Advanced Warning for next week!

Next week for our English work we would like you to follow some more instructions and write your own.   We would really like you to do this with some baking.

Our cookery unit in school this term was baking flapjacks, so I will provide a recipe for that if you are able to get the ingredients for next week.  If you are unable to get the ingredients or wish to bake something else, that is fine, you will just have to adapt the instructions next week to whatever you have made.    It doesn’t have to be baking you may be able to make a sandwich for your lunch or pizzas for tea.  You will just need to do something that you can write instructions for to teach somebody else.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x

Here is the link for a simple recipe but feel free to use your own, I know some of you are super bakers!!!

Flapjack Recipe