Thursday 4th March

As we have a reading takeover this morning, to celebrate World Book Day, you can choose from any of the activities listed above! Please come to our Teams meeting at 12 noon today…bring your favourite book to share and we will do a book quiz where you all can join in! If you don’t have your favourite book with you then you could just share the title, author and what you liked about it. See you at 12!


We are going to continue with our World Book Day theme for Art this afternoon. There are lots of different types of bookmarks you can make. We are going to start with a corner bookmark and then I will give you some suggestions for other ideas.

Corner bookmark tutorial

These are simple monster bookmarks for beginners. Once you have mastered making one, you can be creative, there are lots of ideas on the internet. I have seen foxes, penguins, pandas, ladybirds, pokemon, unicorns, choose your favourite.

here are some other ideas: Tear art bookmark



Wednesday 3rd March


LO: To write the main body of my report. 

Have a look at your success criteria so that you are clear on what your report should include. Reread your notes. Today, you will be writing the main body of your report under your subheadings. You can use the sentence starters I gave you on the word mat last week. It’s here for you if you need it: Report-sentence-openers Say the sentence you would like to write before you write it down so that you can check that it sounds right.

We will write the concluding sentence and do the pictures/diagrams tomorrow.

Reading: I would like you to read your own book today for 20 – 25 minutes. Try to stay focused on your book.

Spellings: Wednesday’s spelling activity Read the poem and underline the homophones. Then read the instructions on the second sheet.

Maths 03.03.21

Today, I would like you to continue with your TO x TO. Do challenge 1 as your starter and then focus on challenge 2. You are using the grid method which you know.

Look at the example on page 1 of the Busy Ants book. You will see they have estimated first (as you did yesterday) then pick a number from each box to calculate in the grid. Don’t forget to add all the numbers up at the end to get your answer!

Busy Ants page 1

If you are feeling super confident, then you can have a go at the problems here on page 2.

Busy Ants page 2


Have a look at the powerpoint and discuss these facts with someone at home. Think back to last week when you looked at Christian funerals. Then make comparisons, between Christian funerals and Sikh funerals, using the similarities and differences table on the last slide.

Sikh Funerals

Tuesday 2nd March


LO: To write the introduction to my non-chronological report

Today, we will write the introduction to our reports. The introduction should be a short paragraph and include the what, where and why. You would like the reader of your report to be interested and curious enough to read on so use good, technical language in your facts. Your facts should be general and state why rainforests are so biodiverse (contain so many different species of plants and animals) and so important to us. You could end your introduction with a question, eg Will you believe how many animals and plants live here? or a sentence to say, The largest rainforest is the Amazon.

Here is the success criteria that you will check your work against: Success Criteria

Some sentence starters could be:

  • Rainforests are….
  • They can be found in …
  • There are two types …
  • Rainforests are important because …


Reading Comprehension: You will be planning and writing your reports this week. When you write reports you should use technical language. This is when you use vocabulary which is special to your subject. So if you were writing a report on cars you might use words like engine, mph, chassis, hatchback, saloon, etc These words are sometimes put in a glossary. You will have seen these in non-fiction books. There is also one at the end of your science powerpoint today. Here is a Rainforest glossary for you to read through.

Please answer the questions below.

  1. What is a potoo?
  2. How has the glossary been organised?
  3. What does environmentally friendly mean?
  4. Where do you find out what type of word class each word is? eg verb, adverb
  5. What type of word is venomous?
  6. What type of words are most of the words in the glossary?
  7. Which two things is the sloth most known for?
  8. What is an epiphyte?
  9. Can you find out where the Amazon Rainforest is?
  10. How many animals are included in this glossary?

Lots of retrieval questions in your reading comprehension today using scanning and skim-reading skills.

Spellings:  How many homophones can you think of?  Spelling sheet


Maths 02.03.21

LO: To use partitioning to calculate TO x TO

You are going to be using your times tables knowledge to work out today’s calculations.

e.g. 4 x 3 = 12

40 x 3 = 120

40 x 30 = 1200

Tuesday’s questions

Use your multiplication square to help you, if you are unsure of your times tables. Make sure you practise your 2x, 5x, 10x tables then 3x, 6x, 4x, 8x, then 7x and 9x tables. They will help you so much with all of your Maths.


Today’s science lesson is all about another scientist, a primatologist and ethologist, to be exact, who is known for her exceptionally detailed, long-term research on chimpanzees. Please listen to her life story below.

Here is a clip of the Chimpanzees using tools

Here is your powerpoint All about Jane Goodall

I would like you to create a timeline of Jane’s life and work. Start when she was born. She is 86 years old now. Don’t worry if you do not have all the dates for all her work as long as they are in order.


Monday 1st March

Good morning, everyone. One week to go…We can do this!


LO: To plan my report.

Today, I would like you to plan your report.

I would like you to plan your title, subheadings, your picture or diagram and which fun fact or did you know questions you want to include. Use all your notes from last week to help you. I have included a Planning sheet which you could print out if you wish or you could just make your own plan on a piece of paper. If you made notes on the animals in each layer then you can plan your report with the layers as subheadings or you could write a paragraph about the layers then write other paragraphs about animals, tribes, deforestation, etc You choose. You must have at least 3 paragraphs as the main body plus an introduction to Rainforests which we will focus on tomorrow. If you want to include more information, that’s fine too.

Please do not write your report yet, we are only thinking about planning today!

Reading Comprehension:  Relying on the Rainforest Fact Cards Some of you have said you would like to know about other things, such as foods, which we can get from Rainforests so I have included some fact cards here for you to read.

Answer these questions:

  1. Name 6 things which come from the Rainforest.
  2. What does chocolate mean in the Aztec language?
  3. In which two products is palm oil used?
  4. Why is it important to check your products don’t contain palm oil? ***
  5. How tall can the Brazil nut tree grow to?
  6. Why is Vanilla so expensive?
  7. Name four fruits and vegetables you like which come from rainforests?
  8. Who first discovered natural rubber?

Spellings: Draw a small picture next to each of your spellings to help remind you which homophone is which (not witch!) Be imaginative, the drawings need only to be simple and helpful to you. Do the easiest ones first. For example, you could include a cross for eliminate or a cereal bowl and spoon for cereal or an arrow pointing backwards for the past