A message from Mrs Hilditch

As you are aware, today is World Book Day, to celebrate we have decided to join in with World Book Day’s mission to share a million stories throughout this month.  Sharing a story is incredibly important, this could be done with parents, siblings, grandparents, friends – anyone who loves a good story time.

Today we will be sending home a letter and a reading record sheet.  Every time your child shares a story for ten minutes they need to tick off or colour in a step on their ladder.  Please keep the record and fill in for the next four weeks, you can then either return your record to school so we can add the story shares to our school total or keep it over the holidays to add even more story shares.

We will be keeping a record of all our story shares in school and entering our total each week onto the World Book Day website to be in with a chance of winning £1000 worth of books for school.

Happy World Book day and we hope you enjoy sharing some wonderful stories over the next four week (and beyond!)