
Assessment week continues in school. If you are isolating at home, do not worry, you will catch-up on your return to school. In the meantime, please have a go at this reading comprehension and grammar test. You will probably have plenty of Maths to be continuing with from yesterday’s revision booklet.


YEAR 5 – English Grammar and Punctuation Test

It is our second lesson of RSE in the afternoon. We will make sure anyone isolating at home, catches up on these important lessons.

Please read and practice your spellings.

In Geography, we are learning about Energy & Sustainability. As an ongoing English/Geog project, over the week, could you please research 3 things to do with our topic, which we have covered so far. These could be any three of the following: renewable and non-renewable energy; windfarms; sustainability in Curitiba; Recycling or the future & energy security.

After researching these, you could write/create a double page spread, similar to the one we did on Healthy Living.

Home learning

This week, is assessment week. I suggest you could spend your time doing some revision, as we will do in class. Here is a Maths booklet for you to try. It’s quite long so don’t feel you have to print it out, just do what you can. You could take a couple of days to do this. Year 5 Maths Revision Practice Booklet

Here is a practice grammar test: YEAR 5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test

Reading comprehension: Mythical Stories from Different Cultures Kintaro (Japan)

In the afternoon, we would normally have our science lesson. We are going to look at the changes that we go through as we get much older. Here is the Lesson Plan Changes in Old Age. There is a Lesson Presentation to follow. You will need:Old Age – The Facts Information Sheet You could also try these Old Age True or False Cards or comprehension questions Old Age – The Facts Reading Comprehension – Editable.doc

Friday’s work

For those self-isolating today, you can complete your Arithmetic paper and your spelling test at home. New spellings will be posted later. Year 5 Summer Test 6

Please remember to practice your times tables too! Try Ttrockstars or Hit the Button.

Here is a reading comprehension for you too: Percy Poll Choose the one which is best for you. (*** hardest)

In school, on Thursday, we looked at the names for some French animals and stated what animals we had at home. Could you find out the French names for: cat, dog, mouse, guinea-pig, horse. bird, gold-fish, rabbit, tortoise, snake and hamster. We also revised how to say colours in French. Bonne chance!

It’s PE this afternoon so try a work out. It’s been a while since we have seen Joe Wicks – why not look up one of his?

Happy Half-Term!

We made it!

I have attached the spellings to be tested on the first Friday back after half-term.          Spellings 28. 05.21

Forest school and P.E. days remain the same after half-term.

I hope you all have a super break and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Smout


Well done Year 5 for another week of working hard and learning lots! We have been working on persuasive writing in English. The children began working on an advert for a new healthy snack bar – thinking up names and slogans and using persuasive devices in their writing. I’m sure they will enjoy discussing slogans/advertising with you as they were very enthusiastic about it in class. We also began learning about healthy lifestyles and the importance of looking after our minds as well as our bodies over Mental Health Awareness week. This work will continue until half term.

New spellings for this week: Spellings 14.5.21

Remember that next Thursday is ‘Dress up as a Pirate’ day!

Have a super weekend!

Mrs Smout