A super example!

We have started writing our biography on Mary Anning today and today we wrote the introduction. We needed to include a question to make the reader think and our 5W’s. Who, What, When, Where and Why.

Henry Bond’s super example:

Have you ever wondered if there was life before humans? Well, Mary Anning did exactly that in the 1800’s from her home town of Lyme Regis, Dorset. A well known area for Jurassic fossils, Mary became a very good palaeontologist, proving to people that life existed on earth before homo sapiens. 


Home learning Room 2

Below is our first Quiz of the Week. These quizzes are a great way to open up a discussion with your children about what they have learnt this week and would also be a useful way to help everybody recall key knowledge.

9.10.20 – Quiz of the week


We have been learning our x3 table and remember that we use ‘lots of’ to help us remember. Below are a few x3 target boards. You must multiply the numbers on the inside by 3. Be careful, if the answer has already been given, you must do the inverse and divide.

x3 target boards


We are continuing our research of Mary Anning. Here are a couple of more questions you can find out the answers to. They will help with our biography writing.

  1. Can you name her three biggest fossil finds? What dates did she find them on?
  2. Why was the church uncomfortable with Mary’s fossil finds. What idea did they challenge?
  3. Why did Mary become frustrated with the ‘Men of Science’?



We are planning an investigation into the permeability of soil after the recent Shropshire floods. We have learnt that there are 6 different types of soil: Loam, Silt, Peaty, Chalky, Clay, Sandy. Which soil do you think would be the most permeable and allow water to drain through or the least permeable?

Follow these instructions to create your own investigation.

Activity Sheet Soil Permeability






Times Table Rock Stars is ready!

Good news Room 2!

Mrs Davies has finally got her login details sorted and has got TTRS up and running for you!

I have set you all times tables, which are individual to you, so you can now practise at home with confidence and become a Rock Legend.

Use your login details which are found in the front of your Reading Record Book.

Good Luck


Home learning Room 2

For those of you at home, here is what we have been learning about in order for you to try at home.


We have been handling and learning all about the properties of 3D shapes. We have talked about their faces, edges (where the faces meet) and their vertices (where the edges come together- a fancy name for a ‘corner’ but ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone I said that!)

Here is one of the sheets we had a go at completing, see if you can try it at home.

3d shapes


We have been recently looking into the exciting life of Mary Anning, a paleontologist/fossil hunter!

Watch this 12 minute dramatisation about her life called ‘Mary Anning’ on BBC teach. Over the course of each day we have been writing a diary entry as if we were Mary about her first famous discovery.   We have looked at how Mary must have felt to find this curiosity and the patience she needed chip away at the slate to discover it. Below are the notes we have organise into order and broken down into paragraphs. Use them to help you structure your work. Have a go and see where your imagination takes you.

Mary Anning notes


We have made a compost bin because we have been looking at the different layers of soil and their importance. Follow these instructions and have a go!

Creating a Mini Compost Bin Instruction Sheet

Home learning Room 2


We have carried on with our re-telling of ‘The Stone Age Boy’. In particular, we have written about hunting for the reindeer and Om taking the little boy to the Stone Age people’s ‘special place’ which is a cave full of wonderful paintings. We talked about what the paintings could be of on the walls of the cave and how the cave might be described. What could you touch, smell or feel?



In maths, we have had a go at being able to number a number line correctly based on the scale of it. We have talked about how we must read the scale first. For example, if we know the scale is 0-100 we should know roughly where to place 50 and why and then 25 and even 75 etc. Where might 90 go and why? What about 51? etc We played a game involving two dice which are rolled and then you choose which way round the 2 digit number will be. The aim of the game if for you to label the number line with 3 numbers that follow on from one another before your partner blocks you with their numbers. If you get three consecutive numbers, you win! The class had a great go at this and Mrs Davies was beaten many time by some of the children in the class!


We have continued with learning our weekly spellings for our test tomorrow. Perhaps the children can practise them in a sentence so they know how to use the word properly?


We have played detectives today by studying different fossils of dinosaurs and working our which fossil matched which dinosaur before it died. The children looked for recognisable features like large plates on its back, three horns for a Triceratops, the shape of it’s head etc. We then looked at how fossils are made and ordered the stages.

Room 2 spellings

I thought I would post this week’s spellings just in case the children have forgotten them or there is always the folder in the class with spare ones in too. Mrs Hilditch and myself have decided to spilt the spellings into 3 groups. The children all know which group they are in. Please can the children practise these spellings at home as it is so important for their learning. The children need to return their spelling sheet on a Friday morning, ready for their test. Thank you.

G1 week 6

Group 2 week 6

Group 3 week 6

Room 2’s fantastic work!


Over the last few weeks, Room 2 have immersed themselves into all things Roman, in particular looking at the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the complete destruction of Pompeii, a nearby town. Based on a book called ‘Escape from Pompeii’, Room 2 have written some fantastic descriptions of when the volcano erupted. They wrote them and then used the schools’ new Chromebooks to publish them.

Please feel free to come and have a read of their hard work!

We’ve gone 3-D crazy!

Room 2 have gone 3-D crazy today as we have spent our maths looking into the properties of these shapes (such as faces, vertices and edges) and trying to build them using different materials.

We used a carousel of ideas to allow all the children a go at the different activities which included:

  • Using the chrome books to play games where we identified the different shapes.
  • Used actual 3-D shapes to count the properties accurately.
  • Using various materials to build different shapes such as prisms etc.

Check out some of our activities below.

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