
Dear Parents,

Your child was given the option to take a homework sheet today to discuss and do with you at home. All children found this unit a challenge in school this week so I thought it may be a good idea to have a look at the mass of your store cupboard items at home. They may also enjoy learning how to use your weighing scales. There is absolutely no pressure to do this or to hand the sheet in. After speaking to many of you at parents evening about ways in which you can support your child at home, I thought you may appreciate it.

Please continue to read with your child & sign their reading record and practice times tables. Mrs Knowler will be sending spellings home tomorrow to be tested the following Friday. I did not give the children any over half term to learn for a test tomorrow.

If anyone has any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email is:


Thank you for your support.

Mrs Smout



I do apologise for not handing the new spellings out today. Here they are! If your child is unsure which group they are in, please do email me. Spellings

On another note, the children visit the school library on Fridays and bring a book home they can share with you. These are totally their choice in order to encourage their reading for pleasure. Please send your child in with their library book every Friday. Thank you.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Smout

Spellings and reading

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your efforts for continents day! The children had a fantastic day learning about South America. We did some map work, looked at some landmarks, tasted South American fruits, found out about native animals and had a wonderful alpaca workshop with Mrs Andrew! We also listened to some music and made paper plate llamas too!

I send home spellings on a Friday to be tested the following week. These are differentiated for your child. I join my handwriting on the spelling sheets to encourage the children to do the same. It also helps children to learn by feeling the ‘flow’ of the word when writing it down. I will post the spellings here for anyone who forgot to take their sheet home. Your children have been introduced to ‘spelling tennis’ this week which they may like to share with you.

We encourage the children to read every night, just 10 minutes will help. Being able to read accurately and fluently is so important for your child’s education and as reading is central to everything we do in the classroom, we would appreciate your support on this.


Thank you

Mrs Smout

If you need to get in touch, my email: amanda.smout@ppce.co.uk


Welcome back!

We hope you have all had a brilliant Summer! We are very excited about the beginning of term and have planned lots of lovely lessons. Year 3 will have their P.E. days on a Tuesday and Wednesday. We will still ask children to come in wearing their P.E. kit.  You can come in wearing PE kit tomorrow (6/9/22) but please don’t worry, uniform will be fine – Mr Rogers has said it will be a gentle session tomorrow.

This is an overview of some of the things we will be learning about this term: Year 3 termly overview

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Mrs Smout & Miss Saunders

Year 4 Viking trip

Dear Parents,

It is the Year 4 trip this Thursday (14th) to the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre. Due to the hot weather, children can wear their P.E. tops and their own shorts with trainers. They should also wear suncream and bring a hat. Children can bring a small backpack to carry their packed lunch, water-bottle and waterproof coat. There is a small gift shop at the centre where children can purchase small items, e.g. notepad + pen = £2. Money is optional and it is not recommended that they bring any more than £5. Please send all money in a named purse/wallet/container. Any questions please email: Amanda.Smout@ppce.co.uk

We are looking forward to having a fantastic day out with the class!

Mrs Smout

DT project

Year 4 Parents,

Please save any small boxes (cereal bar box/cake box/tissue box sort of size) for our DT projects. We would love you to send them in on Monday, please.

Thanks very much.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Smout