Science Live @11am

Hi guys,

Just a quick reminder that the Science experiment from yesterday has been rescheduled for today at 11 am if you would like to watch from home. An email has been sent to your email account so please RSVP to let us know who to expect!


Home Learning Friday 22.1.21

It’s Friday, which mean one thing. Time to test the old brain cells with our maths skills.


Time to warm up those brains. Practise your times table by playing Hit the Button. Can the children make sure that if they are on the x3, x4,x8 or x6 or x7 that they also practise the division side too.

Hit the Button

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x2               x 5            x10             x3          x4              x8              x6                x7

Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

y3-spring-03-transcript FOR ADULTS

y3-spring-03-answer FOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post from Monday.

Science- Because we shut for the floods yesterday, the Science experiment people were going to watch over Teams is happening today at 11am instead. If you fancy watching, then please accept the invite in your child’s email account.

Spelling Test

Spelling test on the children’s spellings from last week. Usually, we would jumble them up, read out the word and then put it into a sentence for the class.

New spellings- Below are a new set of spellings to learn over the next week.

Group 1 and 2 have the same this week –  Group 1 and 2 Week 3

Group 3 – Group 3 Week 3


Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


We are carrying on with RE this week by looking at how some holy books are considered very important to believers as they teach them how to live.

Questions to think about?

  • How do people know how to live their lives? God, parents, police, government. Do they tell them? etc
  • What rules or laws do people follow?

We are particulary looking at how the Torah  has rules which guide the Jewish people into how to live. These rules are called the the Ten Commandments. Have the children heard of these already, why might Christians have heard of them too? Could they name any? Make a link between the similarities of the Jewish and Christian faith here.

Work you way through the PP below (it’s a bit of a chopped together PP so apologies!)  and look at the commandments individually. Allow yourself time to discuss with the children if they are not sure.

The 10 Commandments

Activity – Children are to cut out the 10 Commandments from the document below and create what we call a Diamond Nine layout (see PP for layout options ) whereby they are to order the commandments into what they think is the most important or relevant to them. Those at the top being the most, down towards the least. As we have 10 Commandments and nine places in the template, is there one which the children might not consider to be important at all nowadays?



Cancelled Live

Hi guys,

Because of the heavy rain, school has had to shut early today so the Live lesson for Science this afternoon has had to be cancelled. My apologies.

However, I have rearranged it for tomorrow at 11 am if school is back open. I have sent a new invite to your children’s email account for the Live so they can accept if they wish. Hopefully, we will see you tomorrow !


Mrs Davies

Home Learning Thursday 21.1.21


Time to consolidate your learning on place value. Below are a couple of websites I would like the children to visit to help practise what they have learnt. All good fun, with a little bit of learning thrown in!

A great website to create your own 3 or even 4 digit numbers. You can show them as Base Ten, Arrow Cards or even as abacus beads. Its very visual and useful if children are still struggling.  

Below is a game perfect for your child’s learning. You can select an appropriate level and the children need to select the right number to keep the sharks away!

or you try this for a little challenge! –Lesson 4 game

Board Games If parents have got time to spare or you have brothers and sisters you could play with here are a couple of board games you could play. The instructions are on the sheets.

Game 1 – Follows the same idea as Snakes and Ladders the games are differentiated so you can pick a level to suit you.

recognising-place-value-threedigit-numbers-board-game Snakes and Ladders

Game 2 – Another board game based on selecting the right match/pair.

Place Value Game Board                        Place Value Game Cards

Game 3 Another board game where they must take change the number depending on the instruction on the board. A little harder then the others.


English– See Mrs Hilditch’s post on Monday.

Reading Comprehension – World Religion Day was on the 18th January. Have a go at an appropriate comprehension to help you learn a little more about it.

Remember – * Easiest   ** Medium     *** Challenge

World religion day differentiated reading comprehension


LO: To Investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces.

Following on from our jelly investigation last week, we are planning to conduct a whole class investigation into Friction.

We will introduce the investigation and carry it out as a class.

Below is a link to the lesson PowerPoint which will be important to go through.

Lesson Presentation Faster and Slower Mr Boffey

If you wish to conduct a further investigation at home then you will need:

  • A book, tray, placemat or similar (to use as a ramp)
  • A snack bar or similar e.g a penguin bar
  • Aluminium foil
  • Bubble wrap
  • Any other material which you can wrap around the snack bar etc.

Instructions for at home investigation.

  • Place the snack bar on the flat ramp and slowly raise the ramp at one end to observe when it begins to slide. How high did it go? Perhaps you could get someone at home to measure the height of the ramp?
  • Wrap the snack bar in a different material and repeat step 1 and observe/discuss any variation.
  • Repeat step with other materials and observe. Finally, you can unwrap your snack and discover how must friction the chocolate creates

Below is a link where you can watch and discuss a similar investigation with your child.

Pause clip halfway and discuss with children what they think will happen.  Watch to the end and discuss their predictions.

If you wish, you can record your results on the sheet below.

Results table for Science


Maths Home Learning Wednesday 20.1.21


Today, we are going to continue practising what we have done over the last 2 days but apply it to money this time.

Remember – Hundreds = £1 = 100p              Tens = 10 p           Ones = 1p

Work your way through the PP to understand how the lesson works and then try the sheet below.

Wednesday Lesson 3 20.1.21


Maths Home Learning 19.1.21


Today we are going to have a go at ordering 3 digit numbers. Before you start look at what each 3 digit number starts with (look at the hundreds column first). If each number starts with the same hundreds, look at the tens column instead. Look at the PP below to help you and then look at the sheet below that. Make sure you space out your numbers so they are clear! If you can print out the workbook page, make sure you cross off each number as you go so you don’t get confused.

Tuesday Lesson 2 19.1.21

Maths Home Learning Monday 18.1.21


This week we are looking at the value of digits in 3 digit numbers. Everything you need is in the PP below, you may need to keep pausing it so I don’t reveal any answers!

Lesson 1 Monday 18.1.21

Here is the sheet they can work off. Just be careful when looking at Challenge 2 section 2 and challenge 3 section 3 because the value of the 3 digit numbers might not be written in the normal order of hundreds, tens and ones.

Most children will start on Challenge 1 and see if they can complete challenge 1 and 2 . If you are feeling confident, you can start on Challenge 2 and try Challenge 3. YOU DON’T NEED TO DO IT ALL!



Heads up for next Thursday’s Science lesson.

LO: To Investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces.

Following on from our jelly investigation last week, we are planning to conduct a whole class investigation using Microsoft Teams.

This will allow us to introduce the investigation and carry it out as a class.  If you can’t join us for the meeting, then there is an investigation below that the children can complete if you have the time and resources.

There will a PP to follow like normal (see class page) but if you child does attend the live then they can hear Mr Boffey go through it and develop it further for them.

Lesson Presentation Faster and Slower Mr Boffey

If you wish to conduct a further investigation at home after the Team meeting then you will need:

  • A book, tray, placemat or similar (to use as a ramp)
  • A snack bar or similar e.g a penguin bar
  • Aluminium foil
  • Bubble wrap
  • Any other material which you can wrap around the snack bar etc.

Instructions for at home investigation.

  • Place the snack bar on the flat ramp and slowly raise the ramp at one end to observe when it begins to slide. How high did it go? Perhaps you could get someone at home to measure the height of the ramp?
  • Wrap the snack bar in a different material and repeat step 1 and observe/discuss any variation.
  • Repeat step with other materials and observe. Finally, you can unwrap your snack and discover how must friction the chocolate creates

Don’t worry if you don’t have time to conduct the investigation as what we do in the lesson is fine.  Below is a link where you can watch and discuss a similar investigation with your child.

Pause clip halfway and discuss with children what they think will happen.  Watch to the end and discuss their predictions.

If you wish, you can record your results on the sheet below.

Results table for Science


Attempting Live Lessons- set up needed though!

Dear Parents of Room 2,

So myself and Mrs Hilditch think we have finally got our heads around the technology to offer the chance for the children at home to attend a ‘live lesson’. That means, if your computer has a webcam and a microphone the children at home can login and can join the children in school for an actual lesson being taught by either myself or Mrs Hilditch. This will also allow the children the opportunity to see their friends if they haven’t seen them in a while.

We are starting off small next week so it might only be for 20/30 minutes one day or one lesson on another but hopefully we will be able to increase this to more. Fingers crossed it will work!

Here is what we were thinking for next week.

  • Tuesday 19th January @ 14:00    Mrs Hilditch will be reading a chapter or two of our class book called Stitch Head by Guy Bass. It will last about 20/30 minutes.
  • Wednesday 20th January @ 9:10 Mrs Davies will be doing the introduction to the Maths lesson. It will last about 20/30 minutes.
  • Thursday 21st January @ 13:45 Mr Boffey (he is a teacher helping out Mrs Davies during Lockdown) will be leading another Science investigation into friction. This session will allow the children at home to see a whole class investigation being done in school along with the results. The children can watch the investigation and consider that their Science lesson done for the week or they can carry out a similar investigation at home when they have logged out of the meeting. It will last 20/30 minutes.

In order for the children to attend these lives sessions. You will need to have a few things set up first.

  • The children will need to have their school email account set up ready to go. Mrs Andrews has created a video in order to help you. It should be at the top of ‘News and Updates’ page on the school website. Please have a look.
  • The children will need to know their email address and password. This should be on the inside of their reading record book. The address is something like this followed by their password. If you are unsure what these are, then please email us or Mrs Andrews for them. If your child has already logged onto Google Classroom it the same information you needed for that.
  • You will need to download Microsoft Teams. If you aren’t aware of Microsoft Teams it is like Zoom. That means the children can see the teacher, the classroom and each other. The children should also be able to access Microsoft Teams through their emails. If the children click on the 9 dots at the top of their email account, Microsoft Teams should be an option there.
  • When myself or Mrs Hilditch set up a meeting a link for the meeting will go to the children’s email account. They can click on the link in the email and accept. They would then need to open up Teams and access the calendar tab at the side. Hopefully, the meeting will be in the calendar. The children need to click on the meeting to join.
  • If you have chance could you show the children how to mute/unmute their microphones so we are not all talking at the same time!

I hope this helps, but I thought I would send it over the weekend to allow you enough time to set it up.

Hopefully, we will see the children there!


Mrs Davies and Mrs Hilditch.