Science 23.02.21

Over the next two weeks, we will be finding out about the life and work of two famous scientists. Today, our lesson is all about David Attenborough. Please follow the Lesson Presentation to find out what to do.

You will need the following to complete the tasks:Attenborough’s Life Activity Sheet Attenborough’s Life Fact Cards and Wildlife Documentary Activity Sheet

There are some suggested animals to research on the Wildlife documentary sheet, however, you could choose an animal who lives in the Rainforest, if you’d prefer. Some you might like to choose from: jaguar, orangutan, howler monkey, snake, chameleon, okapi, sloth, tapir, etc

You may want to watch some clips of David Attenborough introducing animals and birds. One of my favourite is this clip of the Lyre bird, it’s fascinating! Lyre bird clip

If this inspires you to watch more, here are 5 top clips There are so many more to watch. Did any of you see ‘A Life on Our Planet’ last year? Here is the trailer, it might be something your whole family would enjoy watching together Netflix trailer

Monday 22nd February

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a super half-term. We are starting a new unit on Non-chronological reports and it’s going to tie in with our Geography.

LO: To understand how to make notes

We are working towards writing a non-chronological report over the next couple of weeks. First, we have to learn how to take helpful notes so that we have plenty of information when we come to write our report. Please follow my powerpoint lesson on ‘How to Take Notes’ then use the ‘Rainforest powerpoint’ to make notes from. You can use my note-taking sheet or just simply write your own notes under subheadings for sections, on your own paper.

How to Take Notes

Rainforest powerpoint

Note taking sheet

Once you have done your reading comprehension today, you may add more notes to those you took from the powerpoint.

Reading Comprehension: Please choose the comprehension best for you. Rainforests reading comprehension

There is lots of new vocabulary to learn this half term so I am putting a list here for you to read, say and find out what the words mean, throughout the week.

New vocab list: biome, precipitation, equator, hemisphere, evergreen, foliage, humid, biodiversity

Please join us on Teams as usual at 12 noon for the next chapter of The Night Bus Hero!

Maths 22.02.21

LO: To use information presented in a line graph to solve problems

I will be doing an introduction to this unit on Teams, this morning at 10am. I will be using the powerpoint below in our first lesson, today so you can take a look before we start. You will need some cm squared paper for today’s lesson and a couple more lessons in this unit so if you don’t have any at home, I have left some in reception for you to pick up or there is a link to some at the bottom of this post, to print off.


line graphs Busy Ants page 1

line graphs Busy Ants page 2


Support sheet for less confident

squared paper


We start a new Geography unit this week, all about Biomes. I’m sure you’ll like this unit and it will tie in with our English work. Please take a look at the Knowledge organiser

It would be a good idea to print this off, if you can, as we will refer to this over the unit. Please work through the powerpoint and answer the questions as we go through it.

Biomes powerpoint

Biomes lesson 1


Tudor experts have received your emails…

…and thought they were brilliant! They believe the future is in good hands! Thank you to all those who sent thank you emails in.

Thank you to all of you for working so hard at home, it has not been easy but you have coped so well. Have a super half-term and enjoy having time away from a screen.

Mrs Smout & Mrs Giles

Friday 12th February

You made it! Half term is very nearly here…


Warm up your Maths brains with ‘Hit the Button’.

Are you all remembering to keep your eye on the clock? You know what I’m talking about Year 5 – Can you tell the time to the nearest minute yet? Then say the 12hr and 24hr digital time for the analogue time? If you can, then can you answer my question…If Mrs Giles started painting her camper van at 11. 25 am and finished four hours and twenty seven minutes later, what time would she finish? Answers in 24hr clock please. If you email me the correct time, I shall send you a gold star!

Arithmetic test: Spring test 6

Answers: Spring test 6 answers


It is your spelling test today so please ask an adult at home to test you. I am not giving you new spellings to learn over half term.

Reading: Please follow this lesson on developing your reading for pleasure through discussion of characters. Reading for pleasure

Please join us for the reading session on Teams at midday.

P.E. Marcus Rashford is your celebrity supply teacher this afternoon! Marcus Rashford


Thursday 11th February

Good Morning!


I am sure you’l agree that the workshop was great fun yesterday! I would like you to compose an email for the Tudor experts, Kate and Andrew, please. It shows you have very good manners to write a Thank You letter, email or message to someone who has provided something for you or given something to you, especially when they have worked hard and done their best for you.

  • I would like you to thank them for yesterday’s workshop
  • Tell them what you liked about it and what you especially liked
  • Which of the facts you found particularly interesting
  • Which of the activities you enjoyed in their resource pack and tell them about any other Tudor activities you did yesterday.
  • Anything else you think they would like to hear.
  • Sign off with Many thanks or Kind regards or Best wishes and your name.

Please check your spelling, punctuation and grammar as you write, making sure all proper nouns have Capital Letters too! If you send your email to me at then I can make sure they get all your emails.

Read your own book for pleasure today. What are you reading at the moment? Some of you have let me know already, thank you.


Can you write your spellings ‘smaller to bigger’?

Art & Music

I know that some of you still have your Tudor art work to finish from yesterday’s activities. I have seen some lovely pictures of your Tudor houses and your portraits of Henry VIII. Thank you very much for sharing them with me. You can have a look at yesterday’s post if you would like to do one of those today.

You love to ‘Draw with Rob’ so here is his latest tutorial for you to try. It’s actually his 73rd video!  Rob Biddulph

Lots of you enjoyed the music lab last Thursday. Music lab is a website that makes learning about music accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.  So here is the link if you would like to explore some more: music lab