Tuesday 9th June

Hi everyone,

Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths and Letters and Sounds.



I would like you to start writing about the butterfly life cycle over the next few days. Today can you write about the first two stages (the egg and the caterpillar) I just need a sentence or two about what happens in each stage. For example I might write:

A butterfly lays eggs on the bottom of a leaf.

A caterpillar hatches out of the egg. It is hungry straight away and spends most of its time eating leaves.

There are two different sheets to have a go at here depending on how you are feeling. The first sheet has most of the words already written and you will just need to fill in the gaps. The second sheet has some words to help you at the bottom, but you will need to do most of your writing yourself. Choose whichever is going to suit you best.

Butterfly Life Cycle (fill in the gaps)

Butterfly Life Cycle (words at bottom)



Yesterday you had a go at filling out a treasure map by listening to instructions. Today I would like you to give some instructions. Can you direct your grown up / brother / sister into different rooms in the house by giving them directions? Use words like forwards, backwards, turn right, turn left etc. to help them.

Remember, if you look at your hands you can see an ‘L’ on your left hand to help you remember which is right and which is left.


Letters and Sounds / Computing:

Can you have a go at Rocket Rescue on Phonics Play today? This is where you need to type the words in the box. Have a go at Phase 3, but if you are feeling confident with this you could always have a go at Phase 4. We don’t learn any new sounds in Phase 4, so there are just words with trickier blends to have a go at.



Have a fabulous day!

Miss Roberts x

Monday 8th June

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend, it’s a shame the weather has gone a bit grey now isn’t it? Today we will be doing Understanding the World, Literacy and Maths. I hope you’re ready!


Understanding the World:

This week we are going to be learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly. To help you with this, I’ve got a PowerPoint and video for you to have a look at below.

Butterfly Life Cycle PowerPoint

Once you’ve had a look through this, can you discuss the different stages and what happens with your grown up? Then, I’d like you to use the sheet below to cut and stick the life cycle processes in the right order.

Butterfly Life Cycle



Using the sheet that you’ve just finished, can you please label each part of the life cycle with the following labels:

Egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.



This week we are going to be doing some work on position and movement. Today I’ve got a treasure map for you! There are lots of pictures to glue onto the treasure map, but I’d like you to follow these instructions for where to stick each picture:

  • Put the parrot in the top right corner
  • Put the ship two squares underneath the parrot
  • Put the flag next to the ship
  • Put the skull and crossbones in the bottom left corner
  • Put the hat with the swords above the skull and crossbones
  • Put the palm tree next to the hat with the swords
  • Put the compass next to the parrot
  • Put the eye-patch in between the flag and the skull and crossbones
  • Put the hat with the skull and crossbones above the hat with the swords
  • Put the pirate in between the parrot and the ship
  • Put the gold coin above the palm tree
  • Put the treasure in the last place – can you describe where that place is?

Hopefully all the instructions make sense! The treasure map is below, or you could draw your own!

Treasure Map


I hope you all have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x

Friday 5th June

Hello everyone,


Well done for making it through the first week back! Today we will be doing Maths/Understanding the World, Art and Letters and Sounds.


Maths/Understanding the World:

I would like you to have a look at the minibeast investigation table below. This is something you will definitely need to discuss and work with an adult to complete.

Minibeast Investigation Table

Remember that the antennae are the feelers on the top of the minibeasts head.



After reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ I thought you might like to recreate your own artwork in a similar style to the book. Have a look at the picture of the butterfly below, look carefully at the different colours that have been used and how some of the colours have been layered on top of each other.

Can you draw your own butterfly and then use whatever you have to make the colours. Here are some ideas:

  • colouring pencils
  • watercolours
  • paints
  • tissue paper

I’m looking forward to seeing your finished pictures!


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go at a colouring activity. Read the words in the mosaic and decide if they are real or silly words and colour them in the right colour. There’s quite a few squares to complete here so it may be something to carry on over the weekend. There are 3 different sheets, so choose whichever you fancy (it may depend on what colours you have at home)!

Animal Mosaics


Have a lovely day and an excellent weekend!

Miss Roberts x

Thursday 4th June

Hi everyone,


I hope you all managed alright with a bit of a drizzly day yesterday, it’s a shame that sunshine has gone now! Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths and Letters and Sounds.



If you have got it at home, can you please read the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. If you haven’t got it, then there’s a video of the story below:


Then, can you make a list of all the items that the caterpillar munched his way through in the story?



I’ve got a game for you today!


I would go for the ‘one coin’ option if I were you, and maybe start off with the 1p’ level. If you are feeling really confident with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s then you might want to choose the 2p, 5p or 10p option to have a go at afterwards. But just choose whichever level is going to suit you best.


Letters and Sounds:

We are going to recap the ‘oi’ sound today. Can you read the sentences below and decide whether the answer is yes or no. Write them down in different sections if you like, or just read them and say the answer out loud.

Can a coin flip?

Can you put a fish in foil?

Can soil be pink?

Can an owl join a town?

Will a car need oil?

Can you surf on a coin?


I hope you all have a lovely day,

Miss Robert x


Wednesday 3rd June

Hello everyone,

Today we will be doing Maths, Forest School and Letters and Sounds.



Thinking about what you learnt yesterday about coins and money, I’ve got two different activities for you today. You can choose to complete both of them, or just one – it’s up to you entirely.

For this first sheet, you will need to cut out the coins and stick them next to the correct value. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a coloured version of this, so perhaps to start off with you could colour in the coins in the correct colour?

Coin Recognition

Or if you would rather, can you complete this one where you will need to put the coins in order of their value from lowest to highest? If you haven’t got a printer then you could just do this with real money instead.

Coin Ordering


Forest School:

Today I though you might want to go on a minibeast hunt! It’s always exciting to lift up stones, logs and plant pots (with help from a grown up!) to see what you might find underneath. Remember our Forest School rule though, always put it back where it was – we wouldn’t like it if someone took the roof off our house and didn’t put it back on!

Have a search in your garden for whatever you can find, or challenge yourself by seeing how many you can find from the list below.

Minibeast Hunt Checklist


Letters and Sounds:

Today I was hoping you could watch another lesson from the DfE Letters and Sounds page on YouTube. Either choose from the Reception or learning to blend lessons. I hope you get on alright with these!



I hope you all have a lovely day again today,

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 2nd June

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a good day getting back to school work yesterday. Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths and Letters and Sounds.



Today we are going to continue our learning about minibeasts and we are going to do some labelling. Have a look at the picture of a dragonfly below and see if you can read all of the different parts. Some words you should be able to sound out, others you might have to ask a grown up to help you with.

Dragonfly Example

Did you know what each part of the dragonfly was? Were there any words that you didn’t know before? Using what you learnt about the dragonfly, can you now have a go at labelling a bee. I have included the words to use at the bottom so you can choose if you copy them, or if you have a go at sounding them out yourselves.

Labelling a Bee

If you want to, you could even draw another minibeast to label if you fancy!



This week we are going to do a little bit about money. Have a look at any coins you have in your house and think about the following questions:

What numbers can you see on it?

What colour is it?

How many sides does it have?

How big is it?

Then with your grown up, talk about the different coin values e.g. 1p, 2p, 5p etc.

Can you sort all the coins so that the 1ps are together, all the 2ps are together etc.?

If you don’t have many coins in your house (I know we don’t tend to have as much change around anymore) then you can have a go at this game where you can have a look at the coins and sort them out.



Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go on Phonics Play to recap those Phase 3 sounds we have learnt. Maybe have a go at playing ‘Make a Match’ today.



Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x

Monday 1st June

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had a lovely half term, hasn’t the weather been amazing!? Hopefully you all managed to enjoy the sun and have a good rest. I am now going to be in school full time, so although I won’t be able to respond as quickly as usual, I really do still want to see what you’ve been up to throughout the day. I’m missing you all lots!

We are going to start this half term with Understanding the World, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.


Understanding the World:

We are going to be learning about minibeasts over the next few weeks (think bees, worms, ladybirds, ants, slugs etc.) Today I would like you to learn about their habitat (this is the scientific word for where they live). To start off with, have a little look at the PowerPoint below to help you.

Minibeast Habitats

Hopefully that has helped you understand a little bit more about where minibeasts might live. Now I would like you to have a go at the sheet below. You will need to remember what you have learnt in the PowerPoint and cut and stick the minibeasts into the correct habitat.

Minibeast Habitat Cut and Stick




Now that you have learnt all about minibeasts and their habitats, I would like you to do some writing about them. I’d like you to write a sentence about where each minibeast lives, the sentences can be simple like this:

A bee lives in a hive.

A caterpillar lives under leaves.

As always, write about as many minibeasts as you like (just one sentence is fine if that’s all you can manage) and share the writing with your grown up as much as you need to. I know we might need to ease back into work slowly this week!


Letters and Sounds

Today we are going to recap the ‘ow’ sound. Remember, on our sound mat it is ‘ow like cow’ and the action is to pretend we’ve pricked our finger and say ‘ow’.

Can you read the following words and sort them into real and silly words? Write them down in a list if you like, or just read them and identify if they are real or silly – up to you!

cow, town, cown, bow, chowl, owf, owl, zow, gown, towd


Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Roberts x

Friday 22nd May

Hello everyone,

Hooray! It’s the last day before half term!! I know you are all feeling a little bit tired and fed up today so I have tried to plan some nice easy things for you all to do. As always, dip in and out of it and just do whatever is going to work for you.



To continue with your work on addition and subtraction, I have got a board game for you to try out at home. It’s a nice easy game that you can have a go at with the whole family. All the instructions and the game are below.

Addition and Subtraction Board Game



I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Draw With Rob (if you have older siblings in school, they might have had a go at this). He will teach you how to draw different pictures in a very easy to follow way. Have a go at the one below, or choose your own off his YouTube channel.


Letters and Sounds;

So today might be a nice time to go on Phonics Play and just select your favourite game to play to recap your Phase 3 sounds and tricky words. I know our favourite one is Buried Treasure (we like to watch the pirates fall in the water) but you can choose whatever you like!



Have a lovely day and a fabulous half term. I hope the sun shines, you manage to have fun with your families and that you find some lovely things to do.

I’m missing you all and feeling very proud of how well you are all coping at home.

Miss Roberts x



Thursday 21st May

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve all been enjoying this sunny weather and having lots of fun in the garden. Today we will be doing Maths, Understanding the World and Letters and Sounds.



There’s not too much to do for maths today, we have had a go at remembering how to add and subtract, but today we are going to do both! Have a look at the symbols in the questions to work out whether you are going to have to add or subtract to find the answer. Use the number line to help you, and remember – if you are adding you go UP the number line, if you are subtracting you go DOWN the number line.

Addition and Subtraction to 20


Understanding the World:

I would like you to have a little look at whatever it is you decided to grow a few weeks ago. Has it changed? What has happened to it? Has it done what you thought it might do? Or is it too soon to tell? Check the prediction that you wrote and see if you were right!

Either discuss the changes with an adult, or write it down if you feel up to it.


Letters and Sounds:

I heard that you all loved the colouring that we did last week, so I thought you could do another one today. It’s definitely a nice activity to have a go at in the sunshine! Can you complete the ‘z, zz, ch, sh, qu’ sheet today please?

Colour by Phoneme


Have a lovely day everyone, I will be in school today so I won’t be able to see what you’re doing until a bit later and may also be posting work for tomorrow a little later than usual too.

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 20th May

Hello everyone,

Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths, Letters and Sounds and Yoga so just dip in and out of whatever is going to suit you. The weather is supposed to be glorious today so make sure you get some chance to enjoy it!



Continuing with our Gingerbread Man work, today we are going to pretend that we are the fox! Have a think about what he might want to say to the Little Old Lady or the Little Old Man for eating the Gingerbread Man! How could he make it better? It might go something like this:

I am very sorry for eating the Gingerbread Man, he just looked so tasty. I know he was your Gingerbread Man and I shouldn’t have eaten him. I promise I will never eat anything of yours again, and I will help you make another Gingerbread man if you would like?

Love from,

The Fox

There is a postcard template below for you to use if you like. Again, remember to share as much of the writing with a grown up as you need to.

Postcard Template



Today we are recapping some subtraction work. I have got a game for you to play first just to help you get back into the swing of it.


And then I’d like you to have a go at one of the worksheets below.

If you feel like you need to take it easy, then have a go at this one:

Subtraction to 10

If you’d like a bit more of a challenge, then try this one:

Number Line Subtraction

There are a few different levels of difficulty for this second sheet. The trickiest sheet where you need to work out the missing numbers is a skill that we wouldn’t tend to teach until Year 1, so I would recommend avoiding that one.


Letters and Sounds:

Mrs Hilditch very helpfully found a YouTube channel with Letters and Sounds lessons on there from the Department for Education. Have a little look and see if there is anything useful, really you want to be watching either the blending videos or anything from the Reception playlist – from what I can see all the videos on that playlist are focusing on Phase 3 sounds and tricky words.

Have a little look and let me know what you think. If nothing else, it’s 15 minutes where you can take a break and let someone else teach your child!




Find your favourite video, or have a go at this one:

If you are enjoying yoga from home, my lovely yoga teacher Gail is offering free online classes for children on a Sunday from 10-10.45. They are delivered via Zoom and all based around stories. If you’re interested at all, you can find her on Facebook or Instagram at Ginger Yoga and send her a message to get a link to the class. Just thought I would let you all know in case any of you are interested!


Have a fab day,

Miss Roberts x