Home learning 4.10.21


Every Friday, the children will undertake a Year 6 arithmetic paper. This will allow us to keep an eye on how the children are doing and then tweak our planning for the following week based on which areas of maths need a little work.

Obviously we are aware that there will be some questions which the children cannot do yet because we might not have covered it yet but the papers will allow the children to be exposed to what these papers might look like.

Please give the children 15/20 minutes. If you can, please go through the questions with the children after to help them to understand.

Year 6 Arithmetic-Paper-1a

If you think this might be a little too hard, please try the Year 5 test. It’s all good practice.



On Monday, the children will be completing an independent written task. It will be based on the English unit they have just completed so hopefully, all the language, features and punctuation they need to include will be fresh in their minds. We have looked at ‘How to survive a zombie outbreak,’ ‘how to survive being stranded on a desert island’ and finally ‘how to survive attending Pontesbury Primary School.’ The children’s independent write will be about how to go to Arthog and survive! We will be sending their writing through to the current Year 5’s once finished.

Below is the planning sheet the children will use to help structure their thoughts and ideas. Please can the children fill it in and bring it in so they can use it for their written piece. We have sectioned off the planning sheet into an area to follow the structure they have practised before.

How to survive Arthog-plan

Please look back at their writing about how to survive PPS or the desert island piece to give you ideas about how you can adapt these ideas to ones about Arthog.

Things to think about:

  • What would be useful for the Year 5 children to know to help them survive the week?
  • What would they need to bring?
  • What are the first things you should do when you arrive?


Reading- Please read a book of your choice (min 20/30 minutes). It is so important to keep this ticking over to expose you to lots of vocabulary choices . You never know, you might use something that you have read in your own writing!


We are carrying on with looking at Moses and how he seems a pivotal character in promoting the Christian idea that God can bring freedom and justice. I have put together a little PP to go over the lesson. I have put a weblink on the first page. Although aimed for younger children, it is a great story/ clip designed to get you up to speed with the story of Moses and how is is considered important in both Christian and Jewish faith.

life as a slave

Today, we are considering and thinking carefully about what life would have been like for at Hebrew slave in Egypt. All I want you to do is consider appropriate vocabulary you could use (perhaps use a thesaurus?) Then I would like you to draw to pictures of two key moments in Moses’s life up until then and write a sentence underneath explaining it, use the extracts from the bible to help you.

Events in Moses life bible extracts



Home Learning 1.10.21


Today we have been making more nets of 3d shapes but this time we have been looking at making the nets of 3D shapes which have triangular faces.  We have had a go at drawing our own; you need to be very accurate with this otherwise the net won’t work.  Have a look at the sheet below and see if you can make a net of your own.  You will need a pencil, ruler, some dotty paper, scissors and some glue.  There three levels of challenge – choose which activity you can manage.

nets 3

nets 4




Today we have used the model text – How to survive on a desert island – to continue to write our own instructions for ‘How to survive at Pontesbury Primary School’.

We looked at the method part today and discussed how we could adapt it to moving to a new school.  We asked the questions “What key things would a child need to do in order to start and survive at Pontesbury?” and it got us thinking about different questions we could answer in or method such as:

  • How would we learn where things are?
  • How would we make friends?
  • Why do we need to be nice to Mrs Thomas?
  • Why would getting to know Mrs Giles be useful to help you settle in?

These questions helped us to structure a method in a sequenced order (remember your numbered steps!)

Please refer back to ‘How to survive on a desert island’ to see if you can change/adapt to your version.

I will attach the working document/ class collaboration that we used today to give you a starting point.  I apologise for the highlighting but we discussed key parts in class such as punctuation and grammar (hence the green) and the orange highlighting is to prove that we can included some 5/6 spelling words!

When you have read them – think about how you could write your own version just like ours about starting Pontesbury Primary School.  Before we started writing, we looked at the Year 5 and 6 spelling list and picked out 5 or 6 words we thought we could use in this text.  Just jot them on a scrap piece of paper and keep them close by when you are writing and see if you can use them and spell them correctly!



It’s so important for the children to keep reading at home. These comprehensions are designed to not only allow the children to learn new information about a particular topic but also to expose them to a wider range of vocabulary. If there are words your are unsure about, please ask an adult at home to help you or to discuss the words used and why.

Lady Mary Montagu Stage 6 Comp – Comprehension Pack


We are looking at refraction this week! There isn’t alot of written work to do in this lesson but a couple of fun experiments you can try to show refraction. There is a web link on one of the slides so please use it to help further explain. Have a read through the PP and see what you think!

Refraction lesson





Home learning 24.9.21

I’m afraid it’s back to home learning for some of you but please complete only if you are feeling up to it.

Maths– After reviewing the SATS papers in school, we have completed a revision session on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

Key notes to remember:

  • When multiplying, we are making the number bigger so move the digits to the left.
  • When dividing, move the digits the right to make them smaller.
 X or ÷ by 10 Move 1 place
X or ÷ by 100 Move 2 places
X or ÷ by 1000 Move 3 places

Below, I have attached a place value mat which you may find helpful to write your numbers on and then move using the mat.

place value mat


These are typical questions taken from previous SAT papers. As you can see, these types of questions come up a lot! Please pick a level you feel comfortable but challenged on.  You don’t need to answer all the questions but at least a column would be good.

multiplying and dividing by 10 100 1000


We have just started our new unit of work, instructional texts. Now, this might not sound the most exciting but we have found a brillinat example about how to survive a zombie attack (hint: you will need a cricket bat!) Whenever we first start a new unit,  we always look at the features these texts have e.g. a title, imperative (bossy) verbs etc.

Please find the example below and the typical features found in such a text. Please read through the text and then see if you can spot the key features. Perhaps, you could even create a key as proof that you have found them? 


We love a bit of reading in Room 8 so we have combined it with learning all about The Great Stink of 1858. Have a read through and see if you can answer the questions. Please make sure you ask an adult if there is any vocabulary that you are unsure about. I’m sure they will try their best to help explain it. Also, don’t go peeking, but the answers (for the adults to look at) are on the final page.

The Great Stink Stage 6 Comp – Comprehension Pack


We have been looking at how light is reflected. Please use this webpage for a little general information about how this happens and which surfaces reflect light the best:


Now, in order to best model this, you could always try and get your hand on a torch and a couple of pairs of mirrors and have a play, seeing if you can reflect the light around using the mirrors. But how can people see over walls or when their direct eyeline is blocked? Well…introducing the periscope!

Now hopefully, you will have access to a cereal box, scissors, glue and at least two mirrors. Follow these instructions and see if you can create your own periscope. Can you see an object behind a wall? Try it and see!

Activity Sheet Making a Periscope and how does it work differentiated

Periscope Template


Help for Year 6 please!

Hello there!

A little help needed for Year 6 please. This week in Science, we are looking at how light is reflected and ideally we would love to make some periscopes to help with the understanding of how we can see around corners or over walls etc.

So, if possible, could your child bring in a standard size cereal box please. If you have any spares could they come into school too, to help with any shortages. We will be doing this activity on Thursday.

Thank you.


Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies.

Welcome back Year 6.

Hi everyone,

We hope you have had a lovely summer break and are ready and raring to go for Year 6. I know that both myself and Mrs Hilditch are!

A quick reminder that your PE sessions will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please come dressed in your PE kits on these days and if you have long hair please make sure you have it tied back. For the Tuesday session, it will be indoors with Mrs Hilditch. You are likely to get hot so please do not wear thick tracksuit bottoms.

Also, please don’t bring any pencil cases as all your stationary will be provided and no large backpacks are needed. If you are attending an after school club, you can bring your kit in a bag and you will get changed at the end of the day.

Please ensure that you have also notified us or the office if you would like your child to walk home by themselves.

Thank you and we will see you tomorrow.


Mrs Davies and Mrs Hilditch.

Some fantastic writing examples from Room 2.

Over the course of last week and some of this week, Room 2 have been writing their own version of a Greek Myth. I just wanted to pop on here and write up a couple for people to see. Obviously, I can’t write up all 33 of you but these three really stood out for carefully condsidering their word choices to create an impressive piece about their mythical creature.


The fearless Phrentaur was a deadly was a deadly monstrosity. He had a muscular, ferocious body of a centaur, a powerful dragon tail and phoenix wings. At the end of his back, there was a vast, scaly tail with a triangular point at the end which was as sharp as a shard of glass. Placed in his hands, there was a wooden cross-bar with poison spread all over it. Ginormous, jet black wings sit on his back which could flatten you with one movement. But one feather was special. The flame feather. It burns anyone who touches it instantly.

Helena had heard of the myth and hope it wasn’t true but here she was, ready, as she strode off into the forest.


The destructive Fagoosa was a vicious beast. He had the powerful, muscly tentacle of the Cracken, the body of a phoenix and the scales of a snake. On his back, were two vast wings which pounded the air as it attacks you. On its head there are many snakes, writhing and snipping, shooting acid like a gun. But seven feathers were special. The 7 feathers which could tame it.

Hermione had heard the tales of the Fagoosa but hoped they weren’t true but here she was getting ready to go to the Crimson Beach.


The almighty Kludemonster was a monstrosity. He had a terrifying, powerful head of a tiger and the body of a human. On his giant like hands, he has obsidian coloured claws as sharp as a razor blade that could cut down a wooden house with a single swipe. Inside its horrifying, foul mouth, it has a poisonous, black tongue next to teeth like broken pieces of flint. The tongue can constrict around its victims and grow to 12 feet long. But one claw was extremely special. The diamond claw. It was enchanted and one touch of it would cause instant death.