Activity suggestions for wb 13.7.20

Hi, everyone. We’ve arrived at the last week of term after a very strange school year. I would like to thank you all for being so supportive and doing such an excellent job with home schooling. Even though I would much rather have taught you all in the classroom so I could see you every day, it has been lovely being able to see the work you have been doing at home and hearing from so many children and parents. You have all been amazing.

Here are some suggestions for activities for this last week. You may also want to access some of these during the school holidays. Please remember to also visit the Room 5 class page for further links to activities and interactives for different subject areas.


If you look on the ‘school news’ page, you will see a White Rose lesson for every day of this week apart from Friday. Start with clicking on the ‘videos’ link and watch the video for the required day. Then click on the day’s activity that you want.

Here are some revision mats to have a go at. Each one is differentiated so only print off the one you require. I would suggest that most children have a go at the page 5 one (page 6 is answers). If you reach an activity that you find tricky, have a go at practising this some more if you can.

Maths Mat 1 Maths Mat 2 Maths Mat 3 Maths Mat 4 Maths Mat 5 Maths Mat 6


This is a rather lovely booklet, courtesy of Twinkl, where you can practise writing, reading and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) skills: Year 1 Summer English Activity Booklet

I know lots of you enjoyed the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ work that we did using the BBC site. Here is the link if you want to watch the rest of the episodes: Jack and the Beanstalk episodes. This resource pack has activities and worksheets. Have a look through it first and only print the pages you want!

There is also a resource pack for the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ episodes on this website: LRRH resource pack 

Little Red Riding Hood episodes


You also may have enjoyed the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ music sessions that we did a few weeks back. We never got to the end of this! Here is the link to continue with the sessions. Work through the activities on each page after watching the song video: Little Red Riding Hood music sessions

There are also songs to learn for the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ series: Jack and the Beanstalk music sessions

On the same site, there are some stories from around the world to explore, accompanied with songs and activities: Traditional tales from around the world BBC

Science / craft

Revise what you know about each of the four seasons with these free games: seasons games

Enjoy having a go at different craft activities to celebrate summer! craft ideas summer season


Have fun producing some amazing patterns and designs with Toy Theater website


Try this free Bee-Bot game. If you pull down the menu where it says, ‘select your mat’, you can choose different mats including a town, a country road and the Old West! Don’t forget to say ‘left’ and ‘right’ as you choose the turns so you become confident with directions.


Make healthy fruit kebabs or fruit salads using your favourite fruits. Maybe you could help to prepare a whole picnic!

I hope to see as many of you as possible on Tuesday! Have an amazing last week. xx