Show and Tell on Teams

I have invited you to a Show and Tell session on Thursday at 2pm! You can share any of the creative things you have done over the course of the day to mark Children’s Mental Health week. Ideas to work on tomorrow will be posted by Mrs Hilditch, later today. You may choose to perform the poem, you have been working on. We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning!


LO: To prepare to perform a poem.

Please follow my powerpoint today. We are focusing on how to perform a poem. Wednesday’s lesson


Reading comprehension:

Please follow the link to find lesson 2. Poetry

Spellings: Have a go at writing your spellings into sentences today, please. Choose at least six of the spellings you think you may struggle on then play spelling tennis with the other words.

R.E. 03.02.21

Continuing with our journeys theme in R.E. this week, we think of our own lives. Life is sometimes described as a journey.

Can you think of any milestones (key events) in your journey through life so far? How do you imagine the rest of your life journey to be? Do you think there have been any or will be any religious milestones in your life or your parents’ life?

I would like you to draw a timeline, marking on it on all the important events which come to mind. You can add any religious connections to it. You can illustrate your timeline, if you want to.

Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning! Please see my science post below with information about our Teams meeting at 11am today.


LO: To research my own questions

We already know that Joseph Coelho is a poet, who writes for children, and is full of energy and enthusiasm. Today, you will be finding more out about Joseph Coelho by asking questions and researching the answers. I would like you to think of some questions which could help you research some interesting facts about him.

Here are some ideas to get you started. You can use some or all of these and also write some of your own questions.

  • Where did Joseph Coelho grow up and does he have any brothers or sisters?
  • What was the first poem that Joseph Coelho wrote?
  • What made Joseph Coelho want to be a poet?
  • Where does he get his ideas from?

Try these links to help you research your answers. The top three links are written more simply than the bottom three.

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Reading Comprehension:

Follow the link to lesson 2 Lesson 2


Please practise your spellings using Rainbow writing. Focus on the spelling patterns.

Science 2.2.21

This week, we are looking at separating materials. I will be carrying out the activity on Teams at 11am today (Tuesday). It would be helpful if you could have a look at the powerpoint and the Explanations Activity sheet first. Please join. 

Parents can look at the Lesson Plan Separating Mixtures. Next you will need to look at the PowerPoint.  You do not have to do anything, it just shows you how you could separate different mixtures.

Look at the Separating Mixtures Explanations Activity Sheet this tells you how you could separate some mixtures. You could try separating some of these things at home if you can’t make it onto Teams but you will need to ask for permission to use the resources and ask an adult to help you with heating the salt and water solution. If you do not have all the things that are suggested then you can adapt the activities.

Using the Separating Mixtures Activity Sheet explain how you would separate those materials. It is not necessary for you to actually separate them you could just tell me how you would have done it.

Monday 1st February

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. It was very chilly!


LO: To discuss themes and conventions in poetry.

Monday english lesson

You do not need to print these out, they are included in the powerpoint. Prompt and poems

When you have listened to and read all the poems, I’d like you to think about: The subjects Joseph writes about and what his style is like.

Reading comprehension:

Please follow the link to find your  reading comprehension


Please look at your spelling list which I posted on Friday. I’m sorry I put an ‘e’ on the end of parasol when it doesn’t have one! Please cross out the ‘e’ if you have printed out your spellings.

Today, I would like you to look at these clues and see if you can use the letter patterns oll, oal and ole to work out the answers:

  1. A young horse F_________
  2. A small type of bread R_______
  3. Space left when something is removed H____________
  4. Black lumps of rock that burn C____________
  5. A gentle walk S____________
  6. What the thief did S_______________
  7. Often has a flag on top P____________
  8. Large group of fish S______________