Year 2 Reading and Phonics

Please read the Bug Club reading book letter that your child brought home today. Further information can be found on the school website in the English Reading and Phonics area: English | Pontesbury CE Primary School (

A copy of the letter sent home can also be found there and a helpful Parent Guide with more information on how to navigate the Pupil World homepage, including accessing the e-books. The children have their own username and password and the school code is wkxl.

The e-books will be assigned each Friday and the first one will be assigned on Friday 30th September. Next week, we will begin changing paper reading books twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child brings their paper reading book into school EVERYDAY.

Mrs Pittaway

Reading Records and E-books

Dear Parents,

You will notice that the reading records look different this year. There is now space for you to record when your child reads with you at home which includes space for the date, title, a short comment and pages read. At the bottom of the page, there is space to record any words that they may need to learn. Please write ‘finished’ so we know when the book needs changing. It is important that you read on a daily basis with your children to develop their fluency and confidence. The first few pages of the record has some useful information so please have a look.

You will find that it mentions your children will have access to e-books. Further details about this will follow in due course so please don’t worry about this at the moment.


Mrs Pittaway

Thank you

Dear Room 3 Children and Parents,

On behalf of all the adults who work in Room 3, we would like to say a huge thank you for all of the goodbye and thank you messages, cards and gifts. We are extremely touched by your kindness.

Have a wonderful summer!

Best wishes,

Mrs Pittaway, Mrs Manna, Mrs Keyland, Mrs Christopher and Mrs Butler

Year 2 – Park Hall Farm

Tomorrow we are off to Park Hall Farm!

Please send your child to school wearing their normal school jumper and jogging bottoms/leggings, preferably trainers that can get muddy, a warm waterproof coat and a backpack with a water bottle and their packed lunch inside. It is supposed to be a chilly day so you may wish to send your child with a pair of gloves and a hat too.

Many thanks,

Mrs Pittaway

Year 2 Home Learning for 31.3.22

Maths- Learn the two times table facts (multiplication and divisions) by heart. e.g. 2×4=8.

English- Write the beginning of the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ (up to the point where Mum throws the beans out of the window and Jack goes to bed).

PE- Joe Wicks has some great PE videos on YouTube.

PSHE- Make a poster on how to be a kind person.

Spellings and reading.

Mrs PIttaway

Year 2 Home Learning for 30.3.22

Maths- Today learn to divide by 2. Discuss how this is the same as finding half. Children to answer division questions on the sheet from yesterday by counting in twos on their fingers until they get to the number to be divided. Then count how many fingers (how many 2s are in the number). Alternatively, they can share the number between two circles by drawing dots in each circle.

English- Continue watching the episodes (8-14) from yesterday KS1 English: Jack and the Beanstalk – BBC Teach and order the rest of the pictures on the sheet (attached to yesterday’s post). Use this to retell the story using story language (focus on different sentence starters, not just ‘then’ e.g. After a while,    Suddenly,     As quick as a flash,)

Science- Create a poster for the life cycle of a frog or a butterfly.

Spellings and reading.

Take care,

Mrs Pittaway

Year 2 Home Learning for 29.3.22

For children who are well enough to complete their work…

Maths- Learn to confidently count in twos and solve multiplications by 2. e.g. 5×2 by counting in twos until you have five fingers. (See sheets attached and focus on the multiplications only)

English- KS1 English: Jack and the Beanstalk – BBC Teach Watch episodes 1-8 in turn and discuss what happened in each episode using the questions on the document attached. Order the pictures on the document attached to help retell the story so far using ‘story style’ language.

History- Farming through time. Research what farming was like in the Victorian times. Find out about jobs on the farm (including in the dairy), tools and equipment that was used and about animals and crops. You could make a poster.

Reading and spellings.

Take care,

Mrs PIttaway


Jack and the Beanstalk 29.3.22