Tuesday 9.2.21 Maths Home Learning


LO: To solve a tangram puzzle using 2D shapes.

Tangrams! In case you didn’t know what they are. A tangram is a puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The aim of them is to replicate a pattern generally found in a puzzle book using all seven pieces without any overlapping.

Beginning: Display the tangram square shown on the  Lesson Presentation Tangram Triangles and discuss how the square has been divided into seven different shapes which can be arranged to make various other shapes. Using the
Tangram Squares Resource Sheet children cut up the tangram puzzle and identify and describe the properties of the seven shapes with somebody at home.

Discuss how the aim of the tangram puzzle is to rearrange the pieces of the square to create new shapes. Using the examples shown on the Lesson Presentation, children explore rearranging their own tangrams shapes into different triangles. Using the PP, introduce the challenge of finding all the different triangles that can be created using any arrangement of up to seven of the tangram shapes. (Try for at least 3, there are 12 in total)

Help if needed. To give the children a little help use these triangle templates. Some of the shapes have been given as a clue!

Triangle Tangrams Clues

If after all that you want to play a game involving 2D shapes then click the link below to play Tetris. The aim of the game is to manipulate the 2D shapes so you can create a full line. Your parents will know this ‘retro’game!



Monday 8.2.21 Home Learning Maths


LO: To draw and name 2D shapes.

This week we are revising 2D shapes. The children have gone over this area of maths many times. The first activity to complete a little 2D quiz. Work your way trhough the PP and see how you do naming the 2D shapes.

Name the 2D Shape Quiz

If the children are struggling it might be best if they complete a 2D shape poster and their properties. Some parts of the poster have been given and others parts have been blanked out. The children who found the quiz hard might be able to use the poster to help them . If children found the quiz hard – 2D shape poster blank


Children are to complete the worksheet below. Starting on Challege one and then moving down. Children to complete at least Challenge 1 and Challenge 2. We have talked about certain shapes and how to remember them.


  • Triangle-Tri means 3, like tripod or tricycle
  • Hexagon- x for hexagon, x for six
  • Octagon= Oct means 8 like Octopus
  • Quadrilateral- mean 4, like 4 wheels on a quadbike

The children will need a ruler and a sharp pencil. I will attach pin board paper and squared paper if you need it in order to complete some of the questions. The pin board paper I have attached is 4 x 4 as it is easier to use.

Pin board paper – 4 x 4 paper dotted Challenge 1 part 2

Squared paper-1cm-Squared-Editable-Paper

Challenge 3- Completely optional to complete but if you want to push yourself and challenge yourself, have a go!4 x 4 paper dotted Challenge 3

Friday 5.2.21 – Home Learning

Maths- The last maths lesson of the week is today. I will be doing a live lesson at 11 am to go through subtraction but this time focusing much more on stealing.

If you can’t make it here is a PP where we go through different examples of stealing (e.g. stealing for just the ones column, for just the tens column and stealing for both the tens and ones) There are also a few questions for the children to answer.

lesson 4 subtraction 3 digit numbers Stealing different columns

Activity- subtracting 3 digit numbers Friday worksheet

subtracting 3 digit numbers Friday worksheet – ANSWERS

Maths (extra)

If you have the time, and you still want to complete this week’s arithmetic tasks I will still attach them below.

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x5              x10            x3              x4                x8              x6              x7                x9

Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

y3-spring-05 FOR ADULTS

y3-spring-05-answer FOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post from Monday.

Spelling Test

Spelling test on the children’s spellings from last week. Usually, we would jumble them up, read out the word and then put it into a sentence for the class.

New spellings- Below are a new set of spellings to learn over the next week.

Group 1/ Group 2 – Group 1 and 2 Week 5

Group 3 – Group 3 Week 5


Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


LO: To identify different stories found in the Torah.

Very simple lesson this week where I have put together a collection of stories found in both the Bible and the Torah. Look at the PP below first to allow for a little bit of understanding of the Torah and see if the children can make comparisons to the Bible.

Identifying stories from the Torah

After, all the the children need to do is listen to the different stories below. They are a mixture of video recordings, voice overs and video clips, making them accessible to all. Enjoy!

Story 1- The Creation Story and Adam and Eve

Story 2- Noah and the Floods

Noah and the floods

Story 3 – The Story of Abraham

Story 4 – The Story of Jacob

Story 5- Joseph

Photos or messages needed please for a leaving card!

Hello there,

A plead for help!

Will Kellet in our class is sadly leaving Pontesbury on Monday next week. I know a text message has already gone out but I thought I would send an email as well. Due to Covid and the obvious lockdown, William will not be able to see most of the class before he leaves which is a real shame. Myself, Mrs Hilditch  and Miss Gwilliam would love to send him off from Pontesbury with a card from all the children.

So if possible, could you please email in a photo of your child and maybe a little message to say goodbye and good luck so we can create him one. Thank you to those of you have have already sent something in and if your child was in school today, we have done them so please don’t worry about sending anything else in.

Thank you,

Mrs Davies

No work tomorrow!

Hello Room 2,

Due to Children’s Mental Health week, we are having a day doing lots of arts and craft so no work posts for Thursday, yay!

Please look at the post Mrs Hilditch has put online as there are so many activities you can do.

We will be doing a Live Show And Tell on Friday at 12 pm for any children who want to show the rest of the class what they managed to do. Hopefully, we will see you there.


Wednesday 3.2.21 Maths Home Learning


Today, we will be continuing to look at subtracting using the expanded method but this time we will be moving on to 3 digit numbers. It is very similar to how we do subtraction using 2 digits except we just have another column to answer. Mrs Davies will be doing a live for lesson if you want to come along but it will be at 11am to avoid clashes with other classes. Below is a PP going through how to set out your work and a few examples to practise. I must apologise for the first example, I kept getting my digits muddled!

Lesson 3 Subtraction 3 digit number Easy

The second PP moves onto when we can’t simply subtract so we must steal from another column. Please watch the examples so you can have an idea on how to do it.  The worksheet itself only looks at taking for the ones column.

lesson 3 subtraction 3 digit numbers stealing examples

Activity – Very similar to Monday’s lesson. You have 6 questions which are fairly easy subtraction questions mainly given for the children to practise setting out the question and working methodically from right to left, followed by 6 tricker ones where you will need to steal. subtracting 3 digit numbers Wednesday worksheet

subtracting 3 digit numbers Wednesday worksheet – ANSWERS

Tuesday Maths 2.2.21 Home Learning


Very similar to yesterday’s lesson. We are just going to be practising lots more examples of subtraction calculations. Please refer back to yesterday’s post to help on how to set out the questions. I will also repost yesterday’s PP on here on examples of subtraction using ‘stealing’ to help you if you are unsure. The activity is a mixture of simple subtraction sums and ones where you will need to steal. Look carefully at the ones column, if you cannot take the bottome digit away from the top digit, you will need to steal.

2 digit numbers-examples of stealing.

Activity- Tuesday mixture of 2 digit numbers

Answers – Tuesday mixture of 2 digit numbers ANSWERS

Monday 1.2.21 – Maths Home Learning

Good morning Room 2!

Today and all week, we are looking at how to subtract using the expanded column method. It’s a fairly easy method to get you head around as long as you can pull your numbers apart (partition) them in H, T and O’s. Mrs Hilditch will be doing a Live to introduce this method at 9am on Monday. It might help you alot if you attend and hear Mrs Hilditch’s explanation.

I have put together 2 PP’s together that you will need to look at which will hopefully explain how to do this method. The first one is for how to complete this method using very simple numbers. The second is for when we might need to ‘steal’. Parents might use the term ‘borrow’ but I am using the term steal because you are not giving it back!

Lesson 1 Subtraction 2 digit – Easy

Lesson 1 Trickier question- stealing

Questions to answer. Challenge one are simple subtraction questions and then if you feel confident, you can try Challenge 2 where you will need to steal first.

subtracting 2 digit numbers Monday worksheet

ANSWERS! Monday 2 digit subtraction – Answers



Friday 29.1.21 Home Learning

It’s Friday, which mean one thing. Time to test the old brain cells with our maths skills.


Time to warm up those brains. Practise your times table by playing Hit the Button. Can the children make sure that if they are on the x3, x4,x8 , x6,  x7 or x9 that they also practise the division side too.

Hit the Button

They could always access their Times Table Rock Star Accounts to practise too.

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x5          x10          x3          x4          x8          x6          x7          x9

Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

y3-spring-04 FOR ADULTS

y3-spring-04 FOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post from Monday.

Spelling Test

Spelling test on the children’s spellings from last week. Usually, we would jumble them up, read out the word and then put it into a sentence for the class.

New spellings- Below are a new set of spellings to learn over the next week.

Group 1/ Group 2 – Group 1 and 2 Week 4

Group 3 – Group 3 Week 4


Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


LO: To recognise the importance of the Torah.

We are carrying on with Judaism this week by looking at how the Torah (the Holy text of Judaism) is treated by Jews. I’ve cobbled together a PP of key parts with a little voice over work with it. I have read most of it to the children so parents….go and have a well earned cup of tea!  Have a look and have a discussion.

This lesson can be practical if you want to make your own Torah and Yad.

RE The importance of the Torah

Instructions for practical part- make-your-own-scroll-craft-instructions-english

Hebrew alphabet – Activity Sheet Hebrew Writing

But if you can’t make them then it doesn’t matter, as long as you can discuss what new things you have learnt with a family member after.

Thursday 28.1.21 Home Learning

Maths- We are putting into practise yesterday’s lesson by using expanded method again to add money. Below are two activtiy sheets, you only need to do one. You have a collection of grocery items which you must add together using the expanded column method.  To make life easier, it would help if children could use squared paper as it will help hugely with setting out their numbers into hundreds, tens and ones and avoid digits getting muddled! I will be doing a Live at 9am on Thursday if you want to join.

Activity 1 (Slightly easier)Grocery Store Price List Addition using expanded column method

Activity 2 (Slightly trickier)Grocery Store Price List 2

Answers – Answers adding money

Spellings– please practise your spellings. If you don’t have them, then please look back at last Friday’s post.

Guided Reading

Today’s Guided Reading is investigating the life of David Attenborough. A broadcaster and natural historian who is very good at highlighting environmental issues. Yet again, I couldn’t separate them , so please how a quick glance and decide which is most suitable for your child.

LkS2 David Attenborough differentiated reading comprehension

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post from Monday for the lesson


LO: To sort magnetic and non magnetic items.

Heads-up! Equipment needed for Science

  • A magnet ( a fridge magnetic might do it!)
  • A collection of magnetic and non magnetic materials.

Please work your way through the PP which explain how a magnet might attract some magnetic items and not others. Can the children generalise a rule into what is attracted to a magnet or not? Are there some exceptions (hint hint: some coins aren’t!)

Lesson Presentation Scrapyard Challenge

There is a weblink to follow in the PP but I’ll attach it here too for you. How do magnets help in a scrapyard?

You can pick which activity you want depending on if you can find different materials. The first sheet allows you to pick objects that you want and the second gives you a few to get you started.

magnetic or non magnetic