Friday 29th January

We made it to the end of another strange week! Well done Year 5 and a huge well done to parents too!

Maths: I can see from the Ttrockstars Teacher’s list that only some of you have been on here this month. Please do log in and have a practise. Knowing your times tables is central to so much of the maths you do. Knowing all your times tables up to 12 x 12 is similar to having a magic key to unlock lots of doors to the Maths you find difficult. If you need your log in and password please do email me:    Go for it!

Friday Maths wouldn’t be complete without your Arithmetic test: Spring test 4

Test 4 answers

English: Reading and Writing

I love the idea here of having an air hotel, do you? Take a look to find out what I am talking about! Find your reading questions and your writing tasks here, too.

It is Spelling Test day, today. Please ask someone at home to test you.

New spellings here:Spellings


You can learn about how good exercise is for your body here exercisebut it’s not just your body which benefits from exercise – your mind does too. It triggers ‘feel good’ hormones and helps to clear your mind of any worries you might have. Getting outside and being around nature helps us to feel peaceful too, not forgetting, that great sense of achievement when you have finished a work-out or come to the end of a lovely long walk or bike ride. Go on, get moving!




Thursday 28th January


We are going to be focusing on our word choices today and how they impact on your writing. There is nothing to print out today, you just need to look at and listen to the powerpoint and write your work down.

Thursday English lesson

For your reading today, I’d like you to take some time to do some independent reading. I would love to know which book you are currently reading. If you are struggling to find a book to read, please let me know.


Today, I’ve got a challenge for you – try to write a short tale, no bigger than a paragraph and include as many of your spelling words as you can! You can make it sound as funny/silly as you like!

Maths 28.01.21


Today. I would like you to have some fun with measuring yourselves.

You could choose to investigate ‘Can the longest legs jump the furthest?’

  • Measure the leg lengths (outside leg -waist to heel) of the people involved ( you could involve a family member or friend who doesn’t live with you via phone or email)
  • Measure the distances your group can jump (jumping two feet together)

You could record your results in a table like this or draw your own Table

Who had the longest legs? Who jumped the furthest? What do you results show?

Here is a simple investigation if you are working on your own: measures-investigation

Finally, here is a game to finish off your fun. Length spinner game

spinner instructions


This is Rob Biddulph’s latest video which was posted just a couple of days ago. In the first few minutes of the video, he tells you about a competition you can enter. It’s very exciting, have a listen…then have a go at drawing the race suit.


Some of you are still finishing your collages. Please try and finish those. I would love to see them. Thank you to all those who have sent them in.

Wednesday 27th January


LO: To think about purpose, clarity, style and reliability. 

We are going to explore 3 articles today and make notes on the four elements in the Learning Objective. There is a lesson powerpoint here:Wednesday English

i didn’t mention ‘bias’ in the powerpoint. Bias means to lean towards a certain direction or like one side of the story more than another.

Articles 1 – 3


Reading comprehension: 

As you have done lots of reading today, I would like you to follow the link and choose one picture you would like to study. There are just a few questions to answer about each one. Once upon a Picture


Play spelling tennis with someone at home. If you were spelling ‘most’, one of you would say M, then the other person would say O, then back to person one to say S, etc Hide your spelling words when you are playing so that you really try hard to visualise the word in your mind.


Tuesday 26th January


LO: To explore reference texts

Your task today is to use a published source of information (included here) to fact check some commonly reported statements: the text is the True or False? book that I introduced to you yesterday. You do not have to print the pages out if you can read them on your screen.

  • First, read the Research statements on the first page. Have you heard these said before? What are your first reactions? How could you check them?
  • Then, look at the pages taken from True or False? Read them carefully, researching the statements, to help you decide if each of them is True or False? You are fact checking.
  • Next, write a response to each Research statement. Explain if it is true or not and if you expected this to be the answer. Did you already have a feeling about it?

Tuesday Research Statements and pages from True or False

Reading Comprehension:

Focusing again on ‘Five children & It’ here is an activity to make you think about some old-fashioned phrases, which you may not have heard of but may occur in classic fiction. I’ve included the extract again for you to read the phrases in context. You do not need to print these resources out.

Five Children and It extract

Matching Resource 1


Practise your spellings today by writing the words backwards! Always check them against your spelling list once you have written them.



Reading on Teams

I have sent out another invitation today for children to join a Teams meeting, to listen to me reading our NEW class book. You may recognise the author! This invitation is on repeat for weekdays from 12 – 12.30. I’ll be introducing the book tomorrow (Tuesday 26th)