
We have had a lovely week back at school! The weather has been kind enough to let the children have some time for outdoor-learning, every day. We have planted our sunflowers in our garden and are excited to be able to watch them grow. We have been looking at Aesop’s fables in English, this week, started our Science unit on Living things and their habitats and begun our History topic, which is about the Middle East.

Please continue to hear your child read at home. If you are struggling to find reading books or have exhausted your bookshelves, then please do drop me an email at  smout.a@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk

The children are continuing to learn their times tables in school and practising at home will benefit them, also.

Here are this week’s spellings to be tested next Friday: Spellings 23.4.21

Enjoy your weekend,

Mrs Smout

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a lovely break.

Here are this week’s spellings which will be tested on Friday. New spellings will normally go out on a Friday. Spellings 19.4.21

Forest school continues on a Thursday afternoon. Children should come to school in their play clothes (preferably long sleeves and trousers, wellies or trainers which you don’t mind getting muddy).

P.E. remains on a Friday afternoon. Children should come to school in their P.E. kit.

Please send your child to school with a water-bottle, everyday.

Thank you

Mrs Smout

Arrangements for the Summer Term

As we come to the end of the Spring Term, we would like to wish you a very Happy Easter and hope that you all enjoy the school holiday. The children are definitely ready for it!

Your child came home on Wednesday with a ‘pizza pot’ which they had planted a couple of weeks ago. They planted tomato, spring onion and basil seeds – please do send in photos of them growing.

Next term, Forest school continues on a Thursday afternoon. Children should come to school in their play clothes (preferably long sleeves and trousers, wellies or trainers which you don’t mind getting muddy).

P.E. remains on a Friday afternoon. Children should come to school in their P.E. kit.

Please send your child to school with a water-bottle, everyday.

Happy Easter!

Mrs Smout & Mrs Giles



Summary & Spellings

You will find this week’s spellings here. Spellings 26.3.21 This will be the last week of spellings until after Easter.

We have enjoyed writing our own newspaper reports this week on the impact of deforestation. The children were very enthusiastic. They also enjoyed reading some of the articles in the children’s newspaper ‘First News’. Reading such a newspaper is a great way for children to widen their reading experience and expand their knowledge & vocabulary. Here is a link to find out more about it: https://www.firstnews.co.uk/  You can buy it in most supermarkets and newsagents.

We researched, designed, made and evaluated our own bread this week in DT. The children loved it and were very proud of their final products.  If they would like to make it at home – this is the simple recipe we used: bread recipe

Assessment week next week!

I hope you all have a super weekend

Mrs Smout



We have had a super week in Room 8! The children have been working very hard in English and Maths. We had great fun preparing for and carrying out a debate on deforestation. They were all brilliant at getting their points across and were able to challenge their opposition. We have also been busy making worry dolls following a PSHE lesson and gardening too.

Please find this week’s spellings – the ‘ie’ spelling pattern. Spellings 19.3.21

If you would like to get in touch with me, my email is:



Spellings continue to be tested on a Friday and new spellings are given out. As your child will not be bringing their spellings home, please find them here, every Friday. New Spellings

Just a reminder that PE continues to be on a Friday afternoon, too. Please send your child to school in their PE kit.

The children seem to have settled back into class very well and have been very happy and excited to be together again. I think they may all be getting a little tired as we reach the end of the week. Enjoy your weekend!

Friday 5th March

Good Morning everyone! Last day of home-schooling today!

Maths: Please continue to learn your times tables and being able to tell the time. I wonder if you can work out how long it will be until we are all back in class on Monday morning? We are going to have lots of fun catching up.

Y5 Arithmetic Test 2 with answers

English:  LO: To finish my report and edit any grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.

Today, I would like you to finish your report by adding a picture with a caption or a labelled diagram to your report along with your Did you know…? or Fun Fact box. Please also, write your concluding sentence, summarising the facts you have written. You could start your sentence with one of these:

  • In conclusion, …
  • To summarise, …
  • As you have read, …
  • Finally,…

Then I would like you to edit your report. Read it through trying to spot any grammar or spelling mistakes or any missing punctuation.


Spellings: Spelling test today – please ask someone at home to test you. Here are your new spellings. You will be tested on these next Friday, in school. New Spellings

Preparation for coming back to school:

As we are busy preparing things for your return to school, I thought this might be a good time for you to get your things ready, too. You could get your uniform and school coat ready, polish your shoes and make sure you know where your water-bottle is and possibly your lunch box too. You will be eating lunch at 1pm so make sure you have a big breakfast. You may bring a piece of fruit for your break-time snack, in a food container, if you wish to. You do not need to bring a school bag or anything else to school with you. Your PE session continues to be on a Friday so you won’t need to come in your kit until next Friday.

On Thursdays, we have a forest school session so please come in warm, old clothes  – trousers and tops with long sleeves, a waterproof coat and wellies. You can bring a spare pair of socks in your coat pocket, if you want to!

Our classroom will be well-ventilated so if you feel the cold, please wear a T-shirt underneath your polo shirt.

Until Easter, Mr Boffey will be teaching you for some of Thursday morning and on a Friday morning.

PE: Please take some time to exercise today. Get motivated by starting with this Warm up


World Book Day!

Today, is officially World Book Day! We invite you to celebrate books and authors and encourage you to find pleasure in reading today. Reading takeover begins!

Share a story live events have a World Book Day special for you at 10.30am. Live event

Some ideas to help you celebrate:

  • Make a reading den
  • Dress up as your favourite character
  • Design a bookmark or some bunting around the theme of your favourite book
  • Make some cookies or a cake inspired by a story you know
  • Recreate the front cover of your favourite book (display it in your window for our book hunt)
  • Make your own story book with illustrations or non-fiction book with lots of facts
  • Act out your favourite story or story scene.

Play the Guess Who? Game. For 2 or more players. One person thinks of a character and describes them, revealing one clue at a time and others have to guess who! Eg I skipped though a wood…I went to see my Grandma…I wear a red cape…I was nearly eaten by a wolf!

The authors and illustrators of the £1 books have some fantastic activities and challenges for you in their masterclasses. Choose the one you would like to take! Author Masterclasses

Whether you are a Paddington fan or a Harry Potter fan, there is an activity pack for everyone here on the World Book Day Website

There are lots of great book related quizzes here: Caboodle

The  Virtual Book fair  continues to run all week.

Read, read, read!

Have fun with books, today!