Hoo Zoo FAQs


I’ve had a few queries from parents today about what to wear on Wednesday for our trip… Please send children to school in their own/Forest School clothes. It looks like it’s going to be a chilly (but sunny) day, so please make sure you wrap up warm. Children will need to wear wellies, however they can put their Forest School ones on once they are in school if they need to. If you need children to use their PE bag to carry their things, then we can sort this out in the morning too. Don’t forget water bottles either!

If there are any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We’re very excited about our visit!

Miss Roberts

PE after Half Term

Dear Parents,

After half term, Reception will be having a second PE session on a Friday. This means that their PE days will now be Wednesday and Friday. We ask that after half term, children can start bringing in PE kits on a Monday, to be sent home on a Friday so that children can get changed for PE in school. We are aware that no other classes get changed for PE in school, however getting dressed independently is a vital skill which we need to assess and develop as part of the children’s early years education.  It will also mean that every child has a change of clothes in school in case of any toileting accidents.

It is our expectation that by the end of the year, all children in Reception should be able to dress and undress themselves independently. We are always happy to help with buttons, zips and laces though! If your child isn’t yet able to dress themselves independently, you could help us by encouraging this skill a little bit more at home. I know that we are all rushed in the morning, so just by getting them to independently dress themselves in a couple of items, then the skill will start to develop really quickly.

Please make sure that ALL items of clothing are labelled, as items are much more likely to end up with the wrong owner if children are getting changed.

Many thanks,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Davies

Walk around Pontesbury

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow we will be going for a walk around the village to see how many different types of vehicles we can spot. Children will already be in their PE kits, so will have sensible footwear on, but please ensure that every child has a coat as well as hat and gloves (depending on the weather).

Miss Roberts

Welcome Back and Tapestry


It was lovely to have the whole day with Reception yesterday, they had a brilliant first day back and I’m looking forward to all the fun things Mrs Davies and I have got planned over the next half term.

Just a quick note about show and tell. We ask that children don’t bring anything into school for show and tell as we don’t want anything to get broken or lost. However, we would LOVE to see things on Tapestry! If there’s anything special that your child has made at home, or if you’ve done anything exciting as a family then we really love seeing these and getting the children to share these experiences with the class.

Spring Term

In January, our timetable will be changing slightly.

We will be having Forest School on a Tuesday and PE on a Wednesday. This means no Forest School on the first week back.

I’ve had a lovely morning with Reception today and I’m really looking forward to getting to know them a little bit better in January!

Home Learning 2.11.21

Here are the activities for anyone self isolating today.


Letters and Sounds

Please have a look at your sound mat and go through all the Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. Hopefully you are starting to get more confident with these now that we have finished learning all of Phase 2.

Then, have a go at writing the CVC words below. You can print out the sheet or just write them straight onto paper. Remember to use your sound mat and word builder to help you.

CVC Words



This week we are learning about 2d shapes. Have a look around your house, can you find anything that’s the same shape as a circle, square, triangle and rectangle?

Then, put these shapes into a bag and take it in turns with your grown up to feel the shape and describe it to each other. For example, I might say ‘It is a shape with 4 straight sides and 4 corners, all the sides are the same length.’ and you would be able to guess from the clues that it’s a square.


Forest School

This afternoon we were starting to make Christmas decorations, maybe take the time to start decorating your house if you haven’t already, or make a new Christmas decoration!


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts

Wednesday 24th November

Hello everyone at home,


Here’s what we’ve been doing in school today.


Letters and Sounds

Go on to the Phonics Play website using the username pps1 and the password apple. Have a go at going through your sounds and tricky words using the flashcards game. Remember we are learning Phase 2 at the moment.

Then we had a go at writing captions to go with a picture. Using your sound mat and word builder, can you sound out and write the following sentences:

pat a dog

peg up the socks

the sun is hot

Then can you have a go at drawing a picture to go along with them.



Today we had a go at ordering our numbers to 10. You might want to start by making flashcards of the numbers up to 10, don’t forget how to form each number properly! Then mix them up and order them up to 10. Could you order them backwards too? Maybe you could take one of the numbers out and see which one is missing.



This afternoon we had child initiated time – so enjoy having a play! We also had a nativity rehearsal, so you might want to have a go at singing some of the songs at home too.


Miss Roberts