School Photos

Hello everyone.

Just a reminder that the children will be having their photos taken, tomorrow. Please send your child in wearing their school uniform with their P.E. kit in a bag.

Boys and girls will change for P.E. separately with adult supervision.

Thank you

Mrs Smout

Home-learning 02.03.22

For those isolating at home, here is what we got up to today…


Fractions. We divided numbers by 10 to find tenths and by 100 to find hundredths. We talked about moving numbers to the right once in the place value chart: Th H T O when dividing by 10 and twice to the right when dividing by 100. Here is the Busy Ants sheet we did. Choose the challenge which is right for you. Finding tenths and Hundredths


We read the story of ‘Four Feet, Two Sandals’. You can hear it being read here: Story

We discussed the events/issues that Lina had to face in the story and how she might feel. Try this activity: Task


I introduced the new topic of ‘States of Matter’. We discussed the 3 types: Solids, Liquids & Gases. We looked at lots of examples and sorted them into the 3 groups, e.g. ice lolly, paper, oxygen, rock, helium, lemonade, sponge, cream, etc We discussed that some of these can change states. We then looked at the particle arrangements. This video clip might help you understand:  clip

We also did our reading skills work and practised our times tables.


Home-learning 01.03.22

For those isolating at home…


Day 2 of our fraction unit – We looked at what hundredths are and the relationship between hundredths and tenths. This ppt will help. Just work through it up to slide 10. PowerPoint – Tenths and Hundredths

This is the Busy Ants page we worked through today. Choose from challenge 1 or 2 but please do try a further challenge if you’re feeling confident. Maths 01.03

Practise your times tables, too. Topmarks


As an early start to the World Book Day celebrations, we visited Pontesbury library today. Do not worry that you missed it because you can look up the opening times and plan a visit there. You could even choose some books that you would like to read here: Choose a Book

Remember to read today, too.



Please look at the ilearn2 website and use DH32 as the activity code. Go to Year 4 –  Data Handlin –  Activity 3 and follow the instructions for the device you have at home.



Dear all Year 4 Parents,

I’d like to introduce myself, officially, as your child’s new Teacher. It feels a little strange introducing myself at this point in the school year but very exciting, all the same. I am quickly learning all about the children’s interests and where they are academically. They are a truly lovely bunch.

I will be teaching every Monday – Thursday and Ms Knowler will be teaching on a Friday.

We continue to do P.E. on Mondays and Fridays. I will also endeavour to include a Forest School session, once or twice a half-term, on a Wednesday, as I know they love doing this. I will inform you of these sessions via text. Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and tested the following week.

My email address is Please do get in touch if you need to.

Amanda Smout

World Book Day!

We are looking forward to our World Book Day celebration in school, this Thursday! The children are invited to dress up as a book character and bring in their favourite book. Please do not feel that you need to buy a new costume. Here is a link to some dressing up ideas: World Book day Dressing Up The children will be sharing their favourite books during the day alongside other World Book Day activities, we have planned for them.



Library visit tomorrow!

We are taking an exciting little trip to visit Pontesbury Library tomorrow morning; an early start to our World Book Day celebrations!  Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat with them and are wearing shoes they will be happy to walk there and back in.

Home learning 28.02.22

Hello! to those isolating at home. Here is the work we did today.


Our Maths unit this week is on fractions. Today, we looked at how to work out what the fractions were on the fraction lines by counting the intervals between the whole numbers. Have a go at Challenge 1 and move onto 2 if you feel confident. Maths 28.02


Monday lesson ppt

We started a new book today. Please have a look at the part reveal of the front cover on the first slide – What do you think the book will be about? What do you think the title will be? Then go through the powerpoint to find out what the front cover truly looks like and answer the questions. Here is the word document you need for the matching activity – Look at the words in blue first – do you know any of them? Then try and find the correct definition. You could check your ideas in a dictionary or discuss with an adult.

In the afternoon, we did PE and Art. You could try sketching the font cover (without the words) or even make a collage of it.

Please remember to read your reading book.

Here is the Topmarks link for practising your times tables. Topmarks

My email is if you would like to get in touch.

Reading Books

Dear Parents,

In KS1, we would like to encourage children, who are reading up to and including Turquoise level books (See Reading Record), to read their reading book twice. This will help develop their confidence in reading, fluency and aid comprehension skills. Therefore, if your child brings home their reading book for a second time, please reread the book with them, sign or tick their reading record for a second time and remind your child to put it in the box to be changed the following day.

Thank you for your support with this,

The KS1 team.