Tuesday 19th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing alright, I know we’re probably all starting to feel a little bit more tired and naggy as we approach half term. Take it easy if you need to and remember you can just pick and choose activities off the website as they suit you. Today we will be doing Forest School, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.


Forest School:

I know lots of you have really been enjoying your daily walks and just being able to get out of the house as much as you can. I thought when you go on your walk one day this week, you might want to have a little look at the trees around you. I have got a Leaf ID sheet below so that you can see how many different trees you can spot on your walks. You will need to look at the leaves on the trees to help you identify what each one is. The Woodland Trust website also has lots of other good outdoor activities if you wanted to have a little look.

Leaf ID Sheet



Continuing with our Gingerbread Man work, I have got some writing for you to do today. The good news is, the sentences have already been started for you, so you will just need to think about what to write at the end of each. Remember – do whatever is going to work best for you and share as much of the writing with a grown up as you need to.

The Gingerbread Man Writing Prompt


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go on the Rocket Rescue game on Phonics Play. You will need to listen to the word and type it into the box to collect all the pieces of the rocket. We have done this in school and we were getting really good at our typing skills! Ideally I would like you to have a go at the Phase 3 option, but it is up to you! It might be handy to have your sound mat next to you to help you too.



Have a fab day everyone!

Miss Roberts x

Letters and Sounds Answers

I hope you all had fun with this activity today and enjoyed working out the answers. Let’s see how many you got right!

These all started with ‘s’ (swim, smile, Santa, snail, sun, star)

These all had the ‘ch’ sound in them (chicken, cherry, peach, cheese, beach)

These all had the ‘ee’ sound in them (teeth, feet, monkey, wheat, key)

These all had the ‘air’ sound in them (bear, chair, hair, pear, fairy)

These all had the ‘ai’ sound in them (wave, rain, rainbow, skate, brain)

The odd one out was car as it didn’t rhyme (lock, clock, car, sock)

The odd one out was onion as it didn’t have the ‘oa’ sound in it (arrow, onion, boat, goat)

And finally, the odd one out was snowflake is it didn’t have the ‘ur’ sound in it (plaster, circle, burger, snowflake)


Let me know how many you got right!

Miss Roberts x

Monday 18th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today we will be doing Maths, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.



This week we will be recapping our addition and subtraction skills. Today we will be concentrating on addition. You may want to begin today by counting forwards and backwards to 20 to get your head back into counting in ones. Then I have some online games for you to play, there are a couple to choose from. The first is nice and easy and only goes up to 10 and has pictures for you to count to help you work out the answers, it might be best to start with this one.


The second is a little trickier as there are no pictures to count, so I would suggest you have some practical resources around you to help you work out the answers. Counters, beads, Lego, pasta even little bits of paper will work for this. There are a few different levels so choose which suits you best!


Have fun!



We’re going to continue doing some work on the Gingerbread Man this week. I hope you all enjoyed your baking last week – I saw lots of very delicious looking treats! Today I would like you to think about what each character might be thinking during the story and write a speech bubble for them. You can just write one speech bubble, or all of them, you can write it all yourself, or share the writing with your grown up – it really doesn’t matter. As always, do whatever is going to work best for you and your household!

Gingerbread Man Thought Bubbles


Letters and Sounds:

Something a little bit different today – thank you to Eva’s mum for sharing this idea!

Below are a selection of emojis and some questions about them. You will need to think about the sounds in each of them to try and work out the answers. I will be posting the answers to these later on in the afternoon, so no chance for cheating sorry! Hope you have fun with this activity – it’s a good chance for working together to try and work out the answers, you could even get older siblings involved. Click on the image to make it larger – hopefully you can see all the pictures clearly.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Friday 15th May

Hello everyone,


Well done for making it to the end of the week! Today we will be doing Maths, Understanding the World and Letters and Sounds.



Yesterday you should have had a go at counting in 5s and hopefully you spotted the pattern on the 100 square too. Today I would like you to complete the worksheet below and fill in the missing numbers by counting in 5s, use your completed 100 square from yesterday to help you. There are different levels on the sheets – winter is the easiest, and spring is the trickiest, so choose whichever suits you!

Counting in 5s


Understanding the World

Today we are going to have a little think about technology. There are lots of different types of technology all over our houses and we use them every day! But for your challenge today, I would like to see how many different pieces of technology you can find around your home that don’t have screens (think remotes, washing machines, doorbells, battery operated toys etc.)

Take pictures of what you find, or draw pictures, or write a list. The choice is yours!


Letters and Sounds:

Can you have a go at the worksheet below today please? You will need to read the words and write them next to the correct pictures. Like the other day, if you want to make it more tricky then cut the words off the bottom and write them using your word builder and sound mat.

‘ai’ and ‘ee’ matching sheet


I hope you all have a lovely day and an even better weekend! I am so proud of how you are all doing at home and still missing you all a lot.

Miss Roberts x

Sam’s Calligram for Room 4

Sam has been inspired by the work his brother in Room 3 has been doing and has made a calligram for Room 4 with all of our names on it. Isn’t it lovely!? Have a look and see if you can spot your name. (Click on the picture to see the whole thing.)

Thank you Sam!

Letters and Sounds

Unfortunately it looks like the Letters and Sounds link that I put up is no longer working!

I’ll try my best to explain the activity on here…

You will need:

1 dice

Pieces of paper with the Phase 3 sounds on


Lay the sounds out on the floor in a path or rainbow shape and roll the dice. You will need to move that many spaces and then say the sound that you land on, then repeat. You can do this as many times and with as many players as you like!


I hope that all makes sense.

Miss Roberts x

Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone,

How are we all doing today? Ready for some more learning I hope! Today we will be doing Maths, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.



So now that we have learnt to count in 2s and 10s, we are now going to learn to count in 5s! I would like you to do the same sort of thing that you did on Monday please. I have put a 100 square below for you and I would like you to count up to 5 and colour it in, then count on 5 more and colour that square in and continue like that. So by the end you should have coloured in 5, 10, 15, 20 etc.

Have a look – do you notice that the pattern of the second numbers goes 5, 0, 5, 0? And that the first numbers go 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 etc?

If you wanted to do this activity online, here’s the link again.



100 Square



Hopefully yesterday you did some sort of cooking or baking at home. Today I would like you to write an ingredients list for all of the items that you used. There’s a template below for you to use if you wish.

See if you can use your word builder and sound mat to sound out and write as many ingredients as you can without having to copy them! It’s really good for our brains to try and remember to use those sounds that we have worked so hard to learn.

Ingredients List Template


Letters and Sounds:

Today I have got another game for you to play! Have a look at the website below for what to do.


Ideally, please focus on the Phase 3 sounds, or the sounds that you are struggling with. I’ve put a sound mat below, just in case you aren’t sure of the Phase 3 sounds!

Phase 2 and 3 Sound Mat


I hope you all have a lovely, fun day.

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 13th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing alright so far this week. Today we will be doing some cooking, maths, letters and sounds and yoga.



Since we have been reading the story of the Gingerbread Man, I wondered if you might like to make your own gingerbread men at home. There is a recipe below for you to follow if you would like. Please do not go out and buy any ingredients for this, if you don’t have anything then either bake something else, or just get the children to help with whatever you might be making for lunch or tea today. We will be writing down an ingredients list tomorrow, so it really doesn’t matter what you make!

Gingerbread Men Recipe



It looks like you all did an amazing job at counting in 10s and recognising the pattern on the 100 square on Monday, well done! Can you have another go at counting in 10s up to 100 please, and then I’d like you to complete the worksheet below. Remember that the first number always goes up in ones, and maybe use your 100 square to help you if you need it.

Counting in 10s cut and stick


Letters and Sounds:

Something a little bit relaxing for Letters and Sounds today, and actually it might be a nice activity for after yoga. Today I would like you to do some colouring, it’s like a colour by number but instead you need to colour by phoneme (sound). Today, please can you just complete the first sheet (j, v, w, x) I couldn’t find a way of just uploading this sheet without all the others, so just this one today please as I’ll probably be suggesting others at another time.

Colour by phoneme



Unless you want to choose your own, maybe have a go at this yoga today.


I hope you all have a lovely day, I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 12th May

Hello everyone,

I’ll be in school with the Key Worker children again today and I’ve set you some tasks for Forest School, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.


Forest School:

Today I thought you might like to do a little bit of a science experiment! Have a look at the sheet below to see what to do. The experiment sheet says to use daisies, however we have also tried this with daffodils which has worked well. Have fun and enjoy watching your experiment throughout the day!

Science Experiment



Yesterday you should have read or watched the Gingerbread Man – I hope you enjoyed it. Today I would like you to have a go at ordering the story please. I have included some pictures from the story, if you would like to print them out and order them, there are an awful lot, so I would recommend printing multiple pictures on one sheet. Or, you could draw the order that the Gingerbread Man meets the different characters? Do whatever is going to work for you!

Gingerbread Man Pictures


Letters and Sounds:

I spotted a really fun idea for Letters and Sounds that you might like to try today. On a wall outside your house, stick up pieces of paper with the sounds ‘or’ ‘ur’ ‘oo’ and ‘ar’. Then I was wondering if you could use a hose, or a water pistol (or anything else you can think of) to shoot the right sound for each of these words:

corn, fork, pork, fur, burn, burst, moon, spoon, tool, card, hard, scar

As well as any other words that you can think of.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Monday 11th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend, wasn’t the weather glorious? We had an afternoon tea street party on Friday to celebrate VE day, so we sat out on our front lawn and chatted to lots of our neighbours, lots of people had put up bunting and flags and we listened to music. A few people from my village who play brass instruments also played the Last Post in their gardens at 11 for us all to hear. It was a very special day, I hope you managed to do something lovely too. It’s back to learning now though, and today we will be doing Maths, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.



Today we are going to have a go at counting in 10s up to 100. Once you do this lots of times you will be able to do it without thinking! I have got a 100 square for you to have a look at, what I would like you to do is count along the 100 square until you get to 10 and then colour it in, then count on 10 more from there and colour that number in, carry on until you get to 100. What do you notice about all the numbers you have coloured in? You should have coloured in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 which go down in a straight line! If you hide the 0 at the end of each number, what do you notice about the start of each number? That’s right – they go up in ones!

There is a 100 square to print out, or if you would prefer, there is an online version.

100 Square




Well done on all your Jack and the Beanstalk stories, I was so impressed with how much writing you all managed by the end of the week! We are going to start working on a new story this week, which is the Gingerbread Man. If you have the story at home, then please read that. If not, I’ve included an online version of the story below, as well as a video.

The Gingerbread Man

Once you have listened to or watched the story, can you please answer the following questions (just answering them verbally is fine, no need to write down the answers).

  1. Who are the different characters in the story?
  2. Why did the Old Lady bake a Gingerbread Man?
  3. What did the Gingerbread Man sing?
  4. Why do you think the Gingerbread Man couldn’t get across the river by himself?
  5. Should the Gingerbread Man have trusted the Fox? Why?


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go at the worksheet below. There are different ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ pictures for you to write the words underneath. You can do this one of two ways, you could read the words at the bottom and copy them into the right boxes, or if you fancy a challenge then cut the words off and write the words using your sound mat and word builder!

‘ch’ and ‘sh’ Worksheet


Have a lovely, lovely day!

Miss Roberts x


p.s. I am working in school with the Key Worker children today, so I won’t be able to reply as quickly or as much as usual, but I will still be looking at everything you send me.