Spelling tips for Room 2.

Below is a poster which I thought might be helpful for parents who want to help their children learn their spellings in a more fun way.

Have a look at these top tips and see what you think but the most important thing for your child to be able to do is to actually use their spellings in sentences.

Home learning Room 2


All week, we have been practising our take away skills by subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from a 3 digit number. Today, we have tried to use these skills to answer some worded problems.

Below are a couple of typical subtraction questions. You can use these numbers or slightly change them to a lower number you feel more confident with. If you are unsure, use a number line to jump back to help you.

subtraction word problems


We have been looking at starting sentences off differently using fronted adverbials. Fronted Adverbials are used to describe the verb in the sentence and usually describes where, when or where the action in the sentence is taking place.

For example.

On Tuesday morning, Joe walked to the shops. (When)

Nervously, I opened the door. (How/manner)

On the beach, Mary Anning found her first fossil. (Where)

Below are examples of fronted adverbials. See if you can create your own sentences using the adverbials given.

fronted adverbials



Home learning Room 2


We have been practising our times tables this morning before we completed our Premiership challenge. Times tables are so important to learn because they are used in many areas of maths and if we feel confident in them we can feel confident in other areas of maths such as fractions! In Year 3 in particular, we have learn our x3, x4 and x8.

Below are a couple of websites the children can use to help.

This one is easily accessible off google or can download it as an app.


For this one, the children have individual logins for them.



Friday is our day to use the Chromebooks. We use ilearn2 to help deliver the lessons. As part of this term’s topic we are create reflective landscapes.

Follow the weblink below and type in activity code 9090 to start your project.


Home learning Room 2


We have continued practising adding 1’s, 10’s and 100’s mentally. We all had a go at completing these two number chains by working out what we have added to the number  each time and writing it in the arrows. Have a go to see if you can complete it too.

number chains full


Today we read another poem called From the Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson. Some of us looked at repeating phrases such as ‘charging along’ and  ‘painted stations whistle by’ while the rest of the class read the poem over the top. We call this repeated rhythmic pattern Ostinato. Have a read and try it for yourself.

(Introduction: train wheel rhythm 1)

Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle,
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain;
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle by.
(Interlude: train wheel rhythms 1 and 2)


We have started our new science topic of Plants today and we have spent the afternoon looking at how plants: vegetables, trees and flowers all have very similar parts. Have a go at the sheet below to match up the correct part of the plant to their correct jobs.

parts of a plant

Help with spellings.

I hope we are all enjoying our first day of half term. Just to let you know, we have decided not to give spellings out over the half term, however, if you’re feeling keen, I am attaching two lists of spellings the children need to learn off the top of their heads because they are known tricky words. That means that they don’t follow simple phonetic sounds or patterns to help them spell them.

The first is from Year 1 and 2. Obviously, with everything that has happened over the course of 2020, the children have missed a large chunk of time in school learning these. We are trying to close the gap, and if you look closely you will see that some of these have appeared at the bottom of each spelling list your child has brought home this term but any help you can offer your child would be brilliant and so beneficial. Have a look at them and see how your children do. It might help flag up any that your could practise at home.

common exception words years 1 and 2

If you feel your child is confident on the above list, then please feel free to have a look at Years 3 and 4 tricky words. The children don’t need to learn all of these off by heart by the end of Year 3 but it wouldn’t hurt to make a start. Some of you may notice that after half term some of these words might start appearing in your children’s weekly spellings.

Year 3 and 4 common exception words

Thank you.

Science experiment

We have been investigating how permeable soil is today. We have tested three types of soil: Clay, loam and chalk. We have measured how much water filtered through in 2 minutes and recorded our results down. We discovered that Loam was the most permeable.