Tuesday Maths 2.3.21 Home Learning


Another fraction day. This time more to do with how you write a fraction of an object down. It does say in the top corner that you will need coloured cubes. It would help for Challenge 3 etc but they aren’t necessary, you could use coloured counters, crayons etc. Please look through the PP for the learning side of today’s lesson and I hope that it helps you.

Lesson 2 Fractions

Monday Maths 1.3.21


It’s time to look at fractions again! We have already looked at fractions before lockdown so hopefully for the children at home we will not be starting from scratch again. Today’s lesson is a recap on finding a fraction of a number or a set of objects through dividing. This is why knowing you times tables helps massively when it comes to fractions. You are finding 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of a number.

Please follow and look at the PP below as I have tried my best to explain fractions and how to find a fraction of a number.

Lesson 1 fractions of objects

Please look at the examples to the side of the page to help you and how to set out your answers. If you are struggling on finding a half or a quarter of a number, then please use the method we practised last week (look back at last weeks posts to help you!)

If struggling- If your child is struggling with today’s work then try this activity instead. It’s a little more broken down for them. Support sheet lesson 1- Fractions of objects

Friday 26.2.21 Home Learning

It’s Friday, which mean one thing. Time to test the old brain cells with our maths skills.


Time to warm up those brains. Practise your times table by playing Hit the Button. Can the children make sure that if they are on the x3, x4,x8 , x6,  x7, x9 or x11 that they also practise the division side too.

Hit the Button

They could always access their Times Table Rock Star Accounts to practise too.

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x5            x10            x3                x4                x8              x6                x7              x9


Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

y3-spring-07-transcript FOR ADULTS

y3-spring-07-answerFOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post .


There were no spellings set over Half Term but if you want, please go over some of the spellings from the Year 3/4 word list I gave on the Friday (12.2.21) to check how your child is doing with learning these. In particular, look at the first and second column.

New spellings- Below are a new set of spellings to learn over the next week.

Group 1/ Group 2 – Group 1 and 2 Week 1

Group 3 – Group 3 Week 1


Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


We are continuing with out topic of Judaism but this time we are specifically focusing of a Jewish holiday known as Passover.

LO: To understand the importance and the story of Passover.

Have you ever been or shared in a special celebration? How did you know it was a special celebration? Did you have to wear particular clothes or eat a special meal? Were there lots of people there? Did you watch or do something a little unusual that you wouldn’t normally do? Have a talk with someone at home. What made it special?

Just like Hanukkah, Passover is a special Jewish festival celebrated in Spring. As well as sharing food together a symbolic meal is shared which helps the Jewish community remember the story associated with the festival and how Moses was a significant person in this story.

Please work your way through the the PP below. There are a couple of weblinks to follow to help the children fully understand the story behind Passover and what Jewish people do to celebrate this festival.

All about Passover


I have attached a very simple story version of Moses, the problem being is that the story is muddled up. Please sort the story boards and put them into the correct order. The story is differentiated so please select a level appropriate to your child. The answers are also on the pages.


Thursday Home Learning 25.2.21

MathsLO: To solve word problems

Today, we are going to be applying what we have learnt over the past couple of days and apply it to answering some worded problems. Some problems will involve use using multiplication and division to answer and other will need addition and subtraction.

I’ve created a small PP for people to follow and go through a couple of examples for how to visualise the problem in you head to work out which operation (+ – x /) is needed to answer.

Lesson 4 worded problems using reasoning

Please all start on Challenge 1 to get you warmed up. Challenge 2 is where we would like you to focus on. Look at the key vocabulary. What operation does the vocabulary suggest you need to do?


English– See Mrs Hilditch’s post.

Guided Reading – A fact file based on the popular children’s author David Walliams. I bet most children have at least one or two of his books! It’s differentiated so please select an appropriate level. There are no questions to this fact file but I thought it would be nice to read. Maybe an adult could ask you some questions and you have to find the answers in the text!



We are starting a new Science topic for this half term. It’s an exciting one because we will be looking at moving and growing in humans and animals. We will be particularly focusing on the skeleton and the muscles.

Below, I’ve attached the knowledge organiser for this unit of work. This is an information page containing a basic overview of the information and key vocabulary the children will be exposed to over the course of the unit. Please use it to refer back to when you have completed a lesson etc.

Science knowledge organiser – Animals including humans Year3

Before we start a new topic properly, we always ask the children if they already know anything about the topic already. We write down anything the children say, right or wrong. We always come back to it at the end of the unit and add to the original in another colour. That way it’s easier to see how much we have learnt over the topic. Below is our new one. I’ve asked a few questions to help steer you to the areas we will be looking at. Have a go at filling out as much as you can. Remember, if you don’t know much that doesn’t matter because we will have a chance to learn it together.

Pre-Assessment Animals Including humans

Prior Learning: Children will have learnt about healthy eating in their science learning in Year 2.

LO:To understand how living things get food and why nutrients are important.

Ask the children to discuss why living things need food. Reveal  the pictures on slide 3 and check if all the main reasons have been covered. Using the PP, explain that plants are able to make their own food. (We have talked about this in our unit of plants. The children should hopefully remember that plants make their own food called glucose in the leaves of a plant through a process called photosynthesis.) Ask them to consider what would happen to animals if they tried to obtain food in the same way as plants. Address any misconceptions. Do children understand the difference between how plants and animals obtain food?

Lesson Presentation Types of Nutrition
Food Groups: What kind of foods do humans need? Can your child label the sections from the Eatwell Guide. Reveal answers on the next slide. Using the Lesson Presentation, explain that the Eatwell Guide provides guidance on how people can make choices about what they eat. Can children name the different food groups?

Types of Nutrients: Using the PP, explain what each of the nutrients are, share examples of foods which provide a good source of each nutrient and what each provides for human beings. Explain too that within each food group, there are many foods which contain more than one type of nutrient.

Activity- Children only need to complete one of these. They are pitched at different levels so please pick one appropriate to your child.What Do Nutrients Do for Us Activity Sheet

  • *=Children draw lines to match the nutrients with what they do.
  • **=Children cut out and match the nutrient type and why we need it. They give another example of food for each category in the blank box.
  • ***=Children cut out and match the nutrient type with the reason why we need it and the type of food we would get it from. They also provide an additional example of a food which provides each nutrient in the blank box.

Nutrients for Animals: Using the Lesson Presentation, explain that different animals require different types of nutrients in different amounts. Whether an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore can give some clues about the types of nutrients that will feature highly in their diets but animals’ diets within each of these categories still vary significantly. Do children know that different nutrients and balances of nutrients are required by different animals?

For fun and consolidation on the learning watch this video and have a go at the quiz after. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zfmpb9q/articles/zxwvp4j


Wednesday 24.2.21 Maths Home Learning


We are continuing with revising our multiples by looking at the x8 today. We are using a very similar method to yesterday but this time we are dividing by 8 by halving, then halving again and then halving again! Follow the PP below as I talk through a couple of examples. Please start at an appropriate level for you. Good luck!

Lesson 3 dividing by 8


If struggling- If you are struggling then please look at this support sheet instead! Support to divide by 8

Tuesday 23.2.21 Math Home Learning


Today we are recalling our division facts of our x4 table but we are really focusing on dividing a number by 4 or through halving and then halving again. Below is a PP I have put together explaining how you can find a quarter of a number by halving and then halving again. If you child is confident with dividing by 4 then that’s great but they could always use this method with larger multiples of 4.

Lesson 2 Halving to help divide by 2


Monday 22.2.21 Math Home Learning


We are revising our multiplication facts for the x2, x4 and x8 table this week. Today’s lesson is a quick revision. It doesn’t need much explanation so have a go. When you try for Challenge 3, I suggest you write down the multiples of each times table and then look for numbers which fit into each criteria. We have done a few of these in maths before.

  • NOTE: The numbers in the orange bag which you can’t see are  48, 45 and 32.

If struggling– If your child is struggling they can always try this sheet instead. Lesson 1 Support

For a challenge– For something a little trickier, you could try this. Lesson 1 Extension

Friday 12.2.21 Home Learning


If you have the time, and you still want to complete this week’s arithmetic tasks I will still attach them below.

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x5         x10          x3          x4          x8           x6              x7       x9        x11

Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

y3-spring-06-transcriptFOR ADULTS

y3-spring-06-answer FOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s above.

Spelling Test- Please test your child on this weeks spelling. We will not be giving any spellings out over half term however, I will be adding the Year 3/4 spellings list below. These are spellings that children are expected to know by the end of Year 4. You will notice that some of these spellings have been given in your children’s weekly spellings.



Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


We have finished all of our RE for this term so to round off our Science topic I thought we could have a double Science lesson.

Activity 1– We want to round off our Science unit in a fun and practical way so we thought, why not give the children the chance to make a magentic game. Please read the PP  first so you know what to do. There are 3 options- Racing cars, Hook a Fish/Duck, Escaping Mazes or you can make up your own! You will need glue, scissors, paperclips, paper/card and a magnet at least to make one of these. Templates are below to help you if you want. Have a look at this website to give you an idea about escaping mazes.


Marvellous Magnets  – PP

Fish shape template


If you do make one, we would love to see it so send us in some pictures!

Activity 2- At the end of every unit, the children would normally complete an end of unit assessment to see how much they have learnt. Now, all the lessons planned this half term should have allowed the children the time to learn this key information. Have a go at the test and see how they do. Some of the questions might just require a little logical thinking rather than some fancy scientific answer. ANSWERS ARE AT THE BOTTOM.


Thursday 11.2.21 Home Learning


LO: To name and sort lines.

Key vocabulary 

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Perpendicular
  • Parallel


Children to work their way through the PP and descriptions on what the different types of lines are. PP Different Types of Lines

Activity- Children are to sort a collection of capital letters using a Venn Diagram. There are 3 levels of difficulty please pick a level appropriate for your child. The answers do follow.

Venn Diagram Letter Sort

If the children are unsure about how to use a Venn Diagram let them watch this PP and I will try my best to explain. How to use a Venn diagram to sort

Whole class reading- remember to tune in to our live reading session of our class book at 10:30- 10:50 am.

English– See Mrs hildtich’s Post on Monday

Guided Reading – Please see below a non-fiction reading comprehension all about elephants. Please serach through and pick an appropriate level for your child. (*Easiest, **Medium, ***Challenging)

All about elephants differentiated reading comprehension


LO: To investigate magnetic poles.

Children are going to investigate the different combinations of whether two bar magnets will attract or repel. Children must predict first whether they think the combination of the poles of both magnets will attract or repel first. Children are to annotate on their two magnets and combinations. Chn to draw arrows to show whether the magnets attract or repel. I will add videos below for the answers!

Remember in a Bar Magnet – Red Pole = North       Blue Pole= South

PP Magnetic Poles

Activity Sheet Magnetic Poles

Answers– Are your predictions correct. Watch the videos to see! (*Disclaimer, apologies for shoddy camera work, it’s quite hard to hold a camera whilst using two magnets!)

South and South Pole

North and North Poles

Opposite Poles Answer

Children to complete a cloze text inserting the correct vocabulary into the missing gaps. Discuss with the children that a magnetic force can act at a distance compared to other forces which need contact. magnet explanation

Extention– Here are some examples of a Science based question based on what the children have learnt today. Can the children use their understanding of magnets to answer it? Testbase magnet questions

Extra extension! If you have a bar magnet then you can always be practical and try and make your own compass. See the instructions attached.  Make a Magnetic Compass

Wednesday 10.2.21 Math Home Learning.


LO: To sort regular and irregular shapes.

We are going to introduce the term ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ to the children. A regular polygon (a 2D shape made up of straight sides) is a shape where all sides and angles are equal. The general idea is if the shape is how it is ‘supposed’ to look then it is regular. If the sides of the Polygon are not the same size or the shape looks distorted, then it is irregular.

Follow the PP for an idea on how to spot a regular or irregular shape and how to use a carroll diagram to sort.

Sorting Regular an Irregular 2D shapes

Easier activity – Children need to sort all the irregular polygons into the type of shape that they are e.g. an irregular pentagon, hexagon etc.

Irregular sorting 2d shapes

Slightly more challenging– children need to sort both regular and irregular polygons using a Carroll Diagram. Please look at the heading first to work out if your shapes follows both criteria. Look at the PP for a an idea on how to sort using a Carroll Diagram. Apologies that the quality isn’t brilliant, I took it from a website.

Sorting irregular and regular Carroll Diagram

The website below is great for getting the children to practise sorting using a Carroll diagram. When you load up the website, I would take a look at level 3 is particular.
