Bring PE Kits

As you know, we are dressing up on Tuesday 28th March for our Victorian morning. Please can you send your child to school with their PE kit in a bag ready to change into for the afternoon.

Many thanks,

Mrs Pittaway

Colomendy Photo Celebration

On Tuesday 25th April (3.30pm), we invite you to our Colomendy photo celebration!

If you are unable to make this, please contact the office and they will be able to send you a link to the secure password protected video.

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Mrs Pittaway


Well done Year 2!

A huge well done to all the children for being excellent at Colomendy. I hope you share your adventures with people at home and tell them about all the fun you had. I will arrange an opportunity for parents/carers to view photos from our time there after half term. Have a restful half term break!

Mrs Pittaway

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I would just like to say another huge well done to the children for making the nativity such a success this year! They all worked incredibly hard to learn their lines and songs. A special thank you to everyone at home who helped with learning their parts and sorting costumes.

We had an amazing Christmas party this afternoon! They danced their socks off… as did I!

Finally, I would like to thank you for all the Christmas wishes, cards and gifts. It is extremely kind.

I wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year!

Mrs Pittaway

Stockings needed in Year 2

With many of you bound to be putting up Christmas decorations over the weekend, I thought it was a good time to ask you to keep hold of any stockings that you have at home. We will need them in school for Thursday 6th December to look at as part of our design and technology unit- Stockings.

Thank you.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Crane

Year 2 Reading

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, we are really promoting reading at Pontesbury as we value the power that reading can have on a person’s life.

You may find it useful to watch the following short video which demonstrates the level of fluency and accuracy expected by the end of Year 2.

KS1 Reading – Working at the Expected Standard – The Day the Crayons Quit – YouTube

We are trying a new reading incentive in Year 2 to encourage reading at home and a love of books. Once your child has read at home on 7 occasions (for around 10 minutes), they will get a lucky dip prize. This does require adults at home to record when home reading has taken place. A detailed comment isn’t necessary every time, but please make sure each separate reading session is clear by including the date, book/pages read and by signing.

Thank you for your continued support with reading.

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Crane