
In today’s lesson, you will find out about ecosystems. An ecosystem survives within a biome. Biomes and ecosystems are fragile and can be impacted by changes in climate and humans. Take a look at the powerpoint for Lesson 2 and read the sheet. Answer the questions. You may need to read the text twice and highlight the important parts. Geography text and question sheet

You may have this from last week Knowledge organiser


Friday 26th February

Happy Friday, everyone!

Maths: Please practise your times tables on Ttrockstars or Hit the Button.

Y5- Arithmetic Test with Answers

English:  Please complete this short online activity on first, second and third person. It’s important that you read the blue box on the left hand side of the page to remind yourselves about these first. first-second-third-person activity

Comprehension: Choose a picture which interests you here Once upon a Picture

Spellings: No test as you have been looking at new vocabulary this week. Here are your New Spellings Ask someone at home to say a sentence with one of the homophones in it. You have to spell the homophone they are using.

PE this afternoon. Please take some time to exercise. The weather looks good so maybe you can go on a long walk or set up an obstacle course in your garden. Try this to get you started Active 8

Remember to take time to read your own book. Snuggle up somewhere in some sunshine today, if you can and relax with your book.



Thursday 25th February

Good morning, Year 5!


LO: To know the difference between fact and opinion and to write facts in a formal tone. 

Please watch this clip on whether statements are facts or opinions. fact/opinion

The non-chronological reports you write next week will be based on facts. To get used to writing facts with a formal tone, I’d like you to think of 8 – 10 fact based sentences that you might use in your report next week. You can use all of the information you have looked at this week; layers of the rainforest, animals, tribes, deforestation, general facts about the rainforests, etc. I have also included a word mat here with lots of sentence openers you could use – these will help with that formal tone. I would like you to include 1 or 2 sentences with statistics in them, please eg fractions or percentages. There were quite a few examples in Monday’s and Wednesday’s reading comprehensions. My sentence example is: Surprisingly, 50% of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest. Report-sentence-openers word mat

Finally, I would like you to revise the past, present and future tenses in this Quiz

Reading comprehension: Enjoy this fiction comprehension, choose the one which is best for you. You’ll find lots of opinions here rather than facts. Rainforest fiction


Why do hummingbirds hum?

…Because they can’t remember the words!

I thought you might like a ‘birdy’ afternoon as it’s forecast to be lovely weather!

You could see how many birds you can spot in your garden or whilst on a walk. Here is a checklist for you: Bird-Checklist

You might like to make some fat balls or bird cake to attract the birds to your garden, too.  How to make bird cake

Here are some instructions on how to draw a bird in flight: how-to-draw-a-bird  You could colour it in as one of the beautiful birds in the Rainforest, for example, the macaw or the kingfisher below

Amazon kingfisher  Macaw

Have you got any bird jokes for me? I have one more for you:

How do crows stick together in a flock?

…with velcrow!

Wednesday 24th February


Good morning Rainforest Rangers! You are finding out more information on the rainforest, today. Please keep all your work safe on the rainforests, as you will be using it when you write your reports, next week.

Today, I would like you to make notes about the rainforest animals from this clip Rainforest animals

There is lots more information here: Rainforest-information-powerpoint too.

You will need to remember the ways to make helpful notes from Monday’s lesson eg scanning for information, skim reading the sentences with key words in and only writing down the key points not full sentences. Use abbreviations (signs and symbols) eg ‘+ for and’ when you write your notes, too.

You can add your notes about the animals to the notes you made on different layers of the Rainforest on Monday, as animals tend to make one layer of the Rainforest, their home. For example, you could add a note about the sloth to the canopy section. Alternatively, you can write a separate section all about animals, it’s up to you, as long as you organise them well. In school, the children who made concept maps (mind maps) will add to those. The children who chose to write in sections under subheadings will add notes about animals on post-its or squares of paper and stick them onto their different sections, if they run out of room.

If we were in school together, I would be giving you books to look at, to find information in. You can look on the internet for extra information if you wish. Find more facts about animals here Rainforest-habitats   or watch this video

Reading comprehension: Please choose the best reading comprehension for you. This is a very interesting theme and may help you with your report next week. Keep the comprehension text safe so that you have it to refer to next week.Deforestation reading comprehension


Maths 24.02.21


LO: To use information presented in a line graph to solve problems

Please follow my powerpoint today for help in constructing a line graph from a table of data. Then try challenge 1 or 2 from the Busy Ants book and move onto challenge 3 when you are feeling confident. Make sure that you read all the information you are given in each challenge.

Wednesday’s powerpoint

Busy Ants page 1

Busy Ants page 2

Please excuse the mistake on the powerpoint! 9 bunches of tulips cost £18 not £15!



Today, we start a new topic in RE. It’s about life and death and different religious beliefs about what happens after we die. This is a good topic to do with an adult so that you can discuss anything that concerns you throughout the lessons. If you need to do this on a different day when an adult in your house can work with you, that’s fine with me. You can always just start off by yourself by doing the word-search.

Begin by having a discussion about the kinds of feelings we have when we lose something or someone we love. What do we do and how do we cope?

I’d like you to get used to saying some of the vocabulary first by doing this Wordsearch

Then look at the powerpoint on Death and Funerals and read the Information Sheet then answer the Death and Funerals Questions Activity Sheet

If anyone has recently lost someone they love and needs help to cope with their grief, I am always here for a chat, if you need someone to talk to.


Tuesday 23rd February



LO: To look at the features of Non-chronological reports. 

I told you yesterday that we will be writing Non-chronological reports but what are they? Well, let’s explore some today and find out what kind of features they have. Look at and listen to the Lesson powerpoint

Here are examples of Non-chronological reports to spot the features in: Reports

Which feature doesn’t always appear in these reports? Yes, it’s the concluding sentences. Could you choose a report to write a concluding sentence for? You only have to conclude the information given, you do not need to write any new information. You could use one of these sentence starters: In summary,… To conclude,…. Overall,… Finally,… In conclusion,…


Reading comprehension: Rainforest Tribes Please choose the comprehension which is best for you.

Please continue with the New Vocabulary list I posted yesterday.

Join us at 12 noon on Teams for our next chapter of The Night Bus Hero!