Quick reminder for Friday

Just a quick reminder, that on Friday our class has been allowed the opportunity to have a free tennis lesson from Shrewsbury Tennis Club. Because of this, could all of Room 2 please come to school in their PE kits please.

Thank you,

Mrs Davies

Introducing the newest member of Room 2.

Introducing the newest member of Room 2 Tony, or as we call him Bony Tony! He has been visiting Room 2 for the last couple of weeks to help us with our Science. As you can see, he was very kind and allowed us to cover him in post it notes from his Cranium down to his Metatarsals. He won’t be around for very much longer but we just thought we would show everyone at home. Because of him, we might have a few more Doctors and Nurses in the making!

Friday Home Learning 5.3.21

It’s Friday, which mean one thing. Time to test the old brain cells with our maths skills.


Time to warm up those brains. Practise your times table by playing Hit the Button. Can the children make sure that if they are on the x3, x4,x8 , x6,  x7, x9 or x11 that they also practise the division side too.

Hit the Button

They could always access their Times Table Rock Star Accounts to practise too.

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x5        x10          x3          x4            x8            x6            x7            x9          x11        x12

Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

Year 3 Spring 8 FOR ADULTS

Spring Test 8 FOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post .

Spellings- Please test your children on this weeks spellings.

New spellings- Below are a new set of spellings to learn over the next week.

Group 1/ Group 2 – Group 1 and 2 Week 3

Group 3 – Group 3 Week 3


Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


We are continuing with out topic of Judaism but this time we are specifically focusing of a Jewish holiday known as Passover. If you didn’t finish/do last weeks work on the Passover, then please look back at last week’s post.

If you did, I’m setting a very simple reading comprehension based on the Passover. This is because the next lesson is more of a discussion based activity and I may as well wait for all of you guys to be back in class to do it.

Passover reading comp



Thursday Maths 4.3.21 Home Learning


We are looking at ordering fractions using a numberline today. It’s really important to look at the number lines carefully before you try and write the answers down. What is the end number? What fractions have you been given to help find the answer? Remember that 1 means 1 whole and that there are a lot of ‘mini’ numbers which come before the number 1. Rememebr that when the numerator and denominator are the same, that means 1 e.g 3/3, 4/4, 8/8.

Please follow the PP below to give you a little understanding to today’s lesson.

Lesson 4 fractions on a numberline

Spellings- Please practise this weeks spellings and see if you can try and use them in sentences.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post.

Guided Reading- I know we have quite a few animal lovers in our class so I thought this reading comprehension would be appropriate. It’s based on a vet called Noel Fitzpatrick who has done some incredible life saving operations on animals. Please pick an appropriate level. Noel Fitzpatrick Differentiated


LO: To identify the five vertebrate groups.

PP-  Vertebrates FARM B

Today we are looking animals which have a backbone (known as Vertebrates.) We have got a couple of animal skeletons on the PP where the kids need to find the back bone and then by looking at the skeleton, can they guess what the animal was?

A very simple way to remember all the animals which have a backbone (because there are some that don’t!) is the acronymn FARM B– Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals and Fish. I would like the children to create a poster about these 5 groups and what are the other features these animals have e.g. lays eggs or have live babies etc? Please look at the PP to help you. You can create it however you want but it would be lovely to have some so I can stick them on the Science wall when we all get back together again.

Wednesday Maths 3.3.21 Home Learning


Ordering fractions. A fairly simple lesson on ordering fractions. Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 require you to order the fractions by making sure you pay particular attention to the numerator (the top number of the fraction). Challenge 3 looks at what to do when the denominator changes. Look through the PP to give you the best understanding.

Lesson 3 Ordering and comparing fractions