What a treat!

This afternoon Room 5 came to play in Room 4’s new garden area. It only seemed fair since they were the ones who helped tidy it all up, watched it being built but then missed out on the time to play in it!

They were beautifully behaved (obviously!) and it was a big treat for Miss Roberts to spend some time with them again too.


All of your children have now been made active on Tapestry, this means that when they start school, we can start adding observations for them which you can see at home.

It also means that you can upload pictures for us to see in school. If you would like to, it would be lovely if you could upload an observation to your child’s account showing us some things that they have been up to in the summer holidays, or of them doing something that they really enjoy at home. That way we can start to get to know your child a little bit more and hopefully have something to chat to them about on their first day.

I’m looking forward to your photos!

New Reception Intake Information

Hi everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for your first days of school! In case you are unsure, here is the plan for phased starting of school for the new Reception intake.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
w/b 7.9.20

Group A


Group B


Phone or zoom meetings with Miss Roberts (in place of home visits)
w/b 14.9.20

Group A


Group B


w/b 21.9.20 All children in full time. See details on the main page of the school website for information on staggered drop off and collection times.

If you are unsure of which group your child is in, please contact Miss Roberts via email or Mrs Andrew in the office.

When you bring your child for their first day, there is a one-way system in place, this is detailed on the main page of the school website. I know most children will be excited for their first day, but due to the current situation we ask that you don’t arrive early and congregate outside the school or classroom.

For the first two weeks of school we won’t be having any PE or Forest School sessions, so just send the children to school in their uniform as normal. There is no need to bring any PE bags, wellies or waterproofs on these sessions.

From the week beginning 21st when all children are in full time, we will be having PE on a Tuesday and Forest School on a Wednesday. This means children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on a Tuesday, and their own outdoor clothes on a Wednesday. There is no need to bring any uniform with them on either of these days.

If you have any other queries ahead of your child starting, please feel free to email me on Roberts.b@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk There is also lots of extra information about the new term for the whole school on the main page of the website.

I’m very excited to meet everyone next week!


Miss Roberts

Pontesford Hill

Room 4’s bubble had a great time walking around the hill today, and there was absolutely no moaning from any of the children! They were troopers. What a lovely way to spend the second to last day of term!

Thank you!

To all my lovely Room 4 parents,


I just want to say a huge heartfelt thank you to you all for so many things.

Thank you for choosing me to be the first teacher for your wonderful children. They are all absolute superstars, I love them and will miss them all a lot. I’m so lucky to work in Reception where I can see such huge progress in all their abilities. That first day seems like such a long time ago now and they all seem so much more grown up!

Thank you for working so hard over this strange time. You really have done such a great job. Whether you have been doing the work that has been set on the website, spending time having fun as a family or just doing whatever suits you best. Children learn in so many different ways, so just carry on having a lovely time as a family. Keeping your children happy and upbeat is the most important thing, so well done.

Thank you for my lovely presents. It means a lot to know that you appreciate what we do!

Thank you for being such fantastic and supportive parents. As a teacher it makes such a huge difference, and it really does make our job that little bit nicer!

I have had such a brilliant (if not strange) year with your little ones, it’s such a shame that I only got to be their ‘proper teacher’ for two terms, but I’m looking forward to seeing them again next year for a little chat on the playground or a wave at the classroom door. I can’t believe they’re going to be in Year 1!

I hope you all have a brilliant (and very well deserved!) Summer!


Miss Roberts x

Monday 13th July

Hi everyone,

Hopefully you have all seen Mr Langford’s post about the last week of term. If we were in school we would be doing very little Literacy or Maths this week because we would be busy doing other things such as watching the Year 6 leavers performance, playing outside, going to church, watching a film etc. so with that in mind, today I’m going to post suggestions of things for you to try throughout the week (remember you don’t have to do everything).

  • do some baking or cook something new
  • play a game with your family
  • go on a walk
  • look for different flowers and leaves – how many can you spot?
  • build something amazing out of Lego or Duplo, maybe a castle, a robot or an animal
  • tidy your room!
  • help with jobs around the house
  • sit and watch a film (maybe in your pyjamas)
  • have a water fight!
  • splash around in the paddling pool
  • do some artwork
  • challenge yourself to see how quickly you can get changed by yourself AND fold your clothes up
  • read lots of books
  • help organise something in the house
  • come to school for a picnic!
  • try a science experiment
  • play lots of games on Phonics Play
  • and just have fun!

I am very proud of you all and I hope you have a lovely last week of term. I’m looking forward to seeing some (if not all) of you on Wednesday for our class picnic. I’ve missed you all a lot!!

Miss Roberts x

Friday 10th July

Hello everyone,

We made it to Friday! Well done, I’m sure you’re all starting to feel tired now but not long left until the end of term.



Today we are going to be making some word art. I would like you to think about all the different ways that you can describe yourself and write them down. So you might write brave, funny, kind, patient, lovely etc.

Then we are going to turn our work into a calligram using the website below.


The site can look a little bit tricky to start off with, but it’s easy to get the hang of. You will first need to write in all the words that you have come up with to describe yourself. Then you can choose what shape these words will take and decide on a colour theme for your art. Once you are finished it will turn your art in to a picture! Sam has made us one of these about our whole class before, have a look below.



Today I would like you to have a go at one of the maths mats below. On here are all the maths skills that we should know by the end of Reception. There are 6 different maths mats on the sheet, but no need to do them all, just 1 is fine!

EYFS Maths Mat


Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Roberts x

Thursday 9th July

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all doing alright and didn’t end up getting too wet and soggy yesterday! Here’s our work for today.



Today we are going to continue looking at poetry and write our own poem. We are going to be writing acrostic poems, this is where the first letter of each line spells out a word. So you will need to think of a word (perhaps your name) and think of words to describe each letter. Here’s my acrostic poem about Room 4.

Room 4

You can choose any word you like! Have fun.



I hope you are all getting better at your number bonds now – you will really need these when you start year 1! Today I would like you to have a go at the online game below to help you get even better at your number bonds. You will need to select the ‘number bonds’ option, and then ‘make 10’.

You can have a go at the other levels too afterwards if you would like.

Hit The Button


I hope you all have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 8th July

Hi everyone, here’s what we will be up to today.



Have a look at the work you did yesterday with the animals and their rhyming words. Today I would like you to use these to turn into your own ‘Oi Frog’ book. For each animal, choose a rhyming word for them to sit on and write about each animal on each page.

So, mine might go like this:

Oi stag! Sit on a rag.

Oi bat! Sit on a hat.

Oi frog! Sit in a bog.

Oi goat! Sit on a boat.

Oi yak! Sit on a mac.

Once you have finished your story, you could draw a picture of each animal sitting on their item for each page. Use the book template below if you would like, or make your own!

Book Template



I hope you have been working hard to learn your number bonds to 10 this week. Today I would like you to complete the colouring picture below to help you learn the facts you have been learning.

Number Bonds Colouring


Have a good day, and please let me know what you’ve been up to!

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 7th July

Hi everyone, here is our work for today.



Today we are going to continue our work on rhyming. To start off with, I’d like you to read ‘Oi Frog’, if you don’t have a copy you could always log on to Tapestry as there’s a video of me reading it on there. Or watch the video below.

Can you spot all the animals and the words that rhyme with them? Once you’ve listened to the story, I’d like you to think about rhyming words for different animals. You can either use the sheet below to cut and stick the rhyming words in the right places, or come up with your own list of animals and rhyming words to go with them.

Animal Rhyming Words

Keep your finished work handy as you will need it for tomorrow!



I hope you enjoyed exploring your number bonds to 10 yesterday, we are going to do a bit more work on it today. I’d like you to have a go at the sheet below to complete the number sentences. The number in the first box is how many orange dots there are and the second box is for how many green dots there are. Remember – each one always adds up to 10!

If you don’t fancy printing this off, you could always come up with your own number sentences for the number bonds to 10 using the equipment you used yesterday.

Number Bonds 10 Frame


Have a good day everyone, remember Mrs Gwyther will be posting our art activity separately. Don’t forget to let me know what you’ve been up to!

Miss Roberts x