = move body side to side

Speed camera = jump in the air in a star shape


If you wanted to do yoga, have a look at the video below


We then finished the afternoon with a Nativity rehearsal, so you might want to have a go at singing some of the songs we’ve learned.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Half Term Challenge

You might have noticed some of your children showing you a magic way that we have learnt to put our coats on. It’s a great way to encourage a little bit of independence as it’s a really easy way for them to put their coats on by themselves. Over half term, could you encourage children to keep having a go at putting their coat on independently until they are really confident with it? It would also be amazing if you could help show them how to do their zips up too.

With the colder weather approaching it’s hard work helping 30 children to put their coats on all at the same time, so the more they can do themselves the better!

Have a watch of the video below if you aren’t sure of the method then have a watch of the video below.

Have a lovely half term everyone – you have definitely earnt it!


Just an apology about there not being any observations on Tapestry yet. We have changed over our IT system and are still waiting for the Tapestry app to be loaded onto the iPads. I have lots and lots of photos ready to go for when it’s live, but unfortunately it’s just a waiting game at the moment!

I promise all children are having lots of fun in school, they’ve settled in brilliantly and I think they are going to be a real bunch of superstars!

Parent phone calls


Just to let you know, I have managed to ring half the parents so far today. If I haven’t managed to contact you about how your child is settling in then I will do this next Friday, but please feel free to email me or speak to me at the door after the sessions in the meantime.

Miss Roberts

Welcome to school!

Hi everyone,

I am so excited to get to meet all your lovely children properly next week. I’ve got lots of exciting things planned and I’m sure they are going to love coming to school.

Just a quick reminder about PE and Forest School.

Forest School will be on a Wednesday. Children need to come into school wearing clothes for outside on these days, and there’s no need to bring uniform for them to change into afterwards. Please bring wellies and waterproofs in for us to keep in school.

PE will be on a Thursday. Children need to come in wearing their PE kit on these days, some PE sessions may be taking place outside, so please remember to make sure children have a PE jumper / fleece with them on these days too.

Forest School and PE will be starting the week beginning 20th September, once all children are in full time, so no need to worry about this for the next few weeks!

Also, please remember to make sure your child has a water bottle with them in school each day. We politely ask that it is water in bottles and not juice, as this is our school policy.

See you all next week,

Miss Roberts

Next Week

I can’t believe our last few days of Reception are finally here! It looks like it’s going to be a scorcher, so please remember sun cream, sunhats and water bottles every day this week.

We will be sending a few bits home with the children this week, including their books that they have been working in this year. I will choose 3 children and keep their books in school for a year, and theirs will be sent home at the end of next year. So please don’t worry if your child comes home without their books.

We will also be sending wellies and other Forest School bits home this week, so please can you all send your child into school with a carrier bag to bring them home in? Or just take them with you in the morning / at the end of the day if you would prefer.

Remember there is no Forest School on the last day – so come in uniform on Wednesday please!

If you haven’t already, please have a little hunt for any reading books at home and send them into school. We will be passing on their reading records to Year 1 so that the adults in there know which books to start off with next year, so please send these in too.


Thank you!

Miss Roberts

Reading Books

Just so you know, we won’t be sending any more reading books home now as we need to make sure that they are all collected in again ready for next year. So please send reading books in to school as normal tomorrow, but please be aware that they won’t be coming home again for the rest of the term.

Please can you also have a good look around your house to see if you have any that are lurking around and send these back into school too.


Many thanks,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Garcia

Next Week

Hi all,


Here are a few changes to our timetable next week…

Monday – PE day. Please come to school in your PE kits.

Tuesday – normal school uniform.

Wednesday – Forest School as usual.

Thursday – Pontesford Hill trip. As per the letter, come in wearing Forest School clothes, sensible shoes for walking, with a sensible rucksack to carry packed lunch and water. Please check the weather in the morning to see if you will need suncream / hat / coat etc.

Friday – normal school uniform.


On the last week of term there will be no Forest School, so please send the children in wearing their uniform every day.


Many thanks,

Miss Roberts