Home learning 23.11.21

Hello! Here is the work for those self-isolating at home.

Please make sure that you practice your spellings and read your reading book.


Today, we looked at number bonds to 5 then 10. Can you take 5 items then move one slightly away from the group and write the number sentence for it eg 4 + 1 – 5. Repeat for all the other number sentences up to 5. When you have mastered that, move onto number bonds to 10. Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets here to help Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets


We have been reading the Owl Babies book by Martin Waddell so today we began to retell the story in our own words. You can find the story here Owl Babies video Can you retell the story in your own words to someone at home? Write the beginning of the story down. The beginning of the the story introduces the Owl characters and the setting – that’s where they live. Can you remember what happens one night? Just write up to the part where the owls have woken up and how they are feeling about being left on their own for the first time. Remember to use Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

We have been practising our Nativity play today so please could you practise your words.

We had a visit from The Shropshire Music Service today. Mr Ricard played his guitar to us. If you would like to play an instrument please do ask Mrs Smout or Ms Vincent for a leaflet.

We also did P.E. You could try and do some exercise. You could try some yoga Yoga video

Keep smiling, Year ones!

Owl Visit

We had such a lovely morning on Tuesday meeting Lisa and the owls! We met Alfie, the Tawny owl and Tonks, the Barn owl. Also, Chris, the African white-faced owl and Solo, who is a Great-horned owl. Here are just a few of the photographs we took. The children will enjoy telling you all about them. owl photos

Thank you for supporting this.


In P.S.H.E on Tuesday, we will be thinking about the special people in our lives. Please could your child bring a photograph (or two) of the people who are special to them. The children will bring their photographs home on the same day.

Thank you

Mrs Smout

Twit twoo

I hope you all received the letter about our owl visitors next Tuesday. I have attached the letter here just incase. Room 5 Owl Experience We are all very excited in Year 1 to be welcoming several species of owl into school! The visit will enhance the children’s learning during our English unit based on the book ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The team from the Shropshire falconry centre are brilliant with the birds and the children! They aim to show us the different owls, owl pellets and talk to us about lots of owl behaviour.

As always, these visits can not go ahead without your support. Please see the letter for details on how to contribute.

Many thanks

Mrs Smout & Ms Vincent

Home learning 4.11.21

Here is the home-learning for those self-isolating.

Spellings and Reading

Practice your spellings and read your reading book.

In Letters and Sounds today, we have been learning how to spell the tricky words: Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked. Can you write these sentences down when an adult says them to you?                                                                                                                                   Is it Mrs Brown’s birthday today?                                                                                         Mr Green called today and asked if he can help.                                                                 Mr and Mrs Smith looked sad this morning.


In Maths today, we compared heights and said which items were taller or shorter. Can you order the people who live in your house in height order? Who is the tallest? Shortest? Then try ordering some of your teddies/toys in height order. Find items in your house that are taller than your favourite teddy then find items which are shorter.


Please watch the Owl Babies video again Owl Babies

Can you role play the story with others at home? Think of something which Sarah, the tallest Owl Baby, might say. Draw Sarah sitting on her biggest branch and draw a speech bubble next to her. Write the sentence you think she might say in the speech bubble. Repeat for Percy and Bill. Alternatively, print this Owl Template


In RE today, We began thinking about Christianity. Who or what is God? Draw and describe what you think. Where could we look or who could we ask if we wanted to find out more?


We continued with our Music lessons today. Explore sounds you can make using your body! Try clapping, stomping, patting your knees and clicking your fingers. You could watch one of these videos for some inspiration! Body Percussion song

Have fun!


Home learning 3.11.21

Here is the home-learning for those self-isolating.

Spellings and Reading

Practice your spellings and read your reading book.

In Letters and Sounds today, we have been looking at words with ir in them, e.g. stir, girl, birthday, third, bird, dirt. Can you think of a sentence using one of these words?

Forest School

We went out to Forest School today so try and get out in your garden if you can and spot the signs of Autumn. You may enjoy using this sheet: pdf_autumn_spotter_sheet


We began our unit on measuring today. We did lots of activities including making shorter, longer and even longer play-dough caterpillars and measuring ribbons against a given amount of cubes. What does it mean if something is long? Can you find something around your house that is really long?! Now try finding something that is super short! What about something that is somewhere in the middle? Have a look at the trains on this sheet and see if you can answer the questions: comparing train lengths


We are looking at Toys in our History unit this half-term. Today, we talked about our favourite toys. Ask everyone in your house what their favourite toys are or were when they were little. You can talk about what they are made from and what they do. What is your favourite toy and why? How does this toy work? Does it move? How? Does it need batteries? What is it made of? What colour is it? Is there a reason why it is this colour?


We began looking at Sculptures in Art today. We planned what we would like to make out of clay in our Art lessons. You could plan yours too. It could be anything you like.

Sculpture is 3D artwork. Sculptures can be shaping materials such as clay, metal, wood, stone or ice or they can be made by putting materials together. Can you make a sculpture out of household objects at home or out of your recycling?

Have a lovely day and see you soon.

Home learning 28.09.21

This is the home-learning for those children who are at home isolating.

This morning, in English, we have been busy writing labels for items in the classroom. We found lots of trays had the labels missing! We used ‘s’ for plurals eg when we wrote shells, bricks, cups, jigsaws, etc. Groups of children also went on walks around school in search of examples of signs and labels. Could you find any examples in your house?

For letters and sounds, we looked at some tricky words; were, there, little, one. Then we looked at two-syllable words, such as windmill, treetop, lunchbox, sandwich, starlight and sandpit. These are also known as compound words. Here is a link to a game involving similar words. compound word challenge

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In Maths, we began adding numbers below 10 together using pictures. Have a go at solving some similar questions on this sheet number addition

In Geography, we continued to look at map symbols and followed a simple map of the school, focusing on directional language eg left, right, forwards and backwards. Ask an adult to direct you from one room in your house to another, using this language.

We also had PE today so try and make time to exercise and keep healthy. You may like to try this: Cosmic Kids Yoga


Thursday 15th July

Hello All,

Sorry for the short notice – I have had trouble posting this. Hopefully your child has told you already that we have a bonus PE lesson tomorrow afternoon! Please send your child in wearing their PE kit on Thursday instead of their Forest School kit. They will also have their usual Friday PE session. We will have our final Forest School session on Monday of next week.

Please have a look for any stray reading books at home and send them in, too.

Lastly, please send your child into school with a bag to bring their school books home in by Friday.

Thank you

Mrs Smout


This week, we will not be having a test but will be playing lots of spelling games with the Year 5/6 spelling list. It is attached here: Year 5 6 wordlist

It would be a great idea to learn these over the summer holidays too. I am also attaching the Year 3/4 spelling list here: Year 3 4 wordlist as revision for all. Red group have mainly had spellings from this list.

Thank you

Mrs Smout